The Agreement by Alexandre Rodrigues - HTML preview

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Three blows were strong enough to wake Neida in the rectory. He had slept on top of the books of the church. In fact, the whole day was very strange. A sudden urge to organize everything taken care of her: parents phoned, redid handouts catechesis, prayed fervently and redoubled when he decided to put donations in the calculations of day does not aquentou and fell asleep. Now he wondered who would be knocking at that time of night.

- Yes? - Neida said opening the small crack in the door.

- Good evening. - He said the man, smiling with pleasant voice. - I am a traveler and need a lot of help. I know I will not deny me.

For a moment he thought of calling Neida Sofia. But his voice was very charismatic, engaging. I look at him up and down, well dressed.

- One moment. - Closed the gap, unlocked, opened the door and looked back. Besides well-dressed, was a handsome man.

- Sir?

- Theobald. And his name? - His voice was gentle and his engaging smile.

- Neida. I say "Sister" Neida - "That beautiful smile," Neida thought.

- I do not know where I help you Mr. Theobald.

- I'm sure they will do everything they can for me, Neida. You know: the lack of loving words and actions, the lack of understanding in the world today is terrible. People end up being humiliated and creep into their own grief, making decisions in their sad lives. Decisions that end up destroying the best dreams ...

As Theobald spoke, a tableau formed before the eyes now glassy, of Neida. She no longer saw the pleasant smile and handsome man in front of him, but followed his words with scenes from his life before the convent. The Father incomprehensible. His mother, a person with no personality, a childhood marked by beatings and scorn, Neida saw his dream of a family when the father discard accused her publicly of prostitution, her denials to nothing, then decided to bury all his past, nothing most interested, was unjustly accused of being a prostitute, decided to be a saint and entered the convent.

- ... And nothing, absolutely nothing can repair an unfair accusation - continued Theobald - try to forget, but the past haunts us like an arrow accurate to hurt our heart. - Theobald was still talking while driving Neida inside and closed the door behind him. He took the young nun until the middle of the room.

- What could buy oblivion? - Theobald continued talking. - What? Show what you may have valuable among Men. Buy your silence, your attention and your smiles. This is a chance to smile, hold on to it.

Neida, unwilling as a robot or a zombie, addressed the small drawers of the cabinet, withdrew the money and handed smiling.

- It's little, Neida, is little.

The smile faded and Neida began looking around the house more money. Charities, donations, loans etc.. Nothing was free to be delivered, then ended.

- ... Neida, is little.

All she wanted was to be forgotten memories and lost again in the whirlwind of the past. Theobald's eyes started getting red and his voice took on a more serious tone, guttural.

- Nothing to buy past, Neida, you can not change it, it will cut it every day for their falsehood, their lack of courage to realize their dreams.

Tears began to fall from her eyes, the only sounds that were heard were as sad meows, shorties, as if begging for mercy.

Theobald went into the kitchen, next to the room, and returned with a large knife. He placed it on the table, ahead of Neida.

- You know you have to stop this pain. What do you think of heaven? Another tableau appeared to Neida, heaven, paradise she always imagined, without tears, slander, pain or persecution. Neida tearfully began to smile. Theobald came up behind him and spoke in his ear.

- This is the heaven that awaits you and that you always waited. Now is the time for you to go to it, just need to have the courage of his childhood.

Increasingly, Neida smiled at the sight of heaven.

- You've been prepared for this moment, you want this time. What before was an illusion, now becomes reality through your hands as capable as when he was a child.

In a gesture, Neida opened his arms in a sign of acceptance. Theobald then headed for the exit door.

- Remember ... - Spoke before leaving - the pain is now quick and when disappear, end all others ... then, will only have peace.

He closed the door, just in time to see her picking up the knife. He took a few steps, stopped, reached into his pocket and looked at the money. His eyes were normal. He smiled and, as a ghost, entered the night without looking back.

Gabriel saw the darkness illuminated by the lights of mercury from the streets, the shadows seemed to come alive. Arthmes came from behind.

- No use getting well.

There was a moment unanswered.

