The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.
- Florence Scovel Shinn

Up to this point, you have impressed your intention upon „formless substance and surrendered it to the Universe. As a direct causal consequence, the same creative intelligence that transforms stardust into life has been working for you behind the scenes. Having orchestrated all of the details necessary for fulfilment, Universal Intelligence will seek to express the means for expression through your intuition. Illumination is the result of this intuitive guidance entering into your awareness. There are two ways that you can receive illumination. The first pathway is passive, while the other is active.


Passive illumination is the same as creative intuition, or Divine Inspiration. This type of illuminating guidance will come to you as a revelation or flash of insight. In other cases, it will come from a cue in your environment. It might be something someone says to you or a significant sign along your path.

Passive illumination can take anywhere from a day to a month to express, and you have no control over the timing of it. Your only role in this passive process is to be receptive to intuitive guidance.

Nonetheless, this illumination is usually unmistakeable. This is because the answer will literally jump out at you. Things that you would not have given a second thought to will suddenly stand out as if put there just for you, and it will emanate a feeling of importance. Moreover, you will feel clarity, excitement and enthusiasm about taking action on the inspiration. Dismissal of this illumination further provokes its frequency, urging you toward action.

The key is to resist intellectualizing these intuitive signals and just flow with them. Your intellect will only interfere as it tries in vain to comprehend their significance. The manifesting process is not a rational or linear one. Rather, it is non-linear and holistic. Because your intellect is bound to linearity, it will try to dismiss the appearance of intuitive signals and convince you that you are looking too deeply into it all. The intellect cannot see beyond itself, let alone how an unimaginably complex array of events synchronize together to fulfil your intention.


You can gain direct access to illumination is through your passive imagination. This is through a method called „visioning. Recall that your passive imagination is the flow of mental energy from the Universal to the individual. That is, it comes directly from the Universal Mind itself. Your incredible imagination will do all the hard work of translating this intelligence into imagery tailored especially for you. Because of this, your passive imagination is the easiest and surest way to tune into illumination. To tap into it properly, you need to master several „visioning techniques.


The techniques all rely upon asking yourself a meaningful question and allowing your passive imagination to give you guidance. They only take a few minutes to learn, and they will serve you for the rest of your life.

1. The Spinning Coin Technique

The simplest of the three techniques, the spinning coin is useful for when you require a yes or no answer. It involves visualizing a spinning coin on the screen of your imagination. You then release the spinning coin to your passive imagination, which will present to you the guidance you need.

To use the technique, assign a yes/no outcome to either heads or tails of your imaginary coin. Next, visualize the coin spinning on a table appearing only as a blur. Next, hold the question in your mind, and keep gently repeating the question to yourself while the coin is still spinning. As you hold the question, release control over the image and allow it to gradually slow down, watch it start to wobble, then finally land on a face. Whichever face is showing is the response of your Higher Self to your question. Of course, you do not have to take this action. You always have the final say. Nevertheless, try following this guidance for a while and you will soon trust it to guide you effortlessly to the fulfilment of your intentions. It will always lead the growth that is required for you to enable you to align with your Higher Self.

2. The Traffic Light Technique

This technique is most useful for clarifying ambivalence or clearing up uncertainty about which way to act. It involves visualizing a set of traffic lights in your mind. It must have three lights: red, amber and green.

Visualize the traffic lights with all three bulbs all blackened. Next, ask yourself the question. You will see one of the lights flash a colour, which is the answer to your question.

² Red means no, stop, re-assess your options
² Amber means wait, get more information or standby
² Green means yes, forge ahead
² Alternative flashes of red and green indicates that you need to get further clarity about your question or intention.


Always trust your first impression and do not involve your intellect in the process. Receive the guidance through a peaceful detachment to the outcome. Do not use this process if you are strongly attached to a particular outcome. Your active imagination will overpower your passive imagination, and you will get whatever indication your Ego, intellect and lower self want you to see.

3. Symbol Streams

The final technique is easily the most powerful technique to channel illumination, but it requires some practice to master. You should do it as soon as you wake or as the last thing before retiring at night. You will also require a pen and paper.

1. Clear the screen of your imagination until it is perfectly black throughout your entire visual awareness.
2. Ask yourself a question that aligns with your intent decree. For example, „What is my purpose? or „How can I create $100,000?
3. Softly repeat the question in your mind. Visualize a small blurry white dot in the centre of your imagination growing larger and clearer until it morphs into an image. Intend for only one symbol to come at a time, and write/draw it as it visualizes.

The imagery that flashes in your mind will be symbolic, not literal. Recall that the Universal Mind expresses its intelligence symbolically, so you should never seek a literal interpretation of the imagery. So how do you interpret this imagery?

The key to interpreting the imagery might surprise you, but do not rule it out until you have tried it. You are going to need to relinquish your preconceptions for a moment and trust me on this one! So here it is:


That is right! The spontaneous first thoughts that flow into your mind when you think about the symbols hold the correct interpretations. This is because all of the things that you associate with that symbol will flow into your awareness, whether they are conscious or unconscious associations.

Simply ask yourself lightly and playfully what the symbol means to you. Receive the answers as spontaneous and free flowing associations. Record them. It is that simple. The moment you intellectualize the interpretation you have lost the point. Remember, this symbolism stems from the Universal, not the individual. It is holistic and contextual intelligence.

It is important that you do not ask anybody else what he or she thinks the symbols mean. They cannot decipher or interpret their meaning, as the imagery is tailor-made for you. The imagery is contextual symbolism, and can only be interpreted within the framework of your own associations.

These techniques will always give you answers that lead you upon the path of growth and transformation. Sometimes that will involve a degree of risk, but you should not be reckless. Until you have plenty of experience with the methods and trust in the experience completely, do not quit your day job or file for a divorce!