The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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You don’t find your purpose, your purpose finds you.


- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

The key to discovering your Higher Purpose is to realize that it is not something you can find. You cannot wake up one day and decide to search for it in the world outside of yourself. Any attempts to search for it will inevitably end in frustration and confusion, as the endless sea of possibilities act quickly to overwhelm even the most earnest seeker. Rather, your Higher Purpose is something that finds you. Your role in the process is to let it in, to open your arms to it, to receive it. It involves deep introspection, contemplation, and receptivity to the guidance of your Higher Self, which expresses through intuition.

The truth is, your Higher Purpose has been trying to find you your entire life but you have been hiding from it behind the veils of your fragmented Ego and intellect. Like your nose, it has been sitting there all along, just waiting to be noticed.

In what follows, you will learn four easy techniques that will help you shift your awareness within and begin the process of uncovering your Higher Purpose.

1. Ask yourself The Big Question
2. Identify your special talents and passions
3. Contemplate your childhood
4. The experience of timeless awareness


The key to expanding your awareness on any topic is to ask yourself the right questions. From powerful questions comes powerful focus, which results in powerful answers. The most powerful question of all is „What is my Higher Purpose?

So right now, take the time to ask yourself this question. Ask it out aloud, with a deliberate intent to have it answered. Feel a conviction that you know the answer, and without intellectualizing it, allow your ideas to flow freely onto the space below.

What is my Higher Purpose?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Whenever you think about it, ask yourself the question again. As you go about your day, focus on being receptive to whatever cues the Universe offers you about your Higher Purpose. The most important cue that you get from the Universe will come in the form of synchronicity. As you ask yourself this question, keep an eye out for unlikely coincidences. When they occur, take a note of them in your Synchronicity Diary. In many of my workshops, the most spectacular synchronicity stories are in response to asking about your Higher Purpose.

It is important to note when thinking about your Higher Purpose that you resist your intellects attempts to limit your vision because of practical restraints like money or time. This stage of the process is not about considering how you can make money from your service. The way you apply your talents, how much value you create and how many people you impact will determine how much money you make. For now, you need clarity and focus of intent. The inspiration for surmounting the practical and moneymaking issues will come in the illumination stage of the manifesting process.

Answer the following questions to get further clarity about your Higher Purpose.

Who would I love to be?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What would I love to do?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What would I love to have?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________



Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.


- Aristotle

Your special talents hold the key to identifying your Higher Purpose. They always encapsulate the means for realizing your Divine Mission. The problem with special talents is that you never think they are special. They just come naturally to you, so you do not understand why people make such a big fuss about them. Make no mistake though, other people have been telling you what your Higher Purpose is your entire life. When you repeatedly hear people commenting on a gift that you have, rest assured that gift is a key to your Higher Purpose.

Throughout my life, people have often commented on my ability to:
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

If I asked my closest friend what they thought my special talents were, they would say:
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Another gateway to uncovering your Higher Purpose is through your passions. Passions absorb you, enthral you, invigorate and vitalize you. They fire you up with enthusiasm, and you can undertake them tirelessly. Passion is the energy you get from aligning with your Higher Purpose. Everybody feels a passion for something, but many have difficulty articulating it.

What activities/subjects do you find yourself devoting to tirelessly?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What vision or ideal do you feel most passionate about realizing?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


When we are children, we are free to create and express ourselves without restraint. There is no concern about the daily affairs of running a household, earning a living or caring for a family. Children are free to imagine, play and be. In this state, your Higher Self flows through you without resistance. That is why regressing back to your childhood is a powerful method to crystallize your Higher Purpose.

Reflecting upon my childhood…

What did I spend most of my time doing?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What activity stands out as the one that best characterizes the joy of my childhood?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What are my fondest childhood memories about? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________



That is happiness; to be dissolved into something completely great.


-Willa Cather

When you are so completely absorbed by a subject or activity that you lose sense of time, you are in a state of timeless awareness. Entire hours can pass by in what seem like minutes. You literally get lost in yourself, and awareness stands still. This state of mind holds an important clue to your Higher Purpose. When you find yourself entering this state doing when engaged in particular subjects or activities, you can rest assured it aligns in with your Higher Purpose.

I get so absorbed that I lose track of time whenever I: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I could easily spend an entire day working without a break when I am working on:
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


Another way to get clarity about your Higher Purpose is to think from the end. How do you want people to remember you after you leave the physical plane? What would you want them to say at your eulogy? What would you wish you did that you might not have otherwise done? In the final analysis, most people do not wish for Ego driven desires like bigger houses or more money. More often, what we wish for is actually greater alignment with our Higher Self.

For instance, you might wish you spent more time with your loved ones, or experienced more joy, meaning and fulfilment. Perhaps you will wish you made a meaningful and valuable contribution to the Universe. If you have never thought about, here is your opportunity!

How do I want the world to remember me?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What do I want the world to remember of my contribution? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What do I hope people will say about me in my eulogy? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What do I want written on my headstone?


The final exercise in this chapter is to imagine what you would be doing if you were entirely free of money and time constraints.


Imagine for a moment that you hit the $10 million jackpot in tonights lottery. All of your financial concerns have just evaporated, and you can afford to live very comfortably for at least the next decade without lifting a finger. Assuming you have travelled the world and spent some time enjoying your newfound wealth, what will you spend the next decade doing? You could choose to sit around and laze about, but chances are that will not fulfil you. The alternative is to set about infusing yourself with purpose and passion and to about realizing your Divine Mission. Assuming you choose the latter option, ask yourself the following questions:

What would I love to do if I had no money or time constraints?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

What valuable contribution would I make to the world? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________