Tha Amazing Power of Crystal Grids by Elmarie Swartz - HTML preview

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How do Crystal Grids work?

Crystal energy grids offer a most puzzling phenomenon. A very large source of energy can be produced; apparently from nowhere therefore they are very effective in achieving the desired results due to this powerful energy and the programmability of the crystals to focus on specific goals. Crystals can retain and re-transmit our thoughts, similar to the magnetic storage on a computer. This energy can be locked into any area you want.

Crystal Grids deliver a powerful and continuous pulse of the energy with which they are programmed. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like”. The energy of pure thought is magnetic in nature therefore whatever thoughts you are constantly involved with or having will manifest.

In other words think failure and you will manifest failure, think success and you will manifest success.

When I say thoughts are magnetic, I do not mean magnetic as in iron magnets but rather a type of energy akin to gravity. This is why the Crystal grid is so powerful because thoughts can be retained by crystals, as I said above similar to magnetic storage for computers. Different "Laws" affect the consciousness of the grids - balance, attraction as well as immutable laws – and codes of energy once put into motion cannot be stopped and must play out to the end of the program. In the fourth dimension all form exists as thought.
Whenever you wish or desire to bring energy (things = energy = thoughts and thoughts become things) down from the fourth to the third dimension, you must create, activate, empower and anchor the thought form in the third dimension.

On a Crystal grid the crystals serve to anchor these thoughts in our universe and therefore attract from the fourth dimension the “like thought” energy which will become a “thing” in our universe and the grid provide the amplified energy. The crystals can create a gateway through which energy flows and that energy is the force which gives birth to all things.

Crystal grids can be used for a wide variety of purposes. They will cause energy changes in any object within the energy field of the grid. They can charge objects with life-force energy. They can be used to create powerful emotional changes in anyone who comes into the energy field. A grid can be used for a simple goal like enhancing your sleep quality to something more elaborate - like World Peace! The combinations are endless, depending only on your purpose for the grid. Whatever your intention; for instance self attunement, meditation, prayer, affirmations, re-charging space, communication with your higher self, planet earth & spirit the crystal grid is an effective way to use crystal energy, and very powerful when done with your clean and clear intention. Last, but not least the grid can be used for self healing, distance healing and healing others.