The Agreement by Alexandre Rodrigues - HTML preview

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- My sister is a demon, and you ask me calm?

- Staying in this state does not help.

Gabriel tried to argue, but since they came to the house and told Ben, Ana had lost control, had cried, cried, despaired and now wanted to take action.

- What state do you want me to stay? My sister is having sex with a demon! Not your sister, it's mine!

- Angels or demons has intercourse with mortals.

- Who ensures that Arthmes?

He just smiled, she pulled back a little.

- Let's get Dad's plane and go after them!

- Better not, Ana - Arthmes was impassive. - It is better to await their return.

- But ... my sister ...

- She will not suffer anything. He needs her money and body, only for others.

- As secretary of the city council? - Junior, knowing Elisa, quickly understood the behavior and interests of the desk.

- No Junior, it was a gift, a treat.

- And demons give gifts?

- When Ana is in their interest, generally offer what the person wants most.

- Elisa? She has done everything and proved what he can give so important to her?

- A true love without futile interests, a love that knows no bounds and with courage enough to take.

Ana Elisa argued that had already done so.

- One love, Ana, not another adventure. - It was the answer of Arthmes.

Ana was still nervous, but Gabriel reassured her, repeating the words of their Arthmes and adding others, then he led her to make some coffee.

Junior took advantage and sat beside Arthmes.

- Dude, tell me one thing: gays, lesbians and enter heaven? Arthmes smiled.

- Are you asking this for your consciousness or curiosity?

- Both? - The answer was rather dull.

- Junior once said to you that our actions must begin in our hearts, that because you have free will, or have the power of choice and, thus, can choose what brings them happiness. We know that God is just and good, it would be an injustice "IT" does not love gays and lesbians, after all, they chose this kind of relationship. If "IT" is bored with it, would have himself to blame because it was "HIM" who gave the mortal free will.

Junior looked thoughtful.

- I know what you may be thinking ..., - continued - but remember: "HE" is not wrong.

- But religions condemn it.

- Junior, religions are attempting the translation of the word of God. Children who do not understand trying to understand an infinitely superior. Homosexuality is as old as humanity itself ...

- But it is certain, Arthmes?

Arthmes put his hand on the nape of Junior.

- You know what's wrong, Junior? Junior shook his head.

- The lack of choice. The lack of choice is the mortal in the eyes of God, is dead.

And got up, went to the garage to talk to Ben, who worked incessantly. Junior sat thoughtfully. Arthmes noticed and decided to explain otherwise.

- One more thing, you know how to find out which has the best bottles of wine?

Junior looked unresponsive.

- You have to prove all.

Then a beautiful smile appeared on the face of junior, he finally understood.

- Listen up!

- No! Listen you, Nelson ...

In the Greek Islands restaurant, Walter and Julia was asked to talk with Nelson. And Walter was already screaming.

- People are dying. And we know the reasons and we have to end it!

- And what do you suggest? - Nelson looked confused.

- I dunno!

- I think we should trust them.

- Nobody asked your opinion, Julia. - Aggressiveness Walter was out of control.

- Pay attention! -Nelson shouted. - If you are fighting the conversation ends here!

Julia resigned, but Walter still nervous. The very silence was heavy.

- Listen, I think the whole story is true, and they are our best chance to end it all. Who will believe this whole story? Believers? Catholics? The police? This city will turn crazy, a real battlefield fouling the angel. And there? Come with torches behind the demon?

Walter was not used to losing control of the situation, all I could do was punch the table in front. Julia smiled from the corner of his mouth, it was good to see her husband in his place.

- Go home, Walter, we have to wait.

- This is turning into a hell, but before I reach I take an attitude.

Julia grabbed her wrist and left the restaurant. Nelson, looking at the scene, thought it would take a good man like Walter to become that way. Then he remembered the accident that killed his son. His mind flew and according to all that his front disappeared, the scene appeared so real, as if that moment: He clearing his hunting gun, sitting on the couch in his living room, a sunny Saturday, Sunday surely enter the kills for fun with friends. Your little seven year old son playing in front of the door. He could only remember the violent noise of the shot and bloodied body of his son in his arms. Nobody blamed him for what happened, the years of analysis have helped, but the marriage ended. Glad you had family and friends, work also continued his life and helped logical that differently, but continued.

He returned to this shaking his head and undoing the images. Nelson hung his head, sighed and walked into the kitchen of the restaurant, suffering for his son, the old friend and himself.

Eraldo came home breathless, was all sweaty. He had taken off his suit and tie, walk up the hill was long, standing for hours at the peak of this also was not pleasant, but he did and felt a strong pride for having succeeded.

- Are you okay? It is with a strange face.