- Stay as Arthmes?

- If condemning.

Gabriel continued to stare into the darkness.

- I brought.

- No. It was a set of events that resulted in this. Gabriel turned to Arthmes.

- Who planned this?

- How do I know? I'm just an angel, do not write the "BOOK OF LIFE."

- Book of?

- The Book of Life, a series of events that each human being has to experience for its improvement.

- More ... this must influence at our discretion. It's something unfair!

- No. It is not. Let me explain: you find a wallet full of money, this event is written in the Book of Life, what will you do with it part of your free will, you know?

Gabriel lowered his head and looked thoughtful. Arthmes put his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply.

- Gabriel, you can choose to go away and forget you heard of New Hilfurt or stay and face this situation. Forget the events that resulted in this fact and concentrate their forces in the power of their choices.

- What if my choice is wrong? Arthmes smiled.

- Every man makes mistakes, it is the nature of the human being. I stood on the Mount of Olives and heard when the messenger was afraid because he was human. But, like all men, he had time to make a new choice, which then filled him with joy.

- And the glory - Gabriel spoke.

- The glory does not matter to him who made the right choice. What counts is the happiness in the heart.

Gabriel thought, smiled and raised his head. She had made her choice.

Theobald was sitting in a nightclub. The noise was deafening, but seemed not to disturb his thoughts. He had money, which actually was not much, but money means power. Power is the amount of influence you can have on others. He needed to stretch his arms, was limited in a body, but it should not be difficult, after all, was known as the greatest desires and weaknesses of mortals.

A woman danced wildly hallucinatory that song so much that caught his attention. He smiled and knew the procedure, was preparing to go on drugs. He called the waiter and told him to bring her champagne more expensive and take a glass at her. It did not take and the two talked.

- Then you have come to help the mayor win the elections.

- That's right.

- And what did he say?

- Nothing Lisa, he still does not know me. Lisa did not understand. Theobald smiled.

- He will want my help, I'm sure. Now, why do not we go out there for you to travel?

- How do you know ...

Theobald put his fingers to his lips softly.

- I know many things. Come to our paradise.

Lisa smiled and followed the man mysterious and fascinating. They left the club and, later, they came to a narrow, dimly lit. Theobald saw three silhouettes, three guys with attitudes suspected, should be plotting something.

- My arms! - Theobald said, smiling.

Lisa again did not understand, but Theobald was anxious.

- Lisa, where he bought the drugs?

- In front of the club, have a friend ... Theobald grabbed her arm and pulled her.

- Show me who you are.

They returned, and found the person Theobald bought three different types of drugs. Returned to the small street.

- Why would it? - Lisa was curious. He, smiling, said:

- We need employees, my dear.

Lisa left the shadows and headed for the boys. Two stood in front. The earlier showed a knife.

- Hey, man, it's a robbery! Theobald smiled.

- The guy will lose everything and're laughing "big dog" - said the second.

- Gentlemen ... I want to hire them.

- Are you crazy man? You wanna die?

- Can I pay.

Opening the hand, showed Teobaldo packages with various drugs. Their eyes shone marginal, the earliest, the surname "big dog", reached out, but Theobald quickly put the package behind the body.

- Let him speak!

The voice came from the third member, who was still in the shadows.

- He's the boss? - His tone was joke - Let me see it, do not talk to employees.

The boy approached, should not have even twenty years, but it bore the marks of sorrow that accompanies any young hopeless.

- What do you want?

- I need a bodyguard. People trust for certain services.

- Do not want to get your hands dirty, cool?

Theobald looked deeply into his eyes ... and his voice changed.

- Enough to be bound by this world that does not understand them, no more laws. You want freedom to do what you want, because you can and want ...

A tableau formed for the boy. He began to see scenes of his family, the father unemployed, drunk, garbage. The mother beating him for nothing, then the police for nothing, then in prison violence.

- Only the strongest survive ... - Continued Theobald - This is your law, our law. The weak serve the strong in every way - his eyes were red. - And now you have the proof, trampling all in all, you will now have its rightful place ... beside me. Wake up!

