Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Great One of the Night of Time




Floating in the center of a clear blue sky is a partially nude woman, “The World Dancer” who dances within a green laurel wreath (symbolizing Nature) and is clothed in a purple scarf (symbol of her royal nature) that covers her pelvis, flaps behind her shoulders and trails behind her feet. In her hands she holds two white wands symbolizing that she is the wielder of the creative powers and potencies inherent in both the masculine and feminine aspects of being. At the four corners of the card stand the four figures of the Zodiac - the Bull, the Lion, the Eagle and the Man - representing the four fixed signs of the Zodiac – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – the  sustaining  energies that are the stabilizing poles of creation and reveal her role as the director of these energies. The ends of the green wreath in which she dances are joined at the top and bottom by two red ties in the form of lemniscates, the symbols of eternity, which we have encountered before in “The Magician” and “Strength” cards and suggest that by joining her in her dance we come to be a willing participant in the evolutionary dance between the temporal and the eternal aspects of being and take on responsible a role as a co-sustainer of life along with her. The World invokes an atmosphere of completion - of taking up our vision and willingly fulfilling it by playing our destined part in the eternal dance of life.


The planetary ruler of this card is Saturn, the symbol of time and the material universe. It is a crystallizing power invoking out of ourselves a sense of duty and responsibility and our spirituality and highest human qualities. In the cyclical progression of time that is the core of human experience, Saturn aids us in penetrating the veil between the material and the eternal and revealing to us that the union of Spirit, Soul and Mind within the World Dancer reflects the mystery of the One Eternal Self.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

You need to focus on your accomplishments in life. Put forth more effort and you will attain success in your undertakings. Your achievements will be recognized and your goals attained. Hard work will be rewarded and success can be yours if you have the courage to claim your rightful place in the larger scheme of things.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Success is not yet won. You fear change and lack vision. Feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment continue to plague you and you are not taking the steps necessary to accomplish your goals. Put  more  thought into some careful planning and quit succumbing to inertia or trying to find the easy way out. You need to take control of your destiny and strive to actually accomplish something real.


“The Path of the Administrative Intelligence”

The evolutionary path of the Administrative Intelligence yields both a new beginning in life and a spiritual existence that transcends and completes the natural life. Through encountering our Inner Light the path to the Divine Light of the Immortal Self is revealed.