The Agreement by Alexandre Rodrigues - HTML preview

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South America, September 25 of 2000.

- I do not know.

- There! Let me guess. The Almighty came to you and said, "Go to that bar filthy, there you will find the last table a drunk, a frustrated writer named Angel. Take it, take it home and when you wake up, say, "I'm an angel!" Actually, I do not know who you are, you have stayed upstairs and also downstairs ... more "I'm an angel and I want to talk with you together to destroy the Antichrist."

His name is Gabriel, 33, slim, short dark brown hair, a writer by profession, drunkard by choice.

- Look. I thank you that I brought home, Arthmos, Ar .. tos ...

- Arthmes.

- It! Arthmes. Thank you. Now, really, how did you find me?

Gabriel sat on the old couch with a coffee. His apartment was small and most things were not in place, a real mess. Even the pictures were crooked. One of them broke off and fell, Gabriel nor sought to look back despite the noise.

- No power, it always happens. Now want to answer my question?

- Actually you're not far from what happened. When I separated from Michael, I noticed that I was in Africa and headed for Cape Town. For three months I was there, then came the premonition to travel toward the New World. It took months to get here. Was passing in the street when I had the premonition come and find you.

- Look here, Artos ...

- Arthmes.

- Whatever! If you really believe that, fine. But honestly, do not think anyone XXI century will also believe.

They knocked on the door.

- Go! - Gabriel shouted. - The door is always open even - grumbled. The guy who came dressed nightshirt sport, jeans and sneakers.

Unlike Gabriel, who had a horrible appearance, he was clean-shaven and was smiling, was about 29 years old.

- And then Junior?

- You are a "shard" Gabriel.

Gabriel pretended not to have heard the noise.

- Let me introduce: Junior, this is Ar .. thmes, an angel, an angel that is junior.

Junior actually Sonato Ricardo de Andrade Junior, eldest son and sole heir of Sonato de Andrade, with investments spread across the world. Junior did not care to work. Had everything easy and not think about changing their lifestyle now.

- He is an angel? One of those angel from heaven? - Said in a tone of jest and pointing upwards. - Or are you still drunk ... or the hangover from yesterday're too strong.

- He said he was an angel and're telling this story early.

Gabriel stood up, going to the window, squinted with clarity and tried to remember a bit more last night, but could not recall nor find his purpose in life. The days came at the wake, trying to write and can not eat any crap and go out drinking. He was in debt and not just dumped out because Junior helped. But that would not last forever. He took another sip of bitter coffee and looked Arthmes, reached deep inside you want the whole story was true. He shook his head, was old enough to have fantasies. Junior kept looking with hand on chin Arthmes. "Another crazy!" Yeah, he must be thinking this.

- He is an angel?

- That's what he says Junior.

Junior was faced with debauchery

- Prove it! - Spoke to Arthmes.

- Please ... Junior he will tell the whole story again.

Arthmes said nothing, just watched.

- No! Prove somehow visible. Something that only an angel can do. Right?

- Okay.

- Wait! How alright? Why do not you show me before?

- Because you did not ask me Gabriel.

Gabriel began to grumble. Arthmes and Junior asked him to sit on the couch as she got up and went to the small kitchen. Junior seized and nudged Gabriel.

- Cara. Not too hot for him to wear this coat?

But there was no response time, Arthmes already returned to the room by standing with the small coffee table between them with both hands and back.

- Now listen, no matter what you see, do not get up, okay? - Gabriel and Junior nodded.

Arthmes stepped back and raised his right hand when he had a large knife. At a stroke, he plunged the blade into his stomach, the pain was so intense, had never felt such a thing. Feel more pain would not die, and he knew it. Junior and Gabriel watched everything with wide-eyed and speechless. Arthmes twisted and wrenched the knife from his body, his pain gradually faded and eventually disappear. Then he opened the front of his coat and they saw that he was shirtless, bloodless and also unbranded. Gabriel was impressed but not convinced Junior.

- I've seen magicians in Las Vegas make better guy. - Commented. Arthmes threw a large knife on the coffee table and took another step back. Gabriel took advantage, grabbed the knife, examined it and was surprised.