He shook his head, as if waking from a nightmare. Theobald put the drugs in his hand.

- I want everyone here tomorrow at 9am. Everyone. The boy called "big dog" came over and smiled.

- Who ensures that we come?

Immediately, the boss gave him a strong slap in the face and screamed.

- Everyone here tomorrow! Who does not, we understand me. Theobald smiled.

- I like it, what's your name?

- Elias.

Theobald started laughing.

- Great name! - And motioned for Lisa, who came full of admiration.

- Come, I'll show you how to use it really. - Referring to crakc with it. As they drove away, he spoke in a loud tone.

- Elijah! What a great name!

He started laughing in the darkness, but the boys have not already heard, were traveling in drugs.


- I'll take a spin around town.

- Junior and I'll also, Gabriel. You stayed awake almost all night. Is unable to drive.

- Okay, Arthmes, Where Anne and Ben?

- They're sleeping. Ben spent the whole night working and Ana is still under the impact of the events of yesterday. Let them well when they wake up they will be better.

The three entered the pick-up and left without a destination. Around town, who slept calmly unaware of recent events, I was early, all in silence, so the cry seemed so loud, despair came from the rectory, just as they passed near the church. Junior looked in the rearview mirror and saw his sister Sofia open the door and go screaming wildly, he stopped the car and ran to help her. Sofia voiceless pointed inward, Gabriel and Arthmes entered first and Neida saw her sister lying on the floor over a huge puddle of blood due to his knife stuck until the cable in your heart. They approached. Arthmes looked at his face, he was smiling.

- It was "he", Gabriel.

Junior came and stood bewildered to see the corpse.

- It was "him" Junior - Arthmes repeated.

Other people were coming, Jr. noted. He knew the police would be there soon. Friends grabbed by the arms and pulled him out. There were other people helping old nun. The three got into the car, but Junior did not give the match, stood thoughtfully. Before lamenting the incident would have to figure out why that. Gabriel took the phone.

- I'll call Anne and tell what happened.

The phone rang only once before being served. A female voice answered.

- Ana? It is Gabriel, I have very bad news.

- What happened? The demon made a person to commit suicide - Gabriel told.

Who? A young nun, here on ...

Gabriel heard another cry, but this one was male and came across the line. He was speechless, heard a few noises, voices calling for calm, and then a cry.

Gabriel put on speakerphone for all to hear.

- Gabriel! - Ana was on the other side of the line. - Gabriel, put it on speaker, when Ben heard about the nun, was uncontrolled, is now crying. League then.

Gabriel agreed and hung up the phone, looked at his friends.

- Does this nun was someone special for Ben?

- Maybe it was someone very special - Arthmes concluded.

There was a brief silence, suddenly cut off by a knock on the window. Was Nelson.

- Did you see what happened?

Junior looked back in the rearview mirror, the police had already arrived.

- We know what happened. -Arthmes said.

- I want some answers and I know you have them.

Gabriel and Junior looked suspicious, but Arthmes remained serene.

- Where can we talk?

- In my restaurant, Arthmes, is closed.

Nelson opened the door and climbed in a few moments they were in front of the Greek Islands. Nelson came in and locked the door.

- Okay, who's going to tell you what is happening?

- Who says you know something?

- Junior, you never come to Hilfurt. Since arriving, I had the distinct impression that something would happen, and what's more, not over, more stuff comes around.

Before answering Junior, Arthmes spoke.

- You are right.

- Arthmes!

- No, Gabriel, he has to know.

- Why?

- From what he felt. It's part of his story. All facts are intertwined with people, this is called "WEB OF DESTINY" is in the Book of Life. He truly felt and will know what is happening, what will you do then is up to your free will.

Arthmes turned to Nelson, who remained silent.

- Listen, I'll tell you what's happening, but let me make one thing clear, what will you do with this information is your problem, your choice, they will take you in a direction that we do not know the order and perhaps we can not help you.

Nelson thought and consented.

- Well, there's a demon in town, and he came so ...

Arthmes told everything about the machine, the name of the city, the devil and his abilities.

