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Releasing the Magnet Within!

If you’ve ever heard of attraction marketing you’ll understanding exactly why this chapter is about releasing the magnet within. If not, then welcome to the new world of MLM marketing! Believe me, things have vastly improved!

I am forever having new team members tell me about technique after technique that they have been encouraged to use and how relieved they are to be able to wave goodbye to all of those old, dated and frankly ineffective ways of marketing! The 3 foot rule, talking to people at the gas station, laying on free pizza and beer to encourage people to come to your ‘party’ – (i.e. selling opportunity), flyer after flyer on car windows, giving your business card to anything that moves, hounding your family and friends (and their family and friends!)... I could go on and on!
It’s no wonder that more and more MLM marketers began to turn to the internet to market their business. And it wasn’t long before MLM companies were right behind them, setting up fancy looking websites and giving every distributor their very own page. In fact, many used this as a selling feature to attract new distributors – what could be better than being handed your very own page, selling all the benefits of both the product and the business opportunity that you were recommending without you having to lift a finger? I have no doubt that many distributors have signed up with companies, ready to sit back and let their very own page do all the work for them, supplying them with a forever increasing number of distributors, credit card in hand and ready to sign on the dotted line.

Well if one of these people was you, you will know only too well that this is not what you get from your company web page. In fact, generally you are likely to get very little, if anything from it. These pages just don’t work and I’m about to tell you why.

Now stay with me on this one while I tell you two golden rules that from here on in you must always follow.


Rule Number One:


Never, ever try to sell your products to anyone.


Rule Number Two:


Never, ever try to sell your business opportunity to anyone.

That’s right. Don’t try to sell your products and don’t try to sell your business opportunity. I can tell you that this is what 97% of MLM marketers do and this is why 97% of MLM marketers fail. Now, I accept that some of these people will be making a little money selling a few products. Some may have a few regular customers that buy from them month after month. And some may sign up the occasional distributor (who probably won’t hang around for very long!)

I might be being unfair calling these people failures. If they are earning themselves a little pocket money or a few quid to help pay a bill or two at the end of the month then all credit to them. They’re doing a good job. But if that’s what you are looking to do, then you are looking in the wrong place. Go back to your upline and their old methods and slave away day in and day out until you earn yourself the extra few pounds (or dollars, Euros or whatever other currency you may be in) you’re looking for!

However, if this is not what you’re after you’re in the right place. Let me get one thing straight, I got in to this business to change my life. Now I know that sounds like a cliché and I accept it is an overused phrase. But what you really need to understand is that although most people fail in this industry, those who do succeed can achieve amazing success! This industry really does have some very real rags to riches success stories and you really can be one of them! Stay with me and I am going to tell you how!

So let’s get back to the business of never trying to selling your products or business opportunity to anyone. Now this sounds insane right? And I can really understand why you might think that. After all, if you don’t try to sell your product and you don’t try to sell your business opportunity then how are you ever going to achieve success?

Well the answer is easy – all you need to sell is yourself. However actually doing this – not so easy! Not unless you know how. Luckily for you, I’m going to tell you how! But first let me tell you why you always sell yourself and never your product or your business.

In all honesty, there is more than one reason and all of them are important. The first is the age old saying of “People buy people first”. Now I’m sure you’ve heard that before right? And that couldn’t be anymore true than it is in this industry. After all, anyone who knows anything about MLM knows how important it is to have a good sponsor. People are understanding more and more these days that in order to achieve success you need a sponsor who can provide the expertise, the support and the leadership to guide you to success. I certainly wouldn’t sign up for a faceless opportunity where I had no idea who I would be working with or how they did business.

Secondly, people just do not like to be sold to. No-one out there enjoys being told what they want or they need! After all, no-one is in a position to be able to tell you what you want or need but you! So, what do we tend to do when someone tries to sell us something? We tend to close down, to put up barriers and to become defensive. And instead of agreeing with the person who is trying to sell us something, we instead spend our time focusing upon our objections and convincing ourselves and them of exactly why we don’t need their product! In fact this comes so naturally to most of us that sometimes we won’t even buy the products that we actually know we need or want!

And thirdly, with so many other sponsors out there, all desperate to sign up new distributors and all presenting the same company provided webpage, why would I choose you above anyone else. After all, you are all selling the same products, the same compensation package, the same company bonuses. How can you stand out from the competition and attract me to you. The only way you can do this is by offering me something different and as you can’t offer me a different product, a different compensation package or anything else that is different to any of your fellow distributors clamouring for my sign up, then what do you have left? The answer is that you have yourself! And that’s what is going to help to set you apart from every member of your competition. You need to launch a brand new brand. Welcome to ‘Brand You’!

‘Brand You’ is going to help you to stand out from the competition for all of the right reasons. From here on in, instead of selling your company, your products, your compensation package or anything else, the only thing that you are going to be selling is yourself! Couldn’t be easier huh? Well let me tell you, here is where the hard work starts. The great thing however, is that it’s going to be hugely enjoyable!
So, now you know that 97% of all network marketers fail because they are trying to sell the wrong thing. Better still, you understand that those who do achieve success do so because they understand that they need to sell themselves! So now you have a clear understanding of what you’ve been doing wrong and how you need put it right – just go out there and develop ‘Brand You!’