- Junior! This knife is for real! It's my knife to cut meat. There is blood!

For a moment Junior was confused and looked at the two Arthmes, who was grinning at Gabriel's comment.

- I want to see if it can do its magic.

And played back, especially down the back falling at your feet. Arthmes was pants and black shoes. Gabriel and Junior were paralyzed with more eyes that open and mouths too. Arthmes's back began to rise slowly and were huge. Therefore the above! Light, white as snow, beautiful, wonderful. They were ... wings. Arthmes turned back and saw that they were fused with the skin. He turned from the front, opened them fully and waved. The vision was sublime, breathtaking and intimidating at the same time. Junior dropped to his knees.

- Get up Junior! - Arthmes said. - Stop it. Get up! - More he was motionless.

- But ... but ... how? - Gabriel stammered.

- When did the deal with the light, they were returned to me I will never forget my goal and do not let me fascinated, again, by ... details. Junior! Want to get up?

Junior Gabriel helped him up and were playing their wings. Arthmes left, then put back his coat, sit down and asked again told his story, only this time I knew I was being listened to seriously.

- Let me get this straight - Junior said, when Arthmes ended narrative

- the three of us we have to find and destroy a demon?

- No, Junior. I'll repeat - "Patience!", Thought Arthmes.

- I had a premonition find you and Gabriel. Like "IT" - spoke and pointed upwards - united us ... we must find the demon together from the moment he has come to this reality. We have seven days not to destroy it, but to send him back to his kingdom.

- What if we fail? - Asked Gabriel.

- He will put down roots in this reality. Ceases to be a personal demon, and gains autonomy will likely bring others here. Takes control with some certainty that the community will grow and shape your kingdom here, a new Hell, revenge ideal that Lucifer would.

- And how do we control it?

- Earlier Gabriel, "he" will still have a strong connection with her death. We use this to contain it, as we try to convince the mortal who "he" belongs to you and you should receive it back.

- How so?

- Gabriel, think well. We will have seven days to convince a person to accept having a demon in his daily living. All have, but few know - Arthmes breath. - Moreover, without the devil, is the only guardian angel, ie everything that this person has the inspiration to do after these seven days will work. It's as if you found the goose that lays the golden eggs.

- What a comparison! - Junior said.

- But this is the truth - continued Arthmes. - How do you tell someone that their future wonderful world has to end? She will have to accept his demon back and that his life will return to normal or as unfortunate as it is made before?

- It would not be an advantage to the person runs out of the devil?

- Everything in the universe is balance Gabriel. If the angel gives protection, the demon gives the initiative: "If the angel is the armor, the devil is the sword, armor protects always, at any time, but it is with the sword that opens paths. More it takes skill and learn to handle it with care. " In summary, one should not exist without the other.

There was a brief silence in the room. Arthmes not know how to continue, Junior and Gabriel did not know what to ask.

- Do you know Jesus? - The question came from Junior.

The question came as a surprise and Arthmes felt a little lost for answer.

- How is it?

- If you ... he met Jesus? - Junior repeated.

- It is. Met.

- He had big hair?

- No. I had full hair - Arthmes replied, gesturing in the air around the head. The next moment, looking at each other's face, began to laugh.

- I do not believe it! - Gabriel yelled, getting up and going to the window.

- We are talking about something terrible that can happen and you two are playing with?

- It was only a question, man, a ... curiosity ... simpl ... - Junior but could not finish the sentence with laughter.

- Oh, great! - Gabriel shouted. - That's great! We have a curious angel and a jokester.

But the two did not stop. Junior came to rely on the coffee table to keep from falling. After all, each in their own way expressed nervousness. But seriously Gabriel continued, and after a few moments of laughter, they stopped.

- Very well. As I seem to be the only sane around here, I want to get this straight.

Junior and Arthmes now only listened in silence.

- "IT", - said pointing upward - the Almighty, the Man, the Lord, "IT" chose a pampered boy, a drunk and a frustrated ex-angel demon to save the Earth?

Arthmes got up and went to Gabriel.

- That's it. That was the way that "IT" chose.