- Let me ask you, Arthmes, how do you know all this? - Nelson was still incredulous.

Junior looked at Gabriel, smiling at the corner of the mouth. He already knew what was coming next.

- I was sent to help them, Nelson.

- To help us? You do not seem Jesus.

- No, Nelson - Arthmes unbuttoned his overcoat. - I'm not the messenger ... I'm a ... friend.

He took off his coat and opened his wings. Nelson froze, mouth open, had to sit down. He could not speak or stand.

- A... angel. My God, Arthmes, you are ... an angel!

- An Angel!

The four looked toward the kitchen door, where he came from that last exclamation. A man all in white, mustache, looking 60 years out there, along with a younger woman, beautiful, should have their mid– 30s. They came directly from Arthmes.

- An angel! - He exclaimed.

The woman reached out to touch the wings, but Arthmes not leave, away. Nelson got up and stepped between them with a certain aggressiveness.

- Walter! Julia! - Shouted. - What are you doing here?

But Nelson seemed to have become invisible. The woman knelt without taking his eyes off the man stuttered Arthmes. Nelson looked at the two, were totally unrealistic.

- Walter, wake up! My God.

- Nelson are real? Is it an angel? The story we hear is true?

Nelson glanced at Gabriel and Junior, who did not know what to say. Arthmes again put on his overcoat and asked everyone to sit down as he tried to lift the woman, who insisted on his knees.

- Now that everyone sat down, tell me, Walter, what are you doing here?

- We here, Nelson, to chat. As you were not, we decided ...

- You decided!

- Is Julia. - Said Walter bored. - I decided to make a surprise. We went around the outside of the restaurant and waited. When we hear the door and hid in the kitchen. But would never think to hear it.

Nelson sighed deeply and, turning to the others:

- Junior, Gabriel and Arthmes, these are Dr. Walter and his wife Julia are my friends and believe them.

But Julia spoke.

- It's true what you said? There's a demon out there?

She asked looking at Arthmes, but who was said Gabriel.

- Yes, it's true.

- But ... we do not have to worry, we have an angel!

- Not quite, Julia ...

- As there! - Julia got up with a start. - We have an angel by our side, a heavenly being, divine, blessed by God Himself!

For the first time understood what that news might provoke.

- Dona Julia feels. - Said Arthmes. - It's best you all know the story, which could have been prevented and was not, does not matter anymore, I'll tell you from the beginning ...

Gabriel knew it would hurt. Arthmes was sad and hung his head, with pain in the heart.

At this point, Lisa Theobald and entered the office of City Hall reception and headed for the desk that lixava nails. This looked at them and smiled Lisa.

- Good morning. We want to talk to the mayor.

- At the moment, he is not. Lisa disliked negative.

- For call and tell the mayor that Amorim is Elisa, daughter of ...

- I know who is the lady Dona Elisa, but the mayor is not and can not answer the calls, he went to a meeting at the Business Center.

Lisa, serious and angry, turned his back, while it returned calmly nails. He walked away arm in arm with Tybalt, but stopped at the office door.

- Petulant little woman. I'll send Amorim fire her - and looked Theobald. - Were the vows of my father who put him in the hall. Theobald smiled.

- Be calm, I think she'd be fine ... in your bed. Do not feel beautiful?

Lisa looked back at the desk and smirked. It's ... cute.

- You want a gift?

Lisa licked her lips lightly.

- I.

And again threatened, but Theobald stopped her by holding her arm.

- Then, Now we have a meeting at the Business Center. Lisa nodded smiling and the two went their way.

- I think we should call the police!

In Greek Islands Restaurant, Arthmes ended his story.

- And what shall we say to them, Dr. Walter? - Junior was nervous, but continued. - What's a demon in the city, the culprit is Gabriel and he told us it was an angel?

Walter swallowed hard, most remained silent.

- What do we do then? - Julia asked. Gabriel stood.

- We go to Ben's house, I suggest you also for your follow.

- That's it?

- Do not have much to do Nelson - Gabriel responded - we have to wait, any news we gather here in their restaurant.