The question came from his wife, a woman admired by all of his church, after all, she forgave her husband for treason that he had, even though after the wedding, with one of the girls who frequented the same place, an adventure that lasted months. At the time, several times he cheated by saying he would elsewhere. Then, in an oversight, she discovered. Everything was resolved discreetly, which means that everyone in the congregation learned, his former pastor called her to convince her that it was better to stay with her husband, everything was a temptation, something done by the "enemy." She thought for a moment, had no relatives in the state, was created by a family that was proud of her husband, the future "pastor" of New Hilfurt only knew the people of the church and all it would deviate if the leave, even when covered reason. Her husband was the option of a better future, so decided to stay. And the other? Was covered with shame, because even being unmarried, she quailed before a trial, if allowed to use the "enemy" and "took advantage" of a good married man. Logo was harassed by other women, who feared for their men, what to do? The simpler: go.

- You do not know what happened! - Eraldo was euphoric. - All prayers were answered today we did!

The woman's eyes began to glow, were not just words, Eraldo was extremely charismatic. Before she even say something, Eraldo told what happened, putting words in the parts most passionate when describing his conversation with the angel. The woman believed in each sentence. When finished, put his hands on her shoulders and said:

- Connect to all churches, not just those in our congregation, everyone needs to know that salvation has come and God has chosen me for the task of spreading the good news.

The woman went out and Eraldo nervous, sitting, started to pray, but only with his mouth, his mind was far from words. He thought of the "sins" that he had committed and had remembered when he was on the mound. Then came a name: Marlene. Her face, her beautiful naked body on the bed beside her and also her only "sin" revealed.

He still remembered the conversation he had with his pastor.

- Does my wife will forgive me? And the response from the pastor.

- My friend, think again. What choice does she have?

He still remembered that once preached in the town square after all "resolved". Marlene saw do without looking around, come to think about calling her, but she had managed to lose everything? The respect, the hierarchy because of a woman who took advantage of him? It was the wrong person, the woman who took the Lord's way, you should avoid the temptation, because there was the "enemy" of the Lord. And, smiling with pride for his discernment, returned to sing the hymn of praise. Never saw her again. These memories mingled with other, more well hidden, never revealed, but it always ended with a request for forgiveness from God, finally, God forgave him showing him his messenger.

But he had much work to do, the first thing was to know where the angel was. It would not be difficult, Junior was always at the hotel Amazon and brother Claudius was a janitor there. He would know. Also, everyone should see the angel. Suddenly a great thought invaded his mind, perhaps he could unify all the churches of the city. This thought, in an instant, it became a certainty and found himself in the pulpit of a great place, full of brothers who praised the angel at his side, but the "sins" ... the "sins" insisted on back the memories, that should let it go, after all, he had his mission, the rest would be your secret and then solve it with God.

- We all have secrets.

This was the answer to the question of Arthmes Gabriel, 4:30 a.m. were at Ben's house, decided to sleep there.

- Until you? - Gabriel spoke sitting on the couch.

Arthmes smiled, everyone still asleep, Gabriel lay beside Ana to calm her. They talked, looked up and kissed. They stood together in the guest room, so Junior slept on the sofa and Ben slept in the garage lying on the table, but had not yet been noticed. Gabriel woke beside Ana, got up and went to the room, had lost sleep and knew Arthmes not sleep.

- I have many secrets Gabriel.

- You do not speak of hell. Suffered much?

- No. teased much suffering.

- You were a kind of manager, sent in others? Arthmes nodded his head.

- This demon is over you? O. .. as is his name?

- In the hierarchy, he is beneath me. I am not a demon created, I'm a fallen angel, he would not have the chance I'm taking. And his name is Tybalt. The same boy's name nine years that I conducted in possession Illfurt, in France, in the year 65. The name of this demon Lucifer is a joke to me.

- We all have to face our demons. - Gabriel spoke almost instinctively. "Good place," thought Arthmes and smiled.

- You are right, all of us.

- Idiots! - Theobald screamed into the phone.

- I tell you who they are, where to find them, give money and you have a donkey do the job?

- The guy was good, but gave no luck.

Elias gave up and decided to look for an excuse to change the subject.

- But I have good news for you.

Theobald sat down in the chair. This could see the huge bed room where Lisa had sex with two men together, actually two governors. Theobald was conducting partisan coalitions.

- Very well. I hope these are good. Elias smiled for the comment.

- My mother was in church yesterday, she always goes to the cult, called me up ...

- Be specific!

- She said that tomorrow everyone will see the angel who is in town and the pastor found. He said he should warn all churches because the signal came from the sky, everyone, many people will it be.

Theobald smiled across the line.

- Before returning to the capital, call again, get the rest of the money and can enjoy it.

- Yes sir! - Elijah was euphoric.

Theobald turned off at the instant when one of the men left the room. He was fat, bald and totally nude clothing and scruples.

- Never had so much fun! Come too, Tybalt!

- My happiness is to see your joy, excellence. - Spoke smiling.

- But do not stop! Have to finish everything started! - Shouted smiling with his fist.

The man laughed and walked awkwardly back into the room talking loudly. Once gone, the smile faded Theobald. "Tomorrow will be a surprise," he thought, after all, now would be a whole city behind them.

