Ten Top Traffic Secrets to Explode Your Traffic! by Laura Milne - HTML preview

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The MLM Success Handbook

Hi, I’m Laura and I want to start by congratulating you for taking your first step in your journey toward true success!
Now, I know that even if you are brand new to internet marketing you’ve probably heard that phrase a load of times by now. Those of us who have been in this industry for a while have heard that phrase so many times it now makes us suspicious!

I know you will be asking yourself whether you have just signed up for yet another free product that is going to end up giving you a page of apparently ‘useful’ text before funnelling you straight in to a sales page which is aiming to leave you desperate to buy a product that you can’t afford and don’t need! If you are anything like I was in the early days, you will end up being sucked in to buying a whole load of these products, being bowled over by the persuasive sales techniques and the amazing claims that you can achieve magnificent riches overnight, only to be left severely disappointed!

I bought so many of these products, each time hoping that this time I had chosen the right one! This one was really going to work! And did it? Well, you can guess the answer to that was no! And as for all of the money back guarantees that these products are littered with – I never once asked for my money because I felt like such a fool for buying the thing in the first place. I shudder to think about all the money I wasted on that stuff!

So I can assure you, that is not what this is. You are not going to be directed to a sales page, told I am going to offer you thousands of dollars worth of products for an all time low fee of $49 or be encouraged to purchase a whole load of products that I am an affiliate of. Instead I am going to give you a whole load of detailed, useful information to help you to build those firm foundations that you need to ensure your journey to the life you’re dreaming of is a successful one!

So first let me tell you about the huge amount of content that we are going to cover in this eBook...


Chapter 1 – Releasing the Magnet Within!

· Understanding how and why 97% of Network Marketers fail! · Ensuring you are in the 3% that succeed!
· Waving goodbye to prospecting & cold calling (forever!) · Banishing old fashioned MLM techniques that just don’t work! · Understanding how to attract people to YOU magnetically! · Learning how to generate lead after lead after lead for free! · Learning what you need to do to have people hunt you down and ASK

to join your business!


Chapter 2 – Building ‘Brand You’

· What is ‘Brand You’ and how do you create it?
· What kind of online marketer do you want to be? · Living the dream! - Living what dream?
· Seeing your finishing line!
· The path from Newbie to Expert – your first steps to success!

Chapter 3 – Getting the Word Out!

· Blogging your way to the top!
· Monopolising on the social media boom!
· Turning your content in to multiple marketing streams! · Article marketing – where to start!
· Using the incredible power of video marketing! · The Youtube dos and don’ts – MUST READ!
· Further developing ‘Brand You!

Chapter 4 – Building Your Business (And Changing Your Life!)

· Value, value, value!
· Nurture your list – don’t sell to it!
· Remembering to share!
· To help yourself you have to help others!
· Why you should TURN DOWN people wanting to join your business! · The technicalities of building and developing your list
· Never forget ‘Brand you!’

Chapter 5 – Now That you’re An Expert...

· Developing the 3 C’s!
· Growing ‘Brand You’!
· Staying ahead of the competition!
· Expanding your marketing (and money making!) horizons! · Connecting with the right people!
· This is only the beginning!

And all of this for free!

So now you’re worried huh? You want to know what the catch is! In fact, you’re wondering whether you should even waste your time reading through page after page of this stuff! After all, if it’s free it can’t be worth much – right?

Wrong! Page after page of this eBook is packed full with all of the stuff that you just HAVE to know if you are ever going to be successful in this industry - all pulled together in one easy to follow guide!

So why am I giving this to you? If it’s not to take you to a squeeze page to buy something and it’s not to sell an affiliate product then what’s in it for me? Well, that’s a good question and one that I am not going to answer quite yet. In fact, I’m going to come back to this question at the end of the book and ask it again. If you can answer that question for yourself at that point then I can give myself a pat on the back for a job well done!

Now, just before we get started, I just want to quickly re-cover the point I made about not wanting to sell you anything or promoting affiliate products. I am throughout the course of this guide going to give you some recommendations on products that will genuinely help you on your way. I will provide links for any recommendations I make and I am an affiliate of some of the products I will be recommending. But I would like to make two points:
1. I only ever recommend products that I have bought, used, benefited

from and truly believe in. If I mention a product that I have not used myself I will be honest about this so you can make your own informed decision on whether to purchase it.

2. I never recommend a product only because I am an affiliate for that product, in fact the very opposite is true - I only ever become an affiliate for products that I would recommend!

The only other thing to note is that I will keep this book as up to date as possible to help to ensure that any links I do give you continue to work and take you to the right place. However, just in case you have somehow got your hands on an older copy of this guide or in case one of the links has changed very recently, I keep a list of all links on my website under the ‘Useful Links’ tab. If for any reason any link that you want to follow in this guide doesn’t work, follow the link directly from the website – www.lauramilne.com.

Ok, so that’s all of the formalities out of the way, now let’s make a start!