The 12 Secret Keys to a Fulfilled Life by Trevor Gollagher - HTML preview

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“All positive experience is a direct result of aligning to Truth.”

A couple of key points to remember:

• Every time you have a negative feeling or emotion, recognise you

must be aligned to non-‐truth.

• Just recognising when you are aligned to non-‐truth brings you into

alignment to Truth in that moment. It’s that simple!

I also recommend you listen to my Essential Teachings recording on


Available as a digital download here:‐


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Available as a CD here:


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Key Five – Recognising Where You are in Each Moment

To experience the best possible incarnation you can requires total and

continual alignment to Truth. To align in this way requires that you do

your best to not function automatically from your old non-‐truthful

imprints, beliefs and perceptions; to be vigilant about when your old

patterns arise and activate; and in recognising Truth to change your

alignment and outplay of them.

Recognising where you are in each moment

Put simply, if you feel negative it is non-‐truth. If you feel agitated, angry,

sad, critical, judgemental, or any other emotion that is irritating, dark or

negative then right at that moment you are in alignment with non-‐truth.

When you align to non-‐truth you are increasing the likelihood of negative

burden in your life.

Why? Wel , the reason is simply because al of these emotional states

carry the energetic qualities of non-‐truth. The more you align to non-‐

truth, the more you give it strength in your life and make it appear more


When you are in alignment with spiritual Truth, you feel uplifted. This

happens because alignment pulls you into the flow of consciousness that

carries the qualities of Divine Love. Whenever you are in this flow, you

feel nourished, supported, secure, valuable and loved.

Recognising what is not working in your life

Recognising what is not working in your life leads you to recognise non-‐

truthful imprinting. When you are in alignment to Truth things always go

right for you and in a positive way.

When you feel things are not working, it means there are reactive

energies that are in alignment to non-‐truth at play, and they are

presenting as Truth.

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So, what’s happening?

Here are some possibilities:

You currently perceive from the level of non-‐truth and it is appearing

as real, and it is quite possible you are reacting instead of


You are aligning to the belief in non-‐perfection and that God’s plan is

flawed, and you are trying to fix it.

You are allowing your old imprinted perceptions and beliefs to create

non-‐truthful reactive energy.

You believe, and have made real, a judgement about yourself that

has been imposed upon you by either yourself or another person.

You are having an experience that you perceive as a personal attack

on your value and as a result you react.

A big help in defusing non-‐truth and its impact on you is simply to

recognise the truth of what is happening.

The recognition that you are currently aligning to or giving energy to

non-‐truth is in itself a Truth.

Acknowledging Truth weakens the impact of non-‐truth.

Being committed to recognising Truth in each presenting experience

merges you more and more with Truth. As a result, non-‐truth appears less

and less in your reality. By constantly creating truthful energy through

recognition you alter your internal vibration.

Changing your internal vibration into a more truthful frequency is LIFE


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A little on the Universal Law of Attraction:

The universe (God) loves you and always (in every instant) gives you

what you ask for.

Whatever energy resides within is your method of communicating to


Your experience in the external world is simply a validation of what

you are experiencing in your inner world.

Your life (what you see and experience in your day-‐to-‐day reality) is

always a validation of your internal energetic quality — you see and

experience what you are within.

Your internal energy is in a continual state of vibrational change.

It can only change to either more non-‐truth (negative fear-‐based

energy) or more Truth (love-‐based energy). Whichever way it

changes, it wil always be validated in external experience.

You are constantly creating energy inside yourself, mostly through what

you think and feel and your actions. This energy is continual y

communicating with the universe (God). Your internal energy is your

language and how you speak and communicate to the universe.

Universe/God continual y gives you exactly what you are asking for

through your energy creation. It does this without judgement because it

loves you. “Ask and you shall receive.”

Very important: What are you currently saying to the universe?

It is important that you remain conscious and aware of what energies you

are creating within. A great way to develop quicker recognition speed is

through the wonderful practice of Single Minded Meditation.

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Key Practice