Tales of a Poor Poge by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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Time’s pressing cadence has announced our separation, and each of us must now sip the nectar of aloneness separate from the other. In this lonely hour, we need not say: “Farewell”. Only that we are friends and our love will be a boundless sea of truth, ever moving between our souls.


We have shared between us the hymns and silences of our dreams and sought some joy in the lonely quest for the Self. Our words were as life’s own breath and the hours that we passed filled with the fragrance of orchids for when Truth is a bond, and two seek to be one in their inmost hearts, an altar is built upon which the Creator brings Its bounty to lonely souls crying out in their pain, their hunger and their need.


Time shall not paint the depth of our truth nor death decree an end to the union of our Spirits. Our Truth is a timeless sea and when our Divine Breath is bound no longer to the servitude of flesh, we shall meet again on the sands of the Infinite and cherish a remembrance of the time we sojourned in the robes of men.


We have tasted a holy fruit plucked from the tree of honesty and honor. And we knew in those threshing hours that stripped us of our masks that, as men, we may choose either to perish in the darkness of our shadow or be reborn in the spirit and fire of our love.