Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten Easily Establishing Your Expert Status (And Riding It All The Way To The Top!)

So now that you are driving a good amount of traffic and have built a fair size list it’s time to consider your next steps. This marketing strategy is not only going to help you to drive even more traffic, it is also going to provide real value for your list. You are going to firmly establish your expert status!

In order to be a true success in this industry you need to be an expert in your field. If you’re not positioning yourself as an expert then there are many other people out there who are and who will happily scoop up your hard earned visitors!

Your visitors and your list members want to look up you as an expert. They want to be able to trust in the information that you are giving them and they want to know that they have a lot to learn from you. Equally importantly, they want to believe that you can lead them to success.

Developing your expert status is easier than it sounds. The one very important factor however is that you must commit to your own self-development. This is not something that you will be able to blag! Your visitors and list members want your top tips and advice. If you can’t supply them with this, they are not going to hang around on your list for very long! So you need to commit to learning everything you possibly can and make sure that you share it all with your list and visitors. You will be amazed by how much you can learn and how quickly!

Once again I do very much recommend you to read another of my free e-books – The MLM Success Handbook if you haven’t already. This book will guide you through developing your expert status in a lot more detail.

However, as an overview there are a couple of things you can do to begin to build your status quickly. Groups and forums are great options – not joining them, running them! There is nothing that will give you more credibility than your list or site visitors seeing that you have your own group. So work hard at first establishing your ability to give real value, build your contacts via Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, build your list through all of the techniques that we have discussed here and then set up your own group and invite them all to join. As you have already demonstrated the level of value you can give them, they will be happy to be join up.

You can set up a forum in all of the normal ways or alternatively you can set up your own group on facebook. Either way, make sure that you advertise this group to all of your new contacts and visitors and invite them to join. The fact that you run your own group is going to give you instant credibility in their eyes.

Once your group is up and running you really need to commit to it. This is not the place for sales pitches; this is the place for networking and giving value. Regularly remind your group members to visit your blog and learn more about you. If you do ever recommend products to your group make sure that they are ones that you know without doubt will add value. This way your group will be ready to snap up anything that you recommend to them in future. If you ever recommend a poor or even average quality product, your credibility will be ruined and along with it the loyal following that you have worked so hard to build.

Along with your group another really good way to establish your status as an expert is to begin to hold your own webinars. If you have never ran your own webinar before I can understand that this sounds like a daunting prospect, but it’s not nearly as scary as it sounds! The key thing with running an effective webinar is planning! Just make sure that you plan out your content thoroughly and you are ready to go!

As with all of these strategies - content is key. Think about delivering real value. The secret with webinars is not to hold anything back. I know that when you discover a good technique it is tempting to keep it to yourself. Don’t. The only way you are going to progress in this industry is to provide value to others. Keeping secrets and techniques to yourself is all well and good but it will not help you to build a loyal following. And it’s the loyal following that you need in order to sell your products or sign people up to work with you. So dig deep through your treasure chest of secrets, techniques and start sharing!

The best thing about a webinar is that you are sharing this information with a select few. Make sure that the people on your webinar know that you are sharing this information with a select few only. It will help them to feel important and valued and in turn will increase their trust in you. This is what is going to help you to build the loyalty that you need.

Great options for webinars are to tell people all about something that has worked for you. Take any technique or strategy that has really produced results and paint the picture to help people to see exactly how they can copy everything that you’ve done to produce their own results. I can guarantee to you that as soon as they start to see the results flowing in, they will be back to you, at lightning quick speed looking for more tips, ideas, advice and products that you have to sell. So don’t think you are losing anything by sharing this special technique or strategy of yours – you stand to gain far more than you could ever lose!

You can get some great software packages out there now that will support your webinars. Do your research thoroughly, chose the package that’s best for you and start to build your webinars in as a standard part of your routine. Weekly is ideal but to begin with even one webinar a month is a great start.

Encourage the people on your list to be interactive. Ask them for their ideas on useful content for a webinar and then go out and research it, making sure you find some amazing information for them. You can also make your webinars interactive and get your list to share their top tips with each other.

Additionally you can invite guest speakers to your webinar. Once again just ensure that they are going to add value. This shows your list the lengths that you go to in order to give them value whilst also giving your guest speaking a minute or two at the end of their content to recommend a product or their own site. You can even organise to be a guest speaker on one of their webinars in return and do the same thing, providing some value to their list and driving some traffic back to you at the same time.

Another really great option to increase your traffic through webinars is to open them up and allow your list to invite others. They can use this as a freebie or an incentive with their own list or on their social networking sites. This will be good for them and their credibility as well as giving you more listeners who are going to love your valuable content and come to your site in the hope of learning more!

And best of all, you can pull your webinars in to the section that we did earlier about setting your Article Marketing on fire. With every post you write which you then turn in to an article, a tutorial, a PDF, a report, a video and more, you could consider whether that could also be useful content for a webinar. If your answer is yes then don’t hang around. Start working on it straight away. Begin your planning, do some additional research, include a few of your key secrets or strategies and you are on your way to developing a winning webinar!