- You can not! There must be a mistake. That's it! - Gabriel snapped his fingers. - "HE" made a mistake! We are the wrong people in the right place by chance.

Arthmes said nothing, she remembered that she had once thought that "HE" had also deceived and smiled from the corner of his mouth. Then he went to Gabriel, who moved through the room without stopping, and rested her hands on his shoulders.

- Gabriel. I do not know why I, you and Junior are together on this adventure. More than one thing you can be sure: "HE" ... - And pointed upwards-no mistakes.

The voice firm but loving and without affectation of Arthmes calmed Gabriel. For a moment silence reigned once more.

- Alright! - Junior stood up, clapping his hands on his knees.

- What do we do now?

- Hopefully! At least until I get the next premonition.

- Check it out. Here is place to sleep, but ..., little food.

- I bring everything we need! - Junior spoke pen and paper for taking notes.

- Do not be embarrassed, Gabriel. I do not eat, do not drink and do not sleep well, but we really need groceries. We have to recover this deplorable state and Gabriel ... There! We also need a computer to monitor developments throughout the world.

- Arthmes ... I have no phone line for internet.

- Junior. We need a line too.

- Right Arthmes.

- See if you can find someone to fix this apartment before we get lost in it.

- Okay guy.

- Cell phones also Junior, to communicate quickly.

- Cer ... to.

- For an angel with more than 2,000 years, you're pretty modern.

- Gabriel ... if you knew the number of things that were inspired by demons for humanity, would be scared.

- And these "inspirations" are for the Human race sag?

- The use of inventions for the benefit or to harm other people depend solely on the way it is used. You can use a plane to dump or pumps to transport people, thus uniting several countries. You decide, remember? You have Free Will.

- One of the reasons for its fallen.

- It is Gabriel. One reason - Arthmes lowered his head for the comment.

- Clothing for you too! - Junior felt the weather and decided to cut that subject.

- No it does not Junior.

- Of course you need! You do not get tired, not yours, but how long does not wash these clothes or buy new?

Arthmes was silent, awkwardly.

- And perfume! Do you use perfume?

- No. I've never used.

- I'll bring a great!

- Wait, Junior! Do not go to a party, remember?

- Stay calm, Gabriel, a superfluous thing I understand. Let's change the look of our angel - and embracing Arthmes looked at Gabriel - and yours too.

Four days later.

- Hello! I arrived!

Arthmes sat staring at the computer. The room did not seem the same: clean, tidy, until the pictures were in their places.

- So? Find anything? Any insight?

- Negative Junior. Nothing ... so far nothing.

- Where is Gabriel? - Asked putting purchases on the couch.

- You're sleeping.

- Wait! Arise, let see how it looks!

- What? - Arthmes not take his eyes off the computer. Junior took him by the arm, lifting it.

- I want to see the new clothes.

Arthmes was wearing jeans, a coat of lightweight fabric and shoes. All white.

- It was cool!

- It is. But dirty easy.

- No problem, Mr. Angel! We here ... - Pointing to a big bag - sets angels in blue, gray, brown and clear ... the basic black.

Sending a hand inside another bag Junior grabbed a bottle of perfume and quickly began to dabble in Arthmes.

- Hey! What is this, man?!

- Perfume! Now you're like John Travolta. Now you're Arthmes, angel and seductive. As in the movie!

Arthmes bowed his head with his hand on his face and started laughing. Junior had that irreverent spirit and would not change even with the many conversations I have had about religion, politics, etc..

Gabriel with a cup of coffee, entered the room.

- Hmm .. um ... who is this smell? It's Perfume?

- I'm with perfume - Arthmes replied, sitting on the computer.

- Okay with perfume why? Want to look like John Travolta in the movie?

Arthmes down and shook his head again. Well at least were tuned, thought the same thing. Gabriel had changed: he was more sober fed well and sometimes even joked when his rare good humor allowed.

- So? Find anything?

- Negative Gabriel. Have searched all countries. No intuition.

- And how long is it going?

- Until you see the premonition which city "he" should appear. With the computer, I separated the stories of demonic apparitions throughout the world. - While listening, Gabriel and Junior came and looked at the screen. - Most happened in the Old World. I know this because I attended some, but I know of in the Americas. Although we could act on the planet, my preference was in Europe.

