The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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As you learnt in Part II, intention activates the Law of Focus. This makes intent the most powerful force in the metaphysical Universe. To command intent, you must first clearly articulate exactly what it is you intend to create. In this book, the focus is upon the actualization of your Higher Purpose to create abundance. However, you can use this formula to articulate any intention.

When formulating your intentions, it is important not to focus on how you are going to manifest them. You are not to concern yourself with how or when it will happen. The details will unfold in the illumination stage, and you will have your clarity about the actions to take then. Your job is to decide upon what you intend to create, get clarity about it and then impress it upon the Universal. Your first step is to get your intention into a workable form.


The most effective way to express an intention is with an Intent Decree. An Intent Decree is a brief statement that expresses, in powerful language, what you intend to create and why. They are comprised of three simple statements, shown as follows:

I intend to ... I am …
I love …

Element 1: I intend to …


Here you state what you intend to achieve and how you intend to feel when your intention has manifested.


I intend to ... (do) I intend to ... (feel)


For example:

² I intend to identify my Higher Purpose and act to realize it
² I intend to feel a sense of meaning and fulfilment in my life experience

Element 2: I am …

The key to creating compelling „I am... statements is to ensure they are true for you. Forget what you have learnt about affirmations that suggest you lie to yourself. You expect other people to tell you the truth, so tell yourself the truth. There are much more effective ways of transforming limiting beliefs than through self-deceptive autosuggestion.

Besides, it is easy to tell yourself the truth with „I am... statements. You need only preface them all with the words:


I am now in the process of


For example, you could preface the following statements with „I am now in the process of:

² Realizing my Higher Purpose ² Becoming a millionaire ² Achieving my ideal weight ² Creating more abundance ² Expanding my business ² Attracting my soul mate

There is no dissonance in your mind when you say these statements. They are expansive truths, not contractive lies. Most importantly, they help to evoke the feeling of having what you want, not the lack of it.

Element 3: I love …

Love is a very powerful word. When you say you love something, you charge the subject with the vitality of love. You can use the following opening statements to express your love for the subject of your intent:

I love how it feels to … I love the idea of … I love seeing myself … For example:

² I love how it feels to live my life on purpose and have others tell me what an impact my work has on them

² I love the idea of being a world-renowned transformational speaker
² I love seeing myself in front of a captivated audience who enjoy my lectures

To summarize, the formula for constructing an intent decree is as follows:

I intend to … (do)
I intend to … (feel)
I am now in the process of …
I love how it feels/the idea of/seeing myself …

Once you have each of the elements of your Intent Decree, it is simply a matter of stringing them together. Here is an example:


I intend to identify my Higher Purpose and act to realize it. I intend to feel abundant and fulfilled as a result. I am now in the process of creating tremendous abundance by serving others with my passions. I love how it feels to live my life on purpose and serve others with my special talents.


I intend to … (do)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I intend to … (feel)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I am now in the process of …
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I love how it feels/the idea of/seeing myself …
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Intent Decree for _____________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________