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Genesis 1:27

So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female

created He them.

When we study the creation of man in the scripture above, we see the intention of God. Mark you, this was before forming man and handing over the garden to Him. Even so, from the word go, we see that God intended to have an expression of Himself on earth as male and female because He created man in His image and likeness. When we get to chapter two, we see God forming Adam from the dust of the earth, and handing over the garden to him to take care of it.

Reading further, we see that God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone. Therefore, He decided to form the woman from the rib of the man. What a wise and loving God!

Now, from here, we already see that the issue of gender identity was sorted out from the beginning, and this we learn from the creation story. Why would anyone be questioning themselves when their gender is concerned? It is only the devil that makes people question themselves. He plants doubt, and that is what he was trying to do to Jesus when he tempted Him by saying, 'if you are the son of God.....' Satan is the one that tries to plant the seed of


confusion and doubt in people, but in God, we have clarity. God only created two genders, and up to date, there are only two genders; He has never added a new gender and we know this because women continue to birth either female or male babies. Even when there happen to be disorders of sex development (DSDs), it is always about male and female aspects. Medical science can explain what happens to lead to DSDs and there are corrective surgeries that can be done to manage the conditions. All in all, it is always about males and females. We only have two ways to identify ourselves as per the word of God. We are either male and living as male or female and living as female.

One day, I was in a particular meeting, and the host spoke about the existence of seventy-two gender identities in the world. You can imagine the shock I felt, and I immediately went to check the internet and found the same information. How does this even happen? I still cannot wrap my head around it because it is a lie from the pits of hell that has found its way to humanity, and people have been seduced by those ideas of gender identities and have embraced them until it has become their reality. You know you can believe something so much until your entire being conforms to that thing. That is the power of the human mind. But looking at the mind of God, there are only two gender identities and we are all supposed to live our lives according to who we are, not according to the kind of ideas we are introduced to by the world or the thoughts introduced to us by the forces of darkness resulting to corrupt identities.

Here is another thing we learn from the creation of human beings; the order of natural romantic relationships by the standard of God. Now, God would have chosen to form the


woman from the dust of the ground, but He saw it fit to make her from the rib of Adam. Why was this necessary? If you know God, you know that He does not do anything for the sake of doing it. He is an intentional God and does not engage in guess works. So, it means that God had an intention for us to learn something. Now, there are so many explanations as to why the rib of Adam. But regardless of all the answers, I am inclined towards this reason as being one of the top reasons; so that we can know the intentions of God when it comes to romantic relationships and ultimately marriage. It is only a man and a woman who can form the connection that God requires for courting and marriage. There is no other way because only these two can become one unit in marriage; one body. There is also an emphasis on this point as stated by Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4-5

And he answered and said unto them, have ye not read, that he which made them at the

beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, for this cause shall a man leave father

and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

Here, God was giving us a blueprint of what should be. When He blessed them and told them to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth, He had already laid down the blueprint on how we were supposed to accomplish the command.

In everything God created, He put the seed of continuity in them so that every time all the necessary conditions are fulfilled, there will be a reproduction of the same kind. When it comes to human beings, we have the man carrying the life-giving seed that when it interacts with the egg of the woman, pregnancy occurs and according to the time of life, a baby will be birthed.

This system will always be the system of God for human continuity. The man and the woman


will always be in that equation and the results will always be either male or female. That is the reason why a man and a man coming together can never result in a baby, and neither will a woman and a woman. Regardless of how they choose to have children, the seed of the man and the egg of the woman must be present. This process is a constant reminder of what is natural and what God intended from the foundations of the world.

Back to the structure of our romantic relationships and ultimately marriage; the structure that God gave is made up of a man and woman as we already established. If God wanted it to be any other way, He would not have left us in the dark to guess our way through the discovery process. He would have let us know from the word go by creating a male and a male or a female and a female, or two males and a female, or two females and a male; you understand?

He would have done something to show us that there is no specific pattern of how we should be romantically involved with each other and marry each other. But everything was and still is definite as we read from the beginning. Nothing has changed about where God stands. Human beings are the ones that have decided to let the devil have a say in their sexual orientation, gender, and relations because He is a master of lies and corruption.

Right before the creation of Adam, there were already evil spirits. You see, at this point, Satan had already been cast out of heaven together with the angels that fell with him. They were functioning in the earthly realm but as spirits, and that is why the devil entered the serpent.

Satan was not walking in the garden of Eden in his physical form when he went to deceive Eve, and ultimately use her to get to Adam and cause him to disobey God. You see, the instruction not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was given to Adam. Satan knew that


if Adam falls, he would surrender his authority over the earth to him and become his subject, and that is what happened.

Now, from that fall, man became a sensual being because he became spiritually cut off from God. Since then, it has been easy for people to come under attack and manipulation by evil spirits. I am not saying that Christians do not get attacked, but it is different for those born again because we have authority given to us by Jesus Christ over all principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Furthermore, the devil cannot deceive us unless we choose to be deceived. The Holy Spirit in us is the Spirit of truth, and His counsel is always with us. On the other hand, they that are not born again already have something in them that permits Satan and his demons to control and inhabit them; the nature of sin. This nature permits all sorts of things into their life and makes them comfortable in it.

This reason is why anyone who does not subscribe to the way of God is comfortable in disobedience. The sinful nature in them cannot cause a conviction against sin. Rather, it will make them comfortable in it. The fallen man will live in sin and celebrate it.

This sinful nature is what gives Satan and his demons the advantage to introduce these corruptions into the human race and cause them to fall victim. There is no conviction in these corrupted people that what they do is wrong. Therefore, they proudly parade themselves with the labels the devil has placed on their lives and the behaviors he influences them to exhibit.

God has never been confused about His creation, human beings should not be confused or deceived. But this is only possible if the eyes of the people can be open to the truth, and they


consciously choose to go God's way. Here is where the gospel of the truth comes into play. It is what will take us back to God's prescribed order.