Tha Amazing Power of Crystal Grids by Elmarie Swartz - HTML preview

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Types of Grids

The sky is the limit. There are so many kinds and forms and we going to explore some of them at this time as a general introduction. I normally suggest that you start working with very simple grids rather than the more elaborate, complicated and esoteric forms. I do not find the simple grids any less effective. Your experience may be different to mine.

All the crystal within the Earth can be thought of as being elements of a huge grid, the Earth grid. It is believed by some that placing crystals in the Earth, where they feel the grid is broken or disrupted, will restore the Earth’s grid. Others again believe that this creates disharmony in the Earth grid.

Stone structures at centers of spiritual energy such as Stonehenge and medicine wheels are also sometimes called stone grids.


Some grids are large structures placed on the ground which connects with the ley-lines of the Earth, which are the planetary equivalent of the meridian channels in people.

Some people call the layouts of crystals placed around and over the body, grids. You can create a grid to charge water (24 hours minimum). Use a dowsing rod to measure the increase in the energy field of the water it will be from one foot to 20 feet or more verifying the energy increase. Once the water is charged, if you drink the water, your energy field will expand and you can also use this charged water for plants and they will grow better.

Food, even in a container, can be charged. When you eat that food your energy field will expand.


You can grid your closet and your dresser to charge your clothes. When you wear the charged clothing, your personal energy field will expand.


Now that you can create these large energy fields, where would you put them?


In your bedroom, around your bed, or treatment table, pets beds, in your garden? Your only limitation is your imagination.