Everyone agreed and stood up.

- Julia!

Walter looked at his hand, but she was talking to Junior. He came back and pulled sharply.

- Stop embarrassing me.

- I was just picking up the phone number. But Walter pulled again.

- Come on!

- Wait! I want to ask the blessing of the angel.

- He is no angel. It ...

However, Walter noted that Arthmes, stared at him and felt fear. Not completed the sentence and left fearful. Arthmes stood motionless. Gabriel came from behind and put his hand on his shoulder, but he did not move.

- Will not get worse?

- Gabriel Much, much more.

The couple entered the elevator, the clerk had asked the local mayor's meeting with local entrepreneurs.

- Auditorium. On the 8th floor. - Was the answer.

Business Center of New Hilfurt. One of the few tall buildings in the city, a "white elephant" made by the current administration to honor the local merchants. Actually a "hanger jobs" and the safest way to add the "personal safe" the mayor thirty percent of the revenue of the works.

When they arrived the doors were open. It was a large place, with comfortable red chairs. In the pulpit the mayor was speaking into the microphone to an audience neat, which gave clear signs of dissatisfaction by the proposed increase in fees to transport materials within the city limits.

- ... Amorim, this increase is inconceivable!

- Absolutely!

Everyone in the audience agreed with the comments of two fellow entrepreneurs, the meeting became very tumultuous.

- ... Wait, gentlemen ... - Amorim tried to calm the waters. Unfortunately, this increase is necessary.

But the negative comments were general and Amorim could not have control over the environment.

Theobald was still standing with Lisa at his side. He settled down and started walking toward the stage, where a flustered mayor sought advice from his aides.

- Mayor!

The audience for a moment, stopped talking and looked at the stranger who kept standing up to the mayor gave him attention. His voice was calm, but the mayor was suspicious.

- Understand the increasing rates of movement of goods, but it sure has a proposal to balance this increase.

The mayor looked at the officer, who immediately pulled away and began to connect the phone, seeking ideas with higher echelons.

- We, yes we have, but who are you? - Amorim tried to gain time.

- I am a new entrepreneur. I'll start setting in New Hilfurt.

- And what would be the line of business?

- Advertising and Marketing. - Theobald smiled. - What is the proposal?

Amorim adviser looked nervous and squinted, had no answer.

- Can I make a proposal? - Suggested the stranger, the mayor consented to the head.

- If we could have interns in our company for a longer period, we would do the economy and we would have needed positive publicity for the city government to request additional funds for future projects within the factories. It would be a transfer of funds for specialized courses.

For a few seconds everyone was static, as if time had stopped, but it was just the influence of Tybalt as a virus infecting all.

- It's a good idea!

The first comment in this auditorium followed by others, and all positive to the suggestion of Theobald, including the mayor himself, who cheered and took up the word already thinking of overpaying as the request for funds. Theobald, smiling, turned down the hallway and sat down next to Lisa.

- And now? - Lisa asked.

- Let's wait for him to talk to us, just wait.

Theobald was confident, knew the nature and Human Amorim was weak, easy to manipulate. The meeting did not take long, thanks to the talk weird, had been resolved.

Once the meeting ended Amorim summoned them in a separate room, away from prying ears.

- I'll cut to the chase! Who are you? I know it has no business in New

Hilfurt, whatever?

Theobald smiled and sat down with Lisa at his side.

- I want to become governor.

- And what you get with this?

- Now? I do not want anything, just be by your side. I have ways to make you win the election - the voice of Tybalt was paused and inspired confidence. - After all, comes to pass restrictions, sorrows, come to be despised by the world ...

In a flash, Amorim revived his miserable childhood in another town, his first theft to have food to others that followed. Learned how to steal semen from animals bred on the farm where he worked, enriched, became a farmer, expanded his lands by expelling squatters. He had, of course, that "convince" them to leave, but no one would miss two or three disappeared as an example, it was easy. Strangely eyes Theobald, this time, there were red.

- You want power, you need power and this I can give you. Beside me you will get what you deserve.

