Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Lord of the Gates of Matter




The Winged Goat, image of all the ignorance, death, suffering and misery created by man, rules over two naked near human figures who are chained in bondage to the alter of materialism. In their blindness these two prisoners do not perceive that they alone are the creators of their servitude and that the chains of false knowledge around their necks may be easily removed through a true understanding of Nature. Confronting us is “The Devil”, the “Adversary”, who, rather than invoking terror and fear like any embodiment of the essence of evil should, appears rather forlorn and somewhat pathetic as it squats on the half cube that serves as its throne. In  this card  we confront a central tenet of the Tarot, the one that raises the greatest controversy of all in its images, namely that there is no actual devil, no archfiend, no malignant intelligence, and no independent essence of evil that wills horror, fear, pain and suffering. Is evil, as we experience it in society, solely of human origin as the Tarot suggests? Let us look at the deeper symbolism of “The Devil”. Upon a half cube set against a black background symbolizing the darkness of ignorance sits a bat-winged figure, spouting the horns of a goat. An ancient symbol of evil, the inverted pentagram, floats between the goat horns and represents a situation which the Spirit is completely imprisoned in matter. In his left hand he holds an inverted torch symbolizing the fiery energy of passion and desire pointing towards the material earth instead of towards the spiritual heights. His other hand is raised in an unholy benediction and inscribed with the symbol of black magic projecting the falsehood that sensation comprises the whole experience of reality and that life has no spiritual dimension or purpose. To his half cube pedestal are chained two near human figures who sprout “devil-like” horns and “animal like” tails. Around their necks hang chains suggesting a state of captivity or enslavement, but if you look closely at their circumstances the chains fit quite loosely and could be quite easily removed suggesting that their servitude is entirely voluntary in nature and they could, if they so willed, cast off their chains and become free. They are enslaved because they reject the knowledge of self and totally embrace the world of materiality and sensation. The Devil invokes an atmosphere of imprisonment in ignorance and servitude to malignant forces or ideas from which freedom must be attained


The sign of Capricorn represents the materializing impulse of the will; the fruits of material involvement; money, social status, power and pleasure. It is the most material of all the earth signs of the Zodiac and thus  its association  with  “The Devil” in the Tarot. 

The capricious mountain goat associated with this Sign also aptly symbolizes the bondage of materiality and the slavery to sensation that leads to a life determined by blind and uncaring natural forces. Without our Inner Light to guide us what was meant to serve us ultimately becomes our master.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

Your life is being consumed by an unchecked desire for money and material things and a single-minded pursuit of material success to the exclusion of all else. The love of money has created a life of material bondage and you have become enslaved by your possessions and a love of money. Freedom is still within your grasp if you act now and before it becomes too late to save yourself.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

You are focused on money, power and material pursuits. Selfishness, pride, hedonism and uncontrolled ambition have come to dominate your life. Unless you cast off the chains of materialism these evil tendencies will consume you from within. Look at your life as it really is and cast off the veil of self deception. What does it profit a person if they gain the whole world and lose their soul?


“The Path of the Renewing Intelligence”

As the Divine Light flows down the Tree of Life it unites with the Higher Human Self on The Path of the Renewing Intelligence and recreates itself as it enters into the final phase of its journey from the Divine Source to manifestation on this plane of being.