The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.

- Anais Nin

Inspired Action is the final step and the ultimate goal of the entire manifesting process. Taking action shifts the energy you have generated in the metaphysical Universe into the physical Universe. In this book, though, we are not talking about any ordinary action. We are talking about Inspired Action. Inspired Action can save you years of labour or trial and error. Action taken upon the guiding light of illumination is the esoteric alchemists true gold. When you receive illumination, and take actions aligned with this guidance, you are taking Inspired Action.

Inspired action is about expressing your intention with the minimum amount of money, time and energy. The Universal Mind can generate an infinite supply of inspired ideas and creative insights that will lead you to the effortless fulfilment of your intention. Your final task is to be prepared to act upon the given illumination.

The Universe operates upon the principles of speed and efficiency. Everything in nature follows the path of least resistance, so too does the manifestation process. When you take action that is inspired by the orchestrating intelligence of the Universe, you tap into this path of least resistance.

Taking action shows commitment. You literally prove to yourself that you mean what you say. We have all heard the expression „actions speak louder than words. It is an immutable truth. It is no different with manifesting your intentions. You can follow all of the steps in this process, from intention to impression to illumination, but unless there is action, there is no expression.

This diagram shows the interplay of the active and passive principle throughout the manifestation process:






Imagination Passive Imagination
Questions Answers
Action Inspiration

Note that action is the counterpart to inspiration. The Universe will supply you the means to your fulfilment through inspiration, but only you can take the action. Action is required to complete the circuit, to transmute the metaphysical into the physical. So where do you start?


You start by taking the most obvious action. After you have received your illumination, you do all of the plain and obvious things you can think of and act upon them immediately. There is a lot of fresh and vibrant energy after the illumination and you need to channel this energy to vitalize your intention.

For instance, the illumination received in response to your intention to create $100,000 might be to write a book about a particular subject that fascinates you. You might begin by enrolling in a writing course, start to research your topic intensively and equip and prepare a writing workstation. You could even work out an action plan that details how much time you will spend on it and when. The intellect is the thrust behind obvious action. It will come up with the practical plans, blueprints, budgets and obvious first steps required to bring about momentum.

Taking obvious action sends a very powerful signal to the Universe. Getting this momentum going activates expectancy and reinforces the intention. Expectancy is an inherent part of intention, and taking this early action indicates that you are really expecting to see your intention through to fulfilment.

As you take action, more questions will arise which the Universe will answer with more illumination and inspiration. However, to get the process flowing, you have to begin by taking obvious action. Once you prove commitment to your intention by taking obvious action, and have done everything you can think of to realize it, you again surrender your intention to the Universe. You can still focus on the intention, but do not feel compelled to take any action towards it. This state of surrender, of releasing it back into the hands of the Universe, is critical. At the appropriate moment, you will receive the illumination you need to take you to the next level. When the moment comes, you will know what to do. The illumination will feel expansive; it will invigorate you and allow you to surmount resistance and barriers that appear to block your path. The light will literally shine upon the way!

Each step along the way, you will switch between obvious action and inspired action, between individual mind and Universal Mind. This complementary interplay of obvious and inspired action is what will lead to the effortless manifestation of your intent.


Taking inspired action puts you in the resistance-free flow of joy and ease. The illumination that precedes inspired action will always be growth and joy-oriented. It never compels you toward actions that you would dread doing. Rather, it will gently prod you toward taking small steps to help you overcome your fear and self-imposed limitations.

If you continue to alternate between obvious action, surrender and inspired action, you will progress toward the realization of your intention. If you miss an inspired window of opportunity, do not be concerned. The unbounded orchestrating intelligence can easily devise a hundred more in its place. The opportunities will come back, repeatedly, in different forms and guises. There is no shortage or lack, and opportunities will never cease to flow. For as long as you hold the intention, the Universe is lighting the way and opening doors. If you hold steadfast in your intention but continue to resist, the urges will just get stronger and stronger, the impulses more compelling.


The two most common pitfalls you will encounter along the path of inspired action are resistance and attachment. The Ego and intellect are the cause of both. If left unchecked, they will block and stymie the manifesting process with their practical and fragmented perspectives.

Resistance occurs when your intellect presents you with a list of reasons why it is impossible to realize your intention. It will come up with resource constraints and give you the impression you are all alone in the manifesting process. Your major task is to defy it, and continue taking action in spite of it. For instance, if you think that you will never find the time to write the book, you are encountering resistance. You must trust that you will receive the inspiration that will lead to ways that will free up the required time.

Over-attachment to the outcome is easily the biggest blockage to the manifesting process. If you are highly attached to the outcome, you are in the grips of desperation and neediness. In these circumstances, there is a tendency for the intellect to overwhelm your trust in the process and interfere.

If you are getting impatient or frustrated by a lack of progress, choose simply to surrender it again. The key is to resist trying to force things to happen. The Universe will not be micro-managed by your intellect. Simply trust that expression must follow impression, and surrender and detachment are the keys.


When embarking upon the path of inspired action, you will often wonder to yourself „Am I going the right way? It is important to ask yourself this question because the Universe always answers in a special way to let you know you are on the right path. When you are in alignment with the means for fulfilment, you will experience a phenomenon called synchronicity.

In 1952, Carl Gustav Jung published a paper introducing synchronicity as „temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events. In simpler terms, they are meaningful coincidences that are extremely unlikely to happen by random chance. These events have four essential features that make them awe-inspiring and profound. These events have four essential features:

1. Coincidence
2. Meaningfulness to you
3. Causally unrelated
4. Extremely low probability of occurring by random chance

The experience of synchronistic events often evokes feelings of awe as they give you a direct glimpse into the orchestrating intelligence of the Universe. They occur when doors swing open just at the right time, or when the right people appear as if summoned. It might even appear to you that the entire Universe is conspiring for the fulfilment of your intention.

The Universe can effortlessly coordinate an entire array of events in ways your intellect cannot begin to comprehend. When you glimpse at the outer workings of this orchestration, you will see it as synchronicity.

When people first encounter a synchronistic event, it is common for them to feel both bewildered and amazed. This is only natural, especially if you do not have a framework to explain these grand „cosmic co-incidences. The important thing is not to intellectualize them; they defy the reasoning powers of the intellect entirely. Just view them as a signal that you are going the right way and be grateful for them.

Be wary of telling your friends about them. If they have no first-hand experience with synchronicity, they may conclude, quite reasonably, that you have lost your sanity! Rest assured that this is not the case. On the contrary, this is your first tangible evidence that you are coming into alignment with the Universe and your impression is expressing.

As your receptivity to illumination expands, and you master the action-surrender-inspired action cycle, you will experience synchronicity with increasing frequency. Celebrate these events and record their significance in your Gratitude Diary. In time, you will learn to trust and believe in synchronicity as being your faithful companion along the path of Inspired Action.

If you have made it this far, you should have a solid understanding of the elements of your Inner Power and the manifesting process. It is now time to apply what you have you have learnt to manifesting your Higher Purpose, your lifes work. Doing so will lead you to the true source of enduring prosperity and fulfilment.