The 12 Secret Keys to a Fulfilled Life by Trevor Gollagher - HTML preview

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Single Minded Meditation

This meditation is both a relaxation/inner peace practice and a tool to

develop specific skil s. It:

Increases recognition speed: Increases the ability to recognise more

quickly where your attention lies — on Truth or non-‐truth. If you

recognise you are giving energy to non-‐truth, you can make change

to defuse the negative creation of non-‐truth.

Develops detached observation: Enables you to observe experience

without giving it energy. This is very beneficial when you recognise

you are in a position of non-‐truth. At no time do you want to give

energy to non-‐truth as this wil only lead to burden.

Improves the quality of your focus: Better focus means better

outcomes in all areas of your life. By improving your focus, you

improve the power of creating what you want in life — more Truth.

Single Minded Meditation Practice: Find yourself a comfortable spot to

sit. You can sit in a chair or cross-‐legged on the floor in a meditation

position, keeping your back straight. Begin by bringing your focus onto

your breath. Breathe in and out through your nose. Observe your breath

going in and going out.

Keep your focus on the entrance of your nostrils. Feel the air passing

through the entrance of your nostrils as you breathe in, and out of the

entrance of your nostrils as you breathe out. Every time you are aware of

your mind wandering off onto some other thought, recognise the

distraction without judgment, and gently bring your focus back to your


Check out my video of this technique at my YouTube channel. Follow this

link: or, alternatively, visit my

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website www.trevorgol and scrol to the bottom of any page

to view the video.

Once you become skil ed in Single Minded Meditation you can apply it in

your day-‐to-‐day life and start to develop detached observation of al

experience. This creates energy movement within and is one of the best

things you can do to support a positive, loving energy and life.

Key point:

Every time you align to Truth, you step towards what you seek in your

life and you step away from what you don’t want.

Stay alert to where your energy lies. Observe your emotional state, which

is a key indicator of what you are currently creating.

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Key Six – Acknowledging Truth Dissolves Non-‐Truth

When you recognise non-‐truth in your life, it is a time to be joyful. In that

moment you receive the gift of an opportunity to make a conscious

decision to bring about positive change in your life. You have a choice to

seek the Truth in the presenting experience, thereby improving your life.

Without seeing and acknowledging non-‐truth, you do not get this

opportunity. In a funny little way, negative non-‐truthful experiences are

positive. From seeing non-‐truth, you are faced with a choice or decision to

remain either in non-‐truth and burden your life or to love yourself by

making truthful positive change.

Just recognising when you are aligned to non-‐truth brings you into