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When I think about the future, I feel sad about the generations that are yet to come up. You see, these spirits will not rest until they have corrupted as many people as they can. They do not leave any age group outside because they are after the young and the old in equal measure.

Those pushing the agenda of the devil to accommodate these perversions have been conditioning society over time; slowly and subtly. The results are what we see today. They have used the media as the main tool to introduce and sell certain ideas and behaviors to society. As people consume what they are selling whether by watching, reading, or listening, their minds get programmed to accept those ideas and buy into them as well.

As I write this book, I know you know that it is getting harder and harder to get a nice movie to watch that does not sell to you these corrupt ways of living. It is even more annoying that they find ways to make these lifestyles look attractive and acceptable. We have gotten to a place where our babies are not even safe. Cartoons are coming up selling the ideas of these perverted lifestyles to our babies so that as they grow up, they can look at it as a normal way of life. The devil, once upon a time waited for our children to get to adolescence before he corrupted them and introduced them to unnatural emotions, affections, and orientations. Now he is in a hurry to be ten steps ahead of human beings. How can anyone think that we are not


under attack when those that are pushing these agendas are coming after children? They have started recruiting even children. They are not leaving our schools behind because they are introducing educational materials that contain corrupting information, and introducing new ideas of families and relationships to our children. We are under attack people!

Currently, we have parents that refuse to address their unborn babies by their rightful genders.

They would rather call the unborn child ‘it’ than call it by its gender. The whole idea is to let the child grow and choose how they want to be identified. These parents are raising a ‘theyby’ or

‘theybies’. This whole idea is so absurd because one will leave the child open to any kind of perversion from the devil. It is the work of the parent to guide the child and to train up the child in the way they should go. When you leave them open to any ideas, they will be like a city without a fence or defense, and anything will come in, including demons. As these children grow up, they are like a walkover for spirits to seduce them right into perverse lifestyles and ideas with the permission of their parents. In other words, if we are not careful, in the next few years, we will not have family units that are godly, and neither will we have godly relationships that conform to the blueprint of God.

Think about society twenty years ago or even thirty years ago: the things that we are embracing now were being shunned and considered outright wrong. What happened over the years? Back then, society highly esteemed the right living and worked hard to keep the moral fabric intact and healthy. Any and every kind of perversion were not something that anyone would quickly tolerate, embrace, or announce at the top of their voices. We might look at those times and frown upon them as uncivilized and harsh, but maybe, they were what we needed to keep


society sane and upright for a little longer. What happened down the years for us to get to where we are now? The times like that of Noah!

Let me tell you what happened; ideas were sold to society, and it began buying. Demons found habitations in human bodies and pushed their agenda through human beings. Many others were seduced by evil spirits towards these thoughts and ideas and they gave themselves over to them. Slowly by slowly, the numbers increased, and what do we know about numbers?

There is safety in numbers; as someone once said. People became bolder and bolder in championing these behaviors and lifestyles as the numbers went up. Now, here is the trick that the devil played on us; he turned the whole agenda into a human rights agenda. You see, society was not well equipped how to handle the people that were involved in unnatural relationships, affections, and identities. He influenced people to have extreme reactions that were unthoughtful, and without love; the love of God which separates a person from sin, deals with the sin, and still loves and esteems the person.

Now, the reaction of the people that frowned upon unnatural affections and relationships caused a human rights issue. I agree that some of the ways that were used to deal with the people involved in these corrupt acts were inhuman and outrageous. Even so, society was caught up in Satan’s web of perversions, and confusion on what to do, and how to go about it.

Slowly, it turned into a mess and ultimately a human rights issue when it should have turned into spiritual warfare. The cruelty that came with the attempt to restore order, morality, and uprightness in society caused a group of people to become sympathetic and empathetic towards those affected consequently embracing the spirits behind these perversions.


As time went by, organizations and communities started coming up that embraced these people that defied what was normal and upright in society. They took them in, nurtured them, educated them, defended them, and supported them in any and every way. As the numbers kept increasing, society started embracing it all. All of a sudden, the problem fell right on our laps. Our children became part of the communities, our friends, our relatives, our colleagues, our employers, our employees, our schoolmates, our classmates, our project partners, our brothers, our sisters, and now, our parents. When the relationships become that close, human beings tend to begin to overlook, accept and embrace these lifestyles and choices made. Before long, society considered all these contradictory lifestyles, relationships, and identities as acceptable. The devil knew where to hit properly, to weaken the convictions of society and cause it to allow these perversions as rights.

As society started embracing these unnatural affections, relationships, and identities, the numbers went further up as many more people started coming out to identify themselves with these groupings. We are now at a place where it has become an in thing to be a member of that community. How did we get here my people? How? We got here by giving legal grounds for these spirits to run a rampage. We have accepted them into our homes and accommodated them comfortably. We have let them into our schools, workplaces, and now even into our churches. We think we are loving, kind, civilized, accommodative, tolerant, and educated but in reality, we are being aligned with the agenda of the devil; to completely separate us from God and evoke His anger against mankind.


We have looked at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and how God destroyed it because of the kind of corruption that was there. These men had soaked themselves in homosexuality and given themselves over to all manner of evil. They had defiled themselves exceedingly that God could not ignore the cry of those cities. He had to destroy it. The devil wants to take mankind to that very state again with the hope that he will successfully kindle the wrath and judgment of God against mankind now. He knows that the one that does evil and the one that supports evil have the same fate, so he is trying to get us to be on either side of the equation because the outcome is the same. Do you see how we are under attack? He will use immorality to target one group and use valuable values even our faith and love to target the other group.

Remember, he can disguise himself as an angel of light, and tell you to love and accept people the way they are because God loves them.

Thanks be unto God that we are in the era of grace and the grace for salvation has appeared unto all men. We are in a different dispensation where anyone that comes to their senses and accepts Jesus Christ becomes a new creation. All things go away and new things begin. The old man dies and a new man is brought to life by the incorruptible word of God. Now, every person has a chance to be saved except the ones that are of the seed of the devil because there are people who are of the devil. They will never accept Christ Jesus because their father is the devil and even the heavens know it.

Those possessed by demons can be saved because we have authority over demons as Christians. We can cast out those demons and free the person from that bondage. Those under the influence of these wicked spirits can also be set free by breaking the influence over them in


Jesus' Mighty Name. There is still hope and the devil has not won. Yes, a time of judgment will come. But as long as we are still in the time of grace, we will still save as many souls as we can.