The 12 Secret Keys to a Fulfilled Life by Trevor Gollagher - HTML preview

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Key Practice

Observe your emotions to determine what energy you are feeding and

creating. If you become aware you are creating non-‐truth recognise the

truth of what you are doing: “Right now, I am experiencing a negative

emotion or experience. This tells me I am currently giving energy to, or

aligning to, a non-‐truth.” I am making real something that is divinely

untrue. This is the only way I can experience a negative.

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This truthful recognition and inner statement helps pul you into

alignment to Truth. In so doing, it turns me in the direction I want to go,

towards happiness. I can also support this with acknowledging that my life

is always unfolding perfectly and in accordance to Divine Plan. I cannot

get my life wrong; I can only perceive it as such. Just because I perceive

something to be wrong does not make it so.

Most non-‐truth comes from my past conditioning and my belief in what

happened at the time. I took on a belief about whom and what I am and

made it real. If it is negative it is a non-‐truthful belief I hold. Just because I

have these non-‐truthful beliefs and conditionings does not mean I have to

continue to believe and function from them. In every moment I can

choose to see, or at the very least search for, the Truth in the experience.

This alone wil have a positive impact on my old negative imprinting. It

defuses the generation of more non-‐truth, thereby breaking the

restrictive chains and burdening energy non-‐truthful vibration contains.

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Key Seven – The Truth about Reaction

Why do we tend to react to others?

What makes us become reactive?

First off, here I need to re-‐visit the Universal Law of Attraction.

Understanding how this works is a key to understanding why you have

the experiences that you have.

Key Point about the Law of Attraction

All experiences you have are a direct result of your internal vibration; you

are creating your life through what you vibrate. There are no exceptions

to this rule. You are driving the bus of your life and reality.

Contrary to popular belief, no one does anything to you; they are always

just the conduits that the universe uses to validate your internal vibration.

In a sense, it has absolutely nothing at all to do with the person

presenting to you the experiences. In terms of vibration, they are real y

just showing you … yourself.

I have a saying I often use: “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

The big mistake that is often made is we do not see the real reason why

we are reactive. We believe the person we are interacting with is the

culprit; we externalise blame or judgment. It is very easy to blame

someone else for the disharmony we see. However, to see Truth we must

recognise what we experience is always what we vibrate within ourselves.

The experiences we have are always a validation from the universe of

what is vibrating inside us. Because we do not wish to acknowledge it is

real y our own energy, we react outwardly to the person: “How dare you

make me see something I buried and don’t want to see?”

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Reaction always results from perceiving someone as either judging or

attacking us. Reaction often occurs because the person stirs up some

emotion or imprint we buried years ago that we hoped we would never

see again — out of sight, out of mind.

Important note:

All people are just the delivery vans the universe uses to bring to us a

clear picture of what we are within. The person has done you a massive

favour by coming into your life and bringing you clarity as to what you

hold within.

When we have a negative reaction, we are given in that moment an

opportunity to recognise we are holding onto some negativity that is

currently burdening our life. Al people give us clarity about what we are

creating in our lives. They let us know if we are burdening our life with

non-‐truth or supporting our lives with loving Truth.

When we understand why we react we empower our lives. Through

seeing Truth, we can better our experiences and learn to respond to life,

as opposed to react to life. Response always comes from Truth. We can

remain alert to any old reactive patterns popping up, and when we do

recognise them we can respond by seeing them as wonderful

opportunities to love and value ourselves more.

Response is always the positive approach to situations. Response steps us

towards the life we seek. Reaction on the other hand only serves to

burden our lives. Sometimes we are not even aware we are reacting until

it’s too late. Once the fire has been lit it becomes harder to positively


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Here’s something to think about:

If a delivery van pulled up in your driveway and the driver came to your

door and handed you a parcel would you get angry with him/her?

Obviously, you wouldn’t. Why would you get angry or reactive to

someone giving you a parcel or present? That would just be plain sil y.

Wel , every day of your life you have delivery vans pulling up in your

reality in the form of people and experiences. They are al giving you what

you have ordered from the universe — a gift of Truth. Your order comes

in the form of what they do and say, and then you react or respond to

them depending on your conditioning, patterns and beliefs.

Your internal vibration is what is being validated from people and

experiences. They are just the means/transport to bring an external

version of yourself to be validated. And if it is negative energy it gives you

an opportunity to love and value yourself more by positively responding

to what you see before you.

We should be thanking al the people that annoy us. They are truly gifts in

our lives, presenting to us great opportunities to love and value ourselves

even more. It is amazing how all souls support each other to move

towards Truth in this way.

I strongly recommend you get yourself a copy of my audio recording

about the cause of anger. This recording wil help you enormously to

understand why we have the experiences we have. Simply by listening to

this, you wil total y change the way you think and feel towards al people.

This recording is one of a series titled Essential Teachings. This particular

recording is titled The Cause of Anger.

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