- Here! - Said pointing to the screen. - For the search of the stories, the probability of occurrence is in Latin America.

- We only have so Arthmes?

- Unfortunately not, Gabriel. Otherwise we have to wait a premonition.

- And what does that help?

- When you have it, just locate the city. Before I would have to walk by countries to find the right city. Now we fast for the site and we may come before it appears.

Gabriel looked back at the computer screen. Several red dots flashed on city names. Junior came and looked at the screen too.

- Appears soon, man! We'll get you!

But the computer did not respond to Junior. Only the lights were still flashing as if challenged.

And another day is gone. Junior, always busy, occasionally connected or answered calls from women and friends on his cell phone, most wondered what he was doing, was gone for parties and clubbing since she was known Arthmes. Actually, it was the council who own Arthmes spare a bit of adventure that would.

Gabriel was in his usual silence and his friends knew that this was a sign of nervousness. Sometimes reading a book, watching television and other, for whom looked, did not seem worried. But appearances can be deceiving indeed.

Arthmes not desgrudava computer. Went back and forth in the newspapers of the world, knew all languages, even those considered dead. Sometimes exchanged a few words with more junior and that was it.

Night came, and at 18h, everyone stopped what they were doing to pray the Hail Mary. It had become common and was done every day. Arthmes said it formed a powerful phalanx of many spirits and angels came to earth to seek this power for the benefit of all. Being part of this current was cute for humans. In some places you could hear the sublime music of the spheres. The music that angels always listened.

- You listening?

Junior was asked on one of those occasions.

- No more. I can only hear it when I have a premonition or definitely go back when - was the sad reply.

That night, Junior stayed with Gabriel, and around 11:30, were gathered in the room, talking.

- ... I mean he locked you in the room the night of the first day and you were desperate? - Junior laughed at his own words. - So the neighbors did not sleep and everyone was complaining about the screaming in her apartment.

- Very funny! - Gabriel replied. He was serious, but deep down I wanted to laugh.

- I said he should get rid of toxins from alcohol. - Arthmes explained. - He said that the will was stronger and if I could help ...

- But not that way! - Gabriel exploded. - How Angel never heard of talk?

- Gabriel ... I'm not an angel ... very orthodox.

Junior Arthmes unfolded and laughing, until Gabriel began to laugh. Arthmes suddenly stopped. His expression turned serious, leading to Gabriel and Junior also stop. In one quick motion, Arthmes got up and went to the computer. They accompanied him curious to know what was happening. Sitting on the computer, Arthmes teclava and moved with the mouse speed. Gabriel and Junior, haunted, watched. At one point, the cursor stopped in a Latin American city.

- Here! - Shouted Arthmes.

He turned to the two with a smile of contentment and his eyes were closing slowly, his face assumed a gentleness, a peace angel. And the amazing thing happened, they saw a light, a light of purest white, starting to glow just behind the head Arthmes. She became increasingly bigger and brighter until it formed a halo. He opened his eyes and soft light also went by them. A perfume of roses, as the arrival of the rains in the spring, filled the entire environment and the apartment seemed brighter. Gabriel and Junior were caught by the sight and scent. Then they began to hear a song that came from all sides, came ... within them. Not the most eminent composer could write it. It was almost tangible! They could feel the notes gently touching his face and filling the part that was missing in their souls.

Slowly and slowly, began as, light and music were decreasing to disappear, and Arthmes blinked, now normal, but still with that expression of peace and the scent of roses throughout the apartment. Then he smiled sweetly.

- That ... that was ...

- This, Gabriel was a premonition, this is how it manifests itself.

- It was the most wonderful thing that ever lived!

Arthmes smiled at the words of Junior. Deep breath and turned serious again.

- The most important - and turned to the computer - is that I know where is the appearance. It's here!

The other two looked on screen. The cursor pointed to the city of New Hilfurt in southern South America

- Why there?

"Typical joke Lucifer" thought, but did not speak. Again Arthmes sighed deeply but this time there was a regret in the air. They sat on the couch and he told them another story.

