Tarot: Voice of the Inner Light by Richard Palmer - HTML preview

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“The Lord of Strength”

Moon in Sagittarius


Against a deep blue sky, an  injured man stands alone on a solid foundation and supports himself with a single wand as he stands alert and ready before a stand of eight flowering Wands that form a protective wall to his rear. He appears fatigued but his determined and wary eyes are fixed in the distance as though watching for the approach of another threat. Beyond the fence of Wands that protect his rear lies a pristine and peaceful landscape of lush green hills and an endless blue sky.


The potency and vigor of our emotions as symbolized by the Moon is fully expressed when cloaked in the fiery energy and strength of will that the Sagittarian energy brings. Emotional commitment coupled with a determined will creates a “do or die” attitude that brings the strength to stand unflinchingly against all onslaughts and succeed in preserving our foothold in life.


When Appearing Upright in a Reading

You are facing a threat to your present position. Strength, stamina and emotional commitment are needed for you to be able to stand firm and repel your adversaries. Formidable antagonists may confront you but you must have courage to meet their attack head on. Retreat is not an option. Be vigilant and strong and a decisive victory will be yours.

When Appearing Reversed in a Reading

Weakness of character will be your undoing. Adversity, ill health or calamity may lie ahead of you. What appears to be an apparently secure position may in fact crumble. Abandon any impractical or foolhardy schemes. You stand to lose all that you have gained. A lack of courage and commitment will result in you being overtaken by the forces that confront you.


“The Sphere of Foundation”

The sphere of Foundation is associated with the Moon, which symbolizes the Root Consciousness of Nature. Through an active relationship with this Consciousness we gain access to the inner spiritual energies necessary to overcome the obstacles and adversities that confront us and also support our striving to preserve our hard won gains and be able to continue our progress forward towards a higher level of evolutionary development.