Amorim shook his head and looked at Theobald, time stopped and the two smiled slowly at the same time. Smooth, which means the entire scene, had the impression that they were a reflection of one another.

Theobald who was injured silence.

- I need to see the papers that stood against their opponents, those on taxes.

- How do you know? Was confidential.

- Believe me, Mr. Mayor, I know everything you know and then some.

- Half is in a nearby town and the rest in my office - Amorim replied without much thought, it was really easy to manipulate. Theobald rose and Lisa too.

- I go to his office now, but as I get to another city?

- I'll call my first aide and reliable man, who will take you.

- Okay. Incidentally, his secretary will be there?

- Yeah ... yeah, why?

- I promised a gift for someone - and smiled looking at Lisa, who smiled back and kept silent - and she certainly will help me in this.

- No problem! I ask you to wait for the papers and then she gets to them.

- Surely, it is.

Lisa Theobald walked to the door and, before leaving, he turned to the mayor smiling.

- By the way, my name is Tybalt, Mr. Governor.

Amorim chest filled the air with praise and motioned with his hand for yes. Theobald smiled and closed the door behind him, locking also hopes dignity of mayor.

- You took.

House of Benjamin.

- We were at the restaurant and Nelson had a long talk.

- You told him, Gabriel?

- Not only him Ana - Gabriel sat - also to Dr. Walter and his wife.

- Soon the whole town will know. - Junior spoke sarcastically.

Arthmes was silent, standing near the window, looked out as someone suspicious of being followed. By Ben entered the room with a soda.

- I thought you were working on the machine! - Ben turned to Gabriel, visibly annoyed by the comment.

- What is the problem? Are you a guilty conscience? The answer did Gabriel rise promptly.

- For starters, do not build that machine, genius!

- No! - Ben replied shaking his head. - It was just incompetent enough to fall into a tube three feet tall.

- Why that his dog barked at me asshole!

They were screaming and began to walk toward each other.

- He always barks when he sees crap!

- So he lives barking at you!

Junior came in the middle of the two, were already too close.

- Calm down ... calm people! Fighting does not work.

- Moreover, we have bigger problems to solve.

The phrase Ana made both remain silent, but looked angry.

- Let's go! - Arthmes had been quiet until now. - We have to calm people down.

Ben shrugged and went to the lab, Ana followed.

- I also think you better leave again - she said before leaving the room. - Nervousness only disturbs. - Looking wistfully spoke to Gabriel.

- It's time for lunch, we eat something.

Gabriel slammed the door when he came back in the truck.

- I'm not hungry.

- Junior Gabriel is right. If the line can not stand, as we catch the fish?

- Vai also Arthmes accuse me? - Shouted.

- No! Just want you to think and have a little more responsibility - Arthmes shouted.

- I forgot, this is what angels do - grumbled.

- Do not angels Gabriel, demons - and turned forward. - Come on, Junior - Junior started the engine and turned to the Greek Islands.

The restaurant was closed, slammed the door opened and Nelson, inviting them to join.

- We came to lunch. Do not open the restaurant?

- After this morning? I took off for everyone. But I have a great stroganoff, can sit I'll bring.

- I do not like Nelson.

- You're gonna make this undone?

- You do not understand - explained Arthmes - I'm not hungry, nor feel the taste of food.

- Man, life is hard angel.

- Yeah ... a little bit. - Arthmes spoke, smiling. Nelson brought the food and sat with them.

- Tell me, - said the Junior Arthmes - when we find "he" how do we stick it inside that tube?

- We do not, Junior, only Gabriel - ran a light breeze. - Only Gabriel can do this.

- And how will he do?

- Through the "LAW OF ATTRACTION".

Gabriel looked at Junior and Nelson, who accompanied the silent conversation, but with the same curiosity.

- Okay, Arthmes explains. - Junior spoke.

- The Law of Attraction, as the name says, attracts everything for you, whether good or bad.

- I did not.

- Imagine anything, Gabriel. Gabriel thought a bit.

- Okay, okay, now what?

- Now you gave a direct order to the universe, it will rebuild itself in orde