- Hilfurt. Actually the name derives from Illfurt, a small village in Alsace, in eastern France. There lived two children from a street vendor, the Bulner, which had nine and eight years. In September 1965, children started having abnormal manifestations. Doctors were called in and all that was and is cataloged. - Arthmes's voice was sad. Gabriel and Junior were impressed. - The boys were bent, supporting hands and heels on the floor arched back. Other times spinning rapidly and having violent spasms rolling on the floor. Had occasions where the belly swelled and older, in the abdomen area, you could see undulations and contractions like there was here a furious animal. - He lowered his head. - When someone approached with holy water and a crucifix, they waved and said very well blasphemous tone serious. Besides the boy of nine years who were answering questions in French, English, Spanish and Latin.

Arthmes stopped, unable to continue. But Gabriel could not help himself.

- It was a real possession? Arthmes stood ready.

- What do you think? - Had aggression in her voice.

- And you saw everything.

- Gabriel ... - Arthmes again lowered his head. - Who spoke in tongues at the mouth ... Boy, was I!

There was a brief, awkward silence in the room. Once you "feel" the beauty of the sky, blacks knew the fruit well.

- What do we do now? - Was Gabriel who asked.

Arthmes raised his head and took a breath.

- Let's go there.

- I know the place.

They looked with amazement at Junior. Since I knew the name of the city, he had changed the words and remained silent.

- You know the place?

- Yes, I spent part of his childhood there - Junior was serious, memories of the place must have opened old wounds. - My father had a textile factory and the whole city's economy is based on this kind of industry. It is a medium-sized city, the countryside, with churches, schools, city hall and the necessary infrastructure - so the memories appeared in the eyes of Junior. - I could never imagine that something like that could happen there.

Junior stood up and called on his cell phone.

- Hi! It's Junior. The jet is stocked daddy? Great! - Positive and motioned to his friends. - There are three people to go to New Hilfurt in the south, OK? Right. Take advantage and book your room at Hotel Amazonas for us. Three quarters? - And looked Arthmes, who motioned to 1. - No! Only a quarter to three. This, the suite, remember? The greatest. Right! Alright. I want the flight to 6am, OK.

He hung up, looked at his friends and essayed a smile.

- Prepare your bags. We're going to New Hilfurt.

- Explain to me the best thing about this personal demon.

"We are on board the jet Family Junior. The pilot has just informed that we will be landing here in New Hilfurt to 1 hour. Still missing 1 hour. Dude! I hate flying! "

Gabriel had never flown, but quickly discovered he did not like. If shrinking the soft chair, tried to sleep but could not. He crossed his arms and was avoiding looking out the window.

- Everyone has a demon at his side. - It was Arthmes explaining Junior. - And there's an angel too. 've Probably seen it in cartoons on television. The collective unconscious of the human being knows this is true, but denies. Do not fear the guardian angel, as he did not have prejudices, but by the devil. Mortals do not understand why their importance: you only gives value when the light meets darkness.

- So it exists ...

- To balance the universe Junior. Goodness and evil are concepts created by man and depend on the time, place and culture of a people.

- Give me examples.

- I have lived many ages. There was a time when owning slaves was common, signal status, regardless of their color, race or religion. Slaves were only survivors of wars. In Roman arena ran a lot of blood, and you consider it inhumane today. But there are boxing matches that are considered sports bringing enough violence. What has changed? Another example are the tribes that eat human flesh. You call them cannibals and find it terrible! A deep disrespect for their own species, but they no longer think so. First, because only eat the opposing warrior tribe who showed more courage and strength during battle. Do not do it to feed themselves but to possess his qualities. Second, what you think is inhumane for them is an act of love, for better protect their tribe, and respect, because it is an honor to have this end the enemy.

- How can I believe you?

- Not me, believe the story of his own people.

- So ... if the concepts of good and evil do not exist ...

- What he wants to know ... - Gabriel spoke breaking his silence, but without looking sideways. - Is this demon is bad.

- He follows his nature.

- And you, Arthmes? - Gabriel turned to him.

- What is its nature?

