The 12 Secret Keys to a Fulfilled Life by Trevor Gollagher - HTML preview

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Tonglen Meditation Practice

Start off with single-‐minded meditation to bring your focus onto singular

attention. Then visualise the person that you feel anger or resentment

towards. On your in-‐breath imagine and feel that you are taking from

them al that hurts and burdens them, drawing this then into your own

heart centre.

Important point:

As the energy of all this enters your heart centre, imagine and feel all of it

dissolving into pure love. You are not taking this energy on; you are

instantly dissolving it into love in your heart space.

Now, on your out-‐breath feel pure love flowing back to this person,

nurturing and nourishing their life. Your intention for doing this is a pure

intent to help that person’s life.

Keep repeating this breathing sequence for at least ten to twenty

minutes. By regular practice of this you wil let go of al of the negative

feelings and thoughts you have towards this person.

This wil not only benefit your life, but theirs as wel .

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Key Eight – Creating Energy Flow

Probably the most important ingredient in creating a happy and

contented life, ful of ease and love, is energy flow. When energy is

allowed to move freely in and through the human energy field and

internal energy system, hardship and burden naturally disperses.

One of the first areas to look at to create energy movement is

communication. Most people never fully say what’s on their minds. They

hold onto thoughts and feelings to keep the peace, or out of fear of being

judged as not good enough or second rate. When we don’t communicate

what we feel we stagnate our internal energy system, which starts to

have a negative impact on our life as a result. Uncommunicated thoughts

and feelings don’t magically dissolve and go away. They stay within,

causing al sorts of havoc and disharmony.

Never hold onto anything. Communicating what you think and feel is one

of the ways to value and love yourself more. It is out of love that we

achieve sustained happiness, which is what every person on Earth is

seeking. It is those little thoughts and feelings that we don’t get off our

chest that do the most negative, stagnating damage.

Never be concerned what people think about you and what you


The old saying, “What someone thinks of you is none of your business,”