Ok, so I know you’re thinking, well that’s fine in principle but how on earth do I go about developing ‘Brand Me?’ ‘How am I going to sell myself?’ and ‘How will developing ‘Brand Me’ have people chasing me, desperate to work with me?’

Well, they are all good questions and am going to guide you through this in two stages. The first stage is the theory in which I will explain why ‘Brand You’ is going to put you in the highly envied position of having people falling over themselves to sign up and work with you. The second stage is the ‘how’ and that’s where the rest of this guide comes in. Through this book I am going to talk you through the actions that you need to take to develop your very own ‘Brand You’ and then how you are going to get it out there to make sure that as many people as possible see it. But first of all let’s touch upon a few things that you are absolutely not going to do from here on in...

· You are not going to chase prospects.
· You are not going to buy leads or make any cold calls. · You are not going to hound your family and friends to buy your

products or sign up as a distributor.
· You are not going to pitch your business to anyone. You are not
even going to answer questions about your business. · You are not going to use your company provided standard
· You are not going to use any of the old fashioned, out of date
networking techniques that your upline has been telling you to
From here on in, people come to you! ‘Fantastic’, I hear you cry! ‘But how?’ Well the most important question is not how (although we will cover that later in the guide) but why? Why are people going to come to you asking to work with you? Well they are going to come to you because you are going to give them everything they want and need. You are going to know what their problem is and you are going to offer them the solution. And most importantly of all, you are going to position yourself as an expert, not only with the skill and ability to coach, support and guide them to success, but also with the honesty and integrity for them trust in you and believe that you can and will guide them to success.

So how do you do this? Well that’s a question we have already answered – you do this through ‘Brand You’! You are going to go out there in to the market place and let everyone see exactly what you have got to offer. You are going to recognise the problems being faced by MLM marketers today and you are going to provide them with the solution that they need. You are going to build their trust in you then you are going to follow through on this trust by always acting with honesty and integrity. You are going to help distributor after distributor to achieve success and in turn you will achieve success! After all, this business is all about achieving success through others – you are never going to be successful alone!

So how is this going to have people coming to you asking to join your business? Well once you position yourself out there in the market place as an expert in your field people will want to be around you. Once you prove your knowledge, skill and ability, people will want to learn from you and once you lead people to success people will be desperate to work with you! You will act like a magnet to people desperate to emulate your success!

So it’s all sounding good so far. You know why most people fail and more importantly what you are going to do to succeed. You understand how important it is to sell yourself and you know that you are going to do this by creating ‘Brand You’. You understand that you need to position yourself as an expert in the market place and that ‘Brand You’ is going to bring you lead after lead after lead of people desperate to work with you. So that’s all well and good, but now you need to understand two very important things. Firstly – how do you create ‘Brand You’ and what do you need to consider in ensuring that ‘Brand You’ draws people to you, and secondly, how do you make sure that as many people as possible out there know about it?

We are going to cover both of these things throughout the rest of this guide but first of all you need to think about what your ‘Brand You’ needs to achieve...

· It needs to position you as an expert in your field.
· It needs to show your skill, knowledge and ability.
· It needs to help people to see your success and how to emulate it. · It needs to encourage people to trust you.

Now achieving this is no walk in the park. There is a lot for you to do before you can begin to get the word out and launch ‘Brand You’. And I understand that you may be worried that you’re not an expert. After all, the likelihood is that you are either very new to this game or else you are struggling in it!

Well, your first step, before you go on to read any more of this guide or take any action at all is to begin to change the way that you think. That little voice in your head, the one that probably puts you down all of the time, tells you that you’re not good enough, not capable enough and that the chances of you succeeding at this are about as slim as finding a needle in a haystack needs to be re-programmed! After all, we all tend to be our own worst critic! The problem that you have however is that this little voice has the power to unravel all of your hard work very quickly. This little voice has the ability to sub-consciously sabotage even your best efforts! In fact until you start to believe in yourself and talk to yourself with more respect, your chances of success are severely at risk. Now, I am no expert in psychology but I would recommend you do some research in to the many studies carried out about this. I am confident that it will leave you understanding that the phrase “If you think you can or you think you can’t... you’re probably right!” is very close to the truth!

So I’ll leave you to work on that, but what I would like you to commit to is whenever you can, stop that little voice in your head from rubbishing your efforts. In fact, every time you hear yourself giving yourself a hard time consider – would I ever speak to someone else like that? Especially someone whose self-belief and confidence you were trying to build. I guarantee your answer will be absolutely not! So catch it in its tracks, banish it from your mind and replace it with confidence inspiring words about just how capable you are and just how successful you are going to be! And from here on in, there are no ifs, only when! And as that when is down to you, your dream is in your own hands and you are closer to it than ever!

So don’t worry that you aren’t an expert yet! With your commitment to learning and self-development, and my commitment to support you on your way, we will have you achieving that expert status in no time! As long as you remember that you need to believe it before anyone else will!

So now with your renewed sense of direction and self-belief, let’s move on to chapter 2 and start on our journey to ‘Brand You’!