Arthmes was silent. Belonged to two worlds and to none. His heart was heavenly and following orders of the Architect of the Universe. At the same time had an open mind and free, as in Infernal Hordes, and could give up everything at any time or take another course for the whole story.

- I do not know - and lowered his head. - I do not know what my nature.

The response of the environment Arthmes led the commotion. And stay that way if the voice of the commander did not cut the silence, asking for everyone to sit and tighten their belts. Would land in New Hilfurt.

The city's airport was not very big, only one lane for local flights. Quickly got a taxi that took them to the city center. Houses in colonial style buildings reminiscent of Europe adorned the wide streets. The city was very friendly. The central square was lined with leafy trees and many banks iron painted white, the lawn was immaculate and in the background, you could see a small church typical of small towns. Strange thing is that all this contrasted with the immense amount of stores with appliances, supermarkets, bars and especially clothing, the economic base of the city surrounding the verdant and peaceful square.

The taxi stopped in front of a car rental. Junior knew the owner and has jumped screaming.

- Nelson! Nelson, old man!

A man with his 45 years came to greet them with a smile and open arms. He had done well beard and gray hair. Junior long embraced, patting her on the back and seemed to like him very much. Junior, even embraced, brought him to the presentations.

- Folks, this is Nelson. A good friend and I know for many years. Nelson appeared to be sympathetic.

- These are Gabriel and Arthmes. Gabriel is a writer.

Nelson greeted and shook hands with Gabriel.

- Arthmes is ... is ... - Junior thought fast, but unfortunately this was not his forte.

- Professor. - Gabriel said cutting junior.

- Pleasure. Professor of what? - Asked Nelson.

- Angels!

Gabriel looked disapproving response from Junior, but it was too late.

- He teaches about angels, and history is polyglot ... Nelson looked at Gabriel with the admiring response.

- Wow! And you're from where?

- Arthmes already considers himself a citizen of the world by the knowledge he has of the country.

- Legal Gabriel. - Nelson was not understanding. Ask for one and another reply? Anyway ...

- Arthmes, feel at home, we are very proud of our city and we know that she is special.

- I'm sure you - Arthmes said, affectionately.

- Good! - Nelson spoke looking for Junior. - Whenever you look for me, is wanting something. What is it this time?

- A car. I need a car.

- What a nerve!

- Always has been. - Commented to Gabriel - I'm used to.

- Go on! - Nelson pointed to the video store. - Choose one and can lead.

Within minutes the three were jumping from a pick-up double cabin across the street Amazonas, the best in town. After confirming the reservation, went to the bedroom.

- I'm always in this room when I come here - Junior spoke as he opened the door. - Well .., not that long ago come - added smiling.

Arthmes not impressed. Had known since crude peasant houses- century until magnificent palaces like Versailles. Gabriel, meanwhile, gaped, all decorated in a classical style, was living in various environments, coffee tables and chairs extremely comfortable, red velvet curtains gave the place a touch of nobility. A wonderful hand carved bar in one corner of the environment became more social, and Renaissance-era paintings, replicas of the Louvre, as Arthmes later clarified, completed the extensive and sophisticated place.

- It's too much! - Was the only comment from Gabriel.

After putting the bags in the room, Junior invited them to the balcony, from there saw much of the city. In the background, you could see several hills covered by a beautiful emerald carpet and left a river of clear water.

- This is the Amazon River, and is so named because it is the largest in the region. Besides the supply takes water to local farms and factories - Junior would be a good tour guide, knew the city well. After settling commented:

- Okay. Everyone has settled, showered, ate lunch. Less Arthmes who eats nothing ...

- I do not need Junior.

- Okay. Let's back in town?

- Wait! - Gabriel interrupted. - And our guest Arthmes? Have you arrived?

- No. He has not yet entered the deadly reality or I would have felt.

- So let's see the city! - Junior was up with the key in the car spinning finger.

They went down, handed the keys and began to run through the city by car. Junior was showing the places, city hall, hospital, library and showed the former factory of his father. Then he stopped in the central square.

- What was Junior?

But he did not answer. Was looking at a man sitting who appreciated nature.

- What was Junior? - Gabriel shook him.

- I know that guy.