The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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Impression is the act of moulding the „formless substance of Universal Mind with intent. Your active imagination is the most effective means to accomplish this. Essentially, you visualize your fulfilled intention in the presence of The Stone.

The first step is to translate your Intent Decree into imagery. When vitalized with gratitude, the highest energy emotion, this imagery sets the cast for the creative intelligence of the Universal to flow into for expression.

Impression causes tremendous tension in the structure of consciousness. This incongruence between reality. The mind cannot long tolerate this contrast between what is impressed and what is experienced. The world without must correspond to the world within, just as expression must correspond to impression. The Universe will seek to close the gap and resolve the tension to restore equilibrium. The physical Universe always seeks its lowest energy state, and the metaphysical Universe is no different.

The Universal, simultaneously connected to everyone and everything conscious, will seek the path of least resistance to resolve this tension. It does this by matching your intention with the intentions of others that align with it. They will help you fulfil your intention and you will help fulfil theirs. You will is because impression creates

the vitalized imagery and actual find yourself giving in ways you ordinarily would not. You will resonate strongly with causes, people, ideas and events that had no significance in the past. You will also notice the sudden appearance of amazing coincidences.

The Universe is the ultimate utilitarian, which means it will always seek the greatest good for the most people. This is the reason why Divine Intentions are so powerful. The entire Universe literally lines up behind you, supporting you through its vast armies of angels who, just like you, want to serve the greater good. Everybody wins, especially your Higher Self, which is in it for growth, expression and the creation of tremendous value for others.


A key objective of the manifestation method is to impress your intention upon the Universal Mind, with the belief and knowing that your intention has already manifested. It is a critical step in the process, and all subsequent steps will falter if the impression is inadequate. Therefore, it is crucial that the most powerful impression techniques are used.

The following table shows the relative impression power of a variety of techniques:
Power Impression Method
1 One-off thought
2 One-off written word
3 One-off verbalization
4 One-off visual imagery
10 Repeated thought
20 Repeated written word
30 Repeated verbalization
40 Repeated visual imagery
70 Emotionally charged thought 80 Emotionally charged written word 90 Emotionally charged verbalization 100 Emotionally charged visual imagery 1000 Emotionally charged visual imagery in

the presence of The Stone

Notice from this list that the power increases through thought, word, verbalization, and imagery. You will also note that repetition adds power, but endless repetition of words cannot overpower even a single highly emotionalized thought impulse.

For our purposes, what we are interested in is only the most powerful method. This is the last one on the list, with a relative power of 1,000. It is orders of magnitude more powerful than repeated affirmations. This is because you transcend mind entirely and penetrate directly into the realm of Pure Awareness, or First Cause. This level of awareness is the causal level of the metaphysical Universe. Everything else is an effect operating in a direct causal response to this superconscious level. At this level of awareness, you can recast fundamental beliefs and undo years of negative programming in moments. The vitriolic power of The Stone dissolves all untruth and negativity within its presence. The only thing left untouched is the gold of awareness and the realization of The Truth.



There are three elements to impressing formless substance:

1. Visual imagery
2. Emotional charge
3. The Philosophers Stone

We shall look at each in detail before tackling the practical aspects of the method.



You learnt in Part II that the imagination is the gateway between the individual and Universal. So then, the first step involves translating your intent decree into both literal and symbolic imagery. So what is the difference between the two?


Literal imagery is a visual scenario of what your fulfilled intention will look like. Think of it as painting the Universe a picture of what you want. The crucial point to note is that you must use only imagery of what your fully realized intention will look like. For instance, if your intention is attract a large sum of money in to your life, you could visualize a bank statement showing a balance of $100,000.

Bear in mind that you must not use imagery that tries to show how you would go about creating or finding this money, such as winning a lottery or starting up a business. Your job at this stage is simply to paint the picture, to make the impression, to see only the result.

Ensure that your scenario is from a first-person perspective, looking out through your own eyes. If your intention is to manifest a brand new car, go to a showroom and experience sitting in the drivers seat. Notice the colour of the leather and wood grain, and the layout of the instruments. The more detail you can paint in your picture, the better. The key is to make the imagery as vivid as possible, so it is best that you experience it first-hand before formulating your imagery.


Symbolic imagery captures the subjective essence of the fulfilled intention. Recall that the Universal uses symbols to express its intelligence to your finite mind through passive imagination. But, it is a two way street, and you can use symbols to communicate the subjective qualities of your fulfilled intention directly to the Universal.

To give you a better idea, consider the following two examples of symbols that I use personally. Bear in mind that because symbols are personal and contextual, they are not likely to evoke the same associations for you.


For me, the symbol of the frangipani flower represents simplicity and abundance. They are simple yet strikingly beautiful, and remind me that beauty and harmony stem from simplicity. I have the association with abundance because I would pick a few of the flowers everyday to decorate my workspace over an entire summer. It did not matter how many I picked, there always seemed to be a never-ending supply of them. After a few weeks, every time I picked one I would feel the subjective essence of abundance. One of my favourite Upanishads quote would come to mind and I would find myself quoting: ‘From abundance I took abundance and still abundance remained’.

00033.jpgA GLASS PRISM

For me, the prism symbolises imagination and creative expression. It is symbolic of the bridge between the part and the whole, the local and the non-local. That is because the white light and the full colour spectrum of which it is comprised is revealed though it. It takes the whole and breaks it down into parts. It inspires me to think of ways to turn apparently boring „white light situations into creative expressions that give rise to joy and fulfilment.


