Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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The Spirit of the Primal Fire

Elemental Fire



The Great Angel of Fire blows his trumpet calling out to those afloat on the sea of consciousness to rise up out of their coffins and be reborn as evolved and realized individuals through hearing the seven note voice of the Holy Fire. Awakening, they rise up to greet the Angelic Messenger who brings them this precious gift and open their arms in welcoming acceptance. Before we can attain any authentic understanding of this image, we must first firmly cast aside any association with the Christian theme of the resurrection of the body in The Last Judgment, as this is not the intent or meaning of this card. The “Judgement” is upon the individuals as to whether to hear and accept the word of the Divine Life Power as uttered by the Angel. This message or what the arisen individuals must come to understand is embodied in the angel’s appearance, in the trumpet’s flag and in the seven lines that emanate from the trumpet. Let us first turn to the Angel who sits upon a cloud sporting red wings and golden hair tinged with red. This messenger of the Divine Consciousness is also wearing a blue garment covering the upper body. The color scheme represents the blending of the three fundamental elements of the ancients - Fire, Air and Water portrayed by the red wings and accents in the hair (Fire - symbolizing Spirit and Jungian Intuition); the golden yellow hair (Air - symbolizing Mind and Jungian Thinking) and the blue robe (Water - symbolizing Soul and Jungian Feeling) and expressing the triune nature of the Divine Consciousness as it manifests itself to us. The Angel carries a trumpet to which is affixed a white banner upon which an equal armed red cross is painted. Seven lines emerge from the trumpet which symbolize the most important meaning of this card. These lines represent the seven fundamental powers most commonly expressed as the seven sacred planets of the ancients – The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn which taken together represent the principal of consciousness as  manifested in the human psyche. They are the inner lights of being which the personal consciousness must recognize, come to terms with and integrate into an inner psychological wholeness. The people in the image emerge from coffins floating on a broad sea with frozen summits rising in the distance. All of them are colored grey. The sea is born of the river of living waters that flows outward from the High Priestess. The coffins represent their imprisonment prior to hearing the utterance of the Life Breath whose revelation has freed them to become grey in nature – a being with the opposites reconciled within them and with the masculine and feminine aspects of their personalities integrated and acting in harmony. Judgement invokes an atmosphere of an inner awakening to the powers and potencies within oneself and utilizing this awareness to halt further slumber and awaken to a new life built on spiritual awareness.


As one   of   the   three   primary   elements of the ancients, Fire represents the creative and intuitive aspect of consciousness - the direct apprehension of truth springing forth from the inner depths of being awakening, illuminating and transforming life through its evolutionary power.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

A spiritual awakening is occurring in your life through which you will discover joy in accomplishment and renewed health and vitality. It is time to wrap up any unfinished business and to clear up any lingering misunderstandings. Rise up out of this bad situation and listen to your inner voice as it will help you make correct decisions from this moment onward.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

You are suffering from disillusionment and unhappiness. A sense of weakness pervades your life and you are refusing to make necessary decisions. Stagnation has set in. There is a sense of disillusionment and a fear of change. You must awaken from your spiritual slumber and strive to be stronger and more self reliant so that you can bring a halt to any further deterioration.


“The Path of the Perpetual Intelligence”

The Perpetual Intelligence rules the path where the earthly human is transformed into a higher species of being by embracing the scintillating radiance of the Inner Light and experiencing a personal vision of an awakened and liberated consciousness.