The Agreement by Alexandre Rodrigues - HTML preview

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We all have secrets. Some simple and others who terrorize us for life. I have mine. And I can only share with certain people.

My name is ARTHMES and my story is very old. I remember when Lucifer called us and said we could have a soul, free will and deciding about good and evil. That were more than human beings. But to have these rights, we should conquer them and not ask because they had grace, but we were denied.

So we launched and the Battle of Heaven began. It is. I'm an angel Lucifer and supported.

When it was over, we were defeated. We had many casualties, but Michael the Archangel, who was on the other side also had. I saw good friends disappear and I wondered if everything had been worth it. But it was late, we had been defeated. We cut the sky like shooting stars and were precipitated on Earth. Another plane, another realm.

At first we thought that "HE" was mistaken, sending us to the earth, but no, we continued soulless and mortals never accept. So for revenge and we try to influence human beings. We were better because we could decide now. We become experts in greed, selfishness, pride, anger, fear, hate and everything that is considered negative for humanity.

Strangely many mortals have dealings with us. Most often, to achieve objects materials.

They gave us names and frightening aspects, mainly Westerners. We laughed that while the number of followers increased everyday. I met the various world religions and so called great men. But even liked was the small men, always in prominent places for the people, but, at heart, selfish ambitious, interested in power at any price.

Once one of these great men caught my attention, which was not normal. I started to follow him after forty days in the wilderness, heard their Beatitudes and saw her smile several times until the day he was crucified.

The other demons said that despite this messenger, Being Human would not change because I was afraid of becoming like him and share the same fate. They preferred to remain in place for protected children, forgetting that all one day become parents and who will make decisions that will affect the fate of this entire planet.

From there I and the "others" had times of great vintages, surely the Holy Inquisition was named the best to increase our ranks. But wait!

Do not confuse. I'm not talking about people burned as witches and wizards, but the clerics and the politicians who sent them to the fire. Wars of the Old World, New World war, war between nations, 1st and 2nd world wars and other minors. Makes almost 2,000 years I heard the messenger of peace, and now an immense boredom was taking care of me. Have not performed the task with much pleasure, and Lucifer ... it was no longer the same. There were no claims of improvements as early, just revenge. Each mortal had by his side an angel and a demon. A guardian angel and a demon staff, hence the man exercised his free will. Our work is summarized maintain and consume energy that sent us mortals with their thoughts and their deaths. Actually, I got tired of it all, an eternity without goals and without smiles. Strange. Everything is done for personal gain always has an end.

Lucifer called me to his presence and we were staring at us without saying anything. He turned back and I followed his gaze. We saw everything we had built. He looked at me. Mirei deep into his green eyes and he into mine, then turned his back and walked away, knowing that with this attitude could never return. I went to a high mountain near the sea and there, for the first time in many centuries, the world looked without revenge and without rancor. So ... I began to smile, no "other." I was alone.

I remembered everything that had happened since we decay and stayed there a few years, until the night that the world would 2000 years of birth of the messenger of peace. That night, I finished my sad memories. That's when I felt something on my face, but ... could not be! We do not feel anything, pain, hunger, thirst, nothing! I ran my hand on his face ... and there was a tear! For a moment I was looking at that drop that shone like a crystal. I could not say anything. Age .. impossible.

- Impossible! - I spoke softly and awe.

Then I felt a powerful presence behind me. Slowly, I looked and there he was, with all its splendor. As the day we decay, Miguel Arcanjo. He motioned to follow him and I did. Was a few minutes into the New Year deadly. Michael and I have been through several countries like shooting stars and saw their celebrations. When the sun rose, we were on a deserted beach. Miguel, his back to the sea, looking at me.

- Long time ago, Miguel - he did not answer me. When he spoke his voice seemed to come from everywhere, filling the place.

- The Lord of the Worlds sent me. "IT", which is omnipresent and knows everything that happens everywhere the infinite Universe, also knows his creatures. "IT" is also justice and love, the two measures are always equivalent. Arthmes! You who have done part of the Celestial Lights and Infernal Hordes, the Lord calls you to redeem himself against those most harmed. Do you accept?

- What must I do?

- By the end of this year, mortals will open a door to the Astral World and a personal demon to enter this reality. Your job is to bring it back.

- How can I do this? - But he continued.

- Will lose half of its powers, feel pain, most will not die for any injury, shall not hunger or sleep, do not perform miracles, be seen and heard and will have to move from one place to another as all mortals.

- And the other?

- The devil is limited as you. You can not kill with his bare hands, but his power of persuasion is very large, as you should know.

It is. I really knew what he was referring. For centuries I have used this power to the seduction of mortals.

- Do you agree? - Miguel asked again.

- It's been a long time my friend.

I felt that the phrase thrilled bewildered. Angels have vibrational affinity and love are formed. An energy transformation eternally in motion, the divine essence itself. But they do not know the future or what we say. Only know when "IT" allows.

- Yes, Michael - completed. - I agree.

Was impression? I thought Michael had sighed with relief for my answer and giggled at that. Angels do not laugh, are happy, laughing demons, but they are not happy.

Miguel opened his arms and looked out to sea in the direction of the rising sun.

- What the deal with the Light is now accepted - Miguel said aloud and clasped hands.

The sun was in front of him began to get a brighter glow. First hid the image of Miguel, after the world around you. The light was white with golden rays, and even with my eyes closed, I could see it, the music of the spheres and filled the whole place felt a lot of energy out of me, but also a great power coming like he was being washed and while recovering a part of me lost a lot. And the deal was done.

We all have secrets. Some simple, others who terrorize us for life. Have belonged to two kingdoms and now I'm not any. What I had - for the first and second grace by merit - I no longer have. Now everything must be earned. This is my secret and I can only share with certain people.

- Is it? And why just me? -