It is important to understand that at the back of all intentions is a feeling, an emotional charge. That is, you are intending to feel some quality or emotion when your intention manifests, such as:

Respect Confidence Growth
Youthfulness Freedom
Acceptance Belonging Accomplishment Sex Appeal Love
Comfort Joy
Grace Success Your task is to find a symbol that encapsulates whichever

feeling or subjective quality is at the heart of your intention. If a symbol is not immediately apparent, you can enlist the power of your passive imagination.

To do this, get quiet, close your eyes, and clear the screen of your imagination. Ask yourself „which symbol represents the quality of ____ for me? Just be receptive to whatever images flow across your mind. Choose the one that evokes the most feeling for you, the one you resonate with the most. When you have selected your symbol, immerse yourself in it. Find some pictures of it or get the actual object itself. Hang it up for display in your room, at work and in the bathroom.


Emotional energy is the workhorse of the impression process. Although the imagery and active visualization process provides the Universe with an outline for the impression, emotional energy is what causes the extrusion of „formless substance into form.

To understand why, you need to think of emotions as being energy in the metaphysical Universe. Since light is the transporter of energy in the physical Universe, it is a useful analogy. In the physical Universe, we perceive the highest vibration (frequency) light as the colour violet and the lowest vibration light as the colour red. In fact, the electromagnetic waves of violet light vibrate 320 trillion times a second faster than red light.

The same idea applies to emotions, so we have high energy and low energy emotions. So, in this analogy, you can think of each emotion as a different „colour, depending on its energy level, or vibration. This following table shows how each colour corresponds with emotional energy:

Vibration Emotion
Violet Gratitude, love, joy Indigo Passion, enthusiasm Blue Hope, optimism
Green Contentment, satisfaction Yellow Doubt, frustration
Orange Worry, blame, anger Red Despair, hatred, depression

From this table we see that gratitude, love and joy are of the highest vibration. They have a profound transformative power over everything they encounter. On the other hand, the lowest vibration emotions such as despair and hatred are destructive and repressive.

The key is to understand that higher vibration emotions have more energy. The hottest visible flames are violet and the coldest flames are red, because violet flames require much more energy than red ones to generate.

To create this energy requires deliberate and conscious effort. To generate gratitude or joy you must deliberately focus your awareness upon the things for which you are grateful for or that bring you joy. On the other hand, you can produce worry and despair effortlessly. They are like the default ground state; it is easier to let depression overwhelm you than to rise to joy. So what is the single most powerful emotion you can use to impress upon the Universal?


By far, the most powerful energy is contained within the emotion of gratitude. It is the master manifesting emotion and you must employ it to do the real work of impressing „formless substance.

The emotion of gratitude also serves another important function, which is to cause you to feel that your intention has already manifested; not tomorrow, not on your next payday, not when you win the lottery, right now! When you are expressing gratitude, you are emotionalizing the intent as though you already have it. This feeling of having it now is a key element of the process, and expressing gratitude for it even though you do not yet have it is essential. So how can you generate the feelings of gratitude?

Summoning gratitude is easy when you engage the most powerful law in the metaphysical Universe – The Law of Focus. You need only commit to focusing on what you are grateful for instead of what is missing in your life. The most effective way to do this is to start a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is simply a diary that you write in at the end of each day. In it, you express all of the things you are grateful for throughout the day. Its simplicity belies its tremendous power in lifting your energy to the violet end of the emotional spectrum. The energy and effort you spend on your gratitude journal will pay you tremendous dividends. Commit to devoting five minutes each night before you retire to your gratitude journal.


Using visualization and gratitude alone is a powerful method for impression; however, to obtain truly profound results requires the presence of a catalyst. As you learnt in Part II, the most powerful catalyst in the metaphysical Universe is The Stone. The Stone is a metaphor for Pure Awareness, or First Cause. In this state of awareness, you literally transcend your individual mind and shift into the causal level of the metaphysical Universe.

Perform this method first thing in the morning or before retiring. It takes only twenty minutes, and you only ever need do it once for each intention. When properly moulded, „formless substance simply does not forget!

1. Firstly, spend five minutes writing in your gratitude journal and give thanks for all that you are grateful.
2. Next, write out your Intent Decree in your gratitude journal.
3. Sketch a picture or close your eyes and imagine what your fulfilled intention will look like. Remember to stay in the first-person perspective.
4. Get quiet, close your eyes and perform The Stone Technique until you are experiencing it fully. This will take around fifteen minutes or ten-letter transitions in most cases.
5. At this point, forget about the letters completely.
6. While continuing to repeat the mantra, project a snapshot of your fulfilled intention onto the screen of your imagination. After three or four repetitions of the mantra, allow silence to pass while you continue to project the imagery.
7. The last step is to attach the emotion of gratitude to your imagery, while continuing to repeat the mantra. This is when the real magic happens. The feeling of gratitude should still be fresh in your awareness. Emotionalize your imagery by immersing yourself in overwhelming thanks as if it was now a reality.

If you have followed these instructions, rest assured that you have impressed your intent upon „formless substance. You have completed your role in the active phase of the manifesting process; the Universe will orchestrate the means for fulfilment and expression into form.