Junior Gabriel looked incredulous and Arthmes were 10h and the street in front of the hotel was crowded Amazon. Some groups prayed aloud, others sang and chanted others. In front, on the steps of the hotel, several pastors spoke at the same time and at the center, Eraldo Montes commanded the crowd that cried by the angel.

- And now? - Asked Gabriel to Arthmes. - Dear angel unorthodox. What do we do?

- Start the car, turn around and walk out of here going quietly.

Junior Gabriel and understood at a glance. If that crowd knew the angel was in the car would take it apart to see it and then they would kill Arthmes to have it.

Junior hitched to reverse and began to back away slowly, but Eraldo saw and recognized the pick-up.

- Ali! - Eraldo shouted. - They are! Hallelujah, they arrived, the angel of our Lord has come! The sign from heaven! - Cried.

The whole crowd looked at the car.

- Dude, now screwed! - Shouted Junior, who pressed the accelerator and the vehicle did sing tires, rotating 180 degrees, the whole crowd came toward him like a human wave, but Junior hitched gait and, again singing tires, fired down the street.

- We did it! We did it!

- We got nothing, Junior! - Gabriel shouted.

- They will come after us, will look under every rock looking Arthmes city and we can not go back to Ben's house. If this crowd discover, can destroy the lab.

- Where then? - Junior was without direction.

- Pro Junior bush. Let's get out of town!

The idea of Gabriel was good. Junior had been created there and knew the surroundings.


- Man, I'm starving!

Junior rubbed his belly. The three were in the bush, a small clearing off the road and near the river, a place that Junior was going to cry as a child because his parents were always absent.

- Have I called Ana, now we have to wait clothes and food.

- And the repellent, right Gabriel?

They heard a noise, it was Ana who was coming. Gabriel came to her and kissed her.

- Brought the food? Where?

- Calm Junior!

- Calm you Gabriel, I'm hungry!

Ana gave food and told that the city was being trashed. They were going in all residences and not open the door who had invaded the house.

At the hotel, Eraldo had put people watching the entries. Ana came as a visitor and go unnoticed, disguising herself as a maid. Thus, entered the room and managed to bring clothes for all three.

- We have to wait and darken back to Ben's house. We'll be back in the car and called Ana Nelson to come get the truck.

There was not much to do. Ana gave the clothes they had brought. Arthmes withdrew mainly to exchange it. For a moment the sun's rays that crossed the leaves, along with the slight breeze that purify the air made the magic board. Arthmes had the perfect body, unmarked, athletic wings contrasted with the blue sky and the beauty of his features showed the nobility of their attitudes.

Ana came over and touched her shoulder gently. Arthmes smiled.

- I'm real.

- I swear I would fall to my knees did not know if

But Arthmes put his overcoat and the vision vanished.

- What kind of angel are you?

- I am Gabriel, or was, an angel of the moon We are responsible wakefulness during sleep of mortals.

- To avoid being attacked during the night? - He said putting a biscuit in his mouth.

- Gabriel ... - Arthmes shook his head - you have to take this idea of fighting between good and evil, it does not exist. It is something created and instilled in the people by religion to control the masses.

- What did you do then? - The question came from Ana

- Well, you know that day and night there is something created by the Earth's rotation and thus called by mortals. There are several types of energy. Many unknown to you, which are intensified by the lack of sunlight and that bombard Earth every second. Moreover, there is a very strong mental energy of mortals who never ceases to act, the night even much stronger even when they are sleeping. We are responsible for the deviation, and forwarding these energy dissipation.

- Difficult handiwork!

Everyone laughed at the joke of Junior, there was a peace there. Despite the events of the turmoil that gripped the city, that place seemed to have been spared. Junior had agreed to take them there.

- You die?

- Not the way you think, Anna Angels are transported to another level, to a higher sphere when they reach certain stage of development.

- And it takes too long?

- Time does not exist Gabriel. Just to give you an idea: angels who held jobs at the time of the Messenger of Nazareth are still in the same position.

- And those who died during the battle that took place in heaven?

- The energy that composed these was redirected, creating never stops.

- But ... the struggle, the Battle of Heaven .. Arthmes smiled before answering Gabriel.

- I was lost before you start.

- So why fight? - The question came from Junior.

- To be able to choose Junior. To see what was on the other side of the wall.

- You are finished!

1h30am. Ben enters the room where all euphoric already, it was difficult to get home, but Nelson has created a distraction with the pick-up. Everybody smiled, raised and hugging Ben, congratulated him. After all, good news.

- You just gives me bad news?

- ... But, Lord Theobald ... - Elias tried to explain - They are gone! Nobody finds them.

- Idiot! - Screamed and hung up.

- What is love? - Lisa walked naked and drunk.

Without answering Theobald stood thoughtfully, "while Gabriel is alive, they will have the opportunity to send me back, I have to fix this. Definitely. "

- Prepare Lisa. Tomorrow we return home.