The Alchemy of Abundance: A Guide to Manifesting Your Higher Purpose by Dax Fiddes - HTML preview

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When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

- Patanjali

The journey of transforming your Higher Purpose from mind into form is the single most rewarding, fulfilling and enriching action you can take. If you have done the exercises in the previous chapter, your Higher Purpose will soon begin to crystallize in your awareness. Over the coming weeks, the ideas surrounding it will become less abstract and more concrete. This process can take weeks or months; it depends on your alignment with your Higher Self and receptivity to intuitive guidance. Those who are strongly identified with Ego will often take much longer, or need to encounter the cross experience before progressing. Once you have reached a point where you feel you have refined it into a concise and tangible expression, it is time to get to work to realize it from mind into form. It is time to set about manifesting your Higher Purpose!


Have you ever heard the expression „do what you love and the money will come? Well, that statement is actually only half-true. It is missing the key ingredient that will actually cause the money to flow to you. That ingredient is value. To create financial prosperity in your life, you have to do what you love and add tremendous value to the lives of others. Through your products or services, you will impact the experiences of others in such a way that they will want to give you their money. Serving people through your Higher Purpose is easily the most successful way to achieve this. By leveraging your special talents and passions in service to others, you will manifest abundance effortlessly. By virtue of perfect law, the value that you create must flow back to you in one form or another.

In order to realize your Higher Purpose effectively, consider these four vital elements:

1. The intention to realize your Higher Purpose
2. Clarity about your Divine Mission
3. Manifesting skills
4. Long-term commitment


Intending to realize your Higher Purpose is the Ultimate Intention. That is because it has within it the greatest potential for transforming your entire life experience. People living their Higher Purpose are self-actualized people. They are in alignment with their Higher Self and focus their energy on formulating ways to serve others. Money and fulfilment cannot help but flow to them in an endless flow of abundance.

This intention is the master key to creating tremendous prosperity and enduring fulfilment in your life experience. When you are doing what you love, and serve others through it, you experience the exaltation of spirit and you break free from all your bonds. As Patanjali remarked, dormant forces, faculties and talents will come alive.

Once you have gained some clarity about your Higher Purpose, the next step is to articulate it into an Intent Decree. This process may take some refinement until you are clear about your Higher Purpose. The important thing is to get to paper and allow it to develop and evolve in its own time. The following Intent Decree worksheet should assist you.


I intend to realize my Higher Purpose by...
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I intend to feel enthusiasm, passion, fulfilment and... __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I am now in the process of serving others with my ... ( unique talents and passions)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

I love seeing myself … (scenario of you enacting your Higher Purpose)
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

My Ultimate Intent Decree

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.

- W. Clement Stone

Have you ever wondered why very wealthy people bother to get out of bed in the morning? They could easily spend their lives travelling the world on an endless vacation or lazing by the pool all day. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey are multi-millionaires thousands of times over. They do not need more money, so why do they get up every day and work so tirelessly?

The answer is simple - they are on a mission! They have an incredible sense of purpose; it emanates from every aspect of their being. Bill Gates wants us to work more productively, Warren Buffet wants to find and create value for his shareholders and Oprah Winfrey wants to inspire and inform us. They live, eat, and breathe their mission, long after their service has resulted in great personal fortune.

As W. Clement Stone points out, when you discover your mission, it will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire. You can think of the mission of realizing your Higher Purpose as your Divine Mission. When you align with your Higher Purpose, your Divine Mission is simply the means for expression. It is the definite plan that you will rely on to fulfil your Higher Purpose. It is what you will actually do to serve and add value to others with your special talents.


Every successful organization has a clearly defined mission statement that directs the focus of their activities. Without a mission statement, an organization can forget about its core capabilities and stray into areas that does not leverage them. They lose money and end up having to divest and refocus on what they do best.

It is the same with Higher Purpose. If you have identified that your Higher Purpose is to be a teacher, you need to be highly specific exactly what subject you are going to teach, then stick to it! This subject must be your passion; it will make your heart sing whenever you are telling others about it. Your Divine Mission is never about being a jack-of-all-trades but good at nothing. You must focus and specialize on an activity that will inspire you and motivate you through both triumph and tribulation; it must absorb every fibre of your being!

Now it is up to you to formulate a Divine Mission statement. This statement will explain how you will leverage your special talents and passions to create value for others. To formulate your statement, review your answers to all the questions in the previous chapter. With them fresh in your mind, your task is to come up with a simple statement that defines:

How you intend to add value to the lives of others in a way that will leverage your special talents and passions.

It is important not to specify a particular product or service; it should be as broad as possible whilst still capturing the essence of your service. Let me share with you my personal Divine Mission Statement to help clarify things. My Divine Mission is:

Helping others find their gold by teaching them how to manifest and align with Higher Purpose.

It is my unbridled passion; I have spent thousands of hours in joyful devotion to it. Writing this book is one of the ways I have come up with to fulfil my mission. I also conduct workshops, do public speaking and run a publishing company all devoted to this endeavour. I know this is my Higher Purpose because there is nothing I love doing more than this!


I will act to realize my Higher Purpose by:
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Make several copies of your Divine Mission Statement and put them when you will see them regularly, such as your wallet, bathroom and work environment.


Part III was devoted to teaching you a five-step manifesting method. Learning and mastering it is critical to your success in bringing your mission to life. Use the method to impress a scenario of your divine mission upon „formless substance. Imagine yourself living your Higher Purpose and picture the scenario in vivid detail. See yourself as an international success in whatever field of endeavour it is. Imagine your customers lining up for your services and feel the emotions of fulfilment and joy surging through you. Visualize your satisfied customers giving thanks for the way your product or service has benefited them. Be sure to dream a big dream; let your imagination run wild. After all, this is mission that you devote your entire being to realizing! Make the imagery exciting and inspirational. Follow the remaining steps of the manifesting method through, using your Divine Mission Statement to focus your actions in step 5.


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

- Matthew 7:7-8

When you follow this process through, you will soon come to the point where you require resources, such as money and the special talents of others. At this point, remember the expression „if you dont ask, you dont get. It is an axiom of manifesting. Although these resources will not miraculously fall from the sky, illumination will light the path to acquiring them. The Universe has available every channel that you are open to receiving available to deliver you the resources you require.

In addition, be receptive to the support coming in forms other than money. For instance, if you require the services of a website designer that would normally cost $2,000, do not sit around waiting for the money to show up. Instead, tell everybody that you know you need a web designer, and let the Universe handle the details of fulfilment. They may agree for you to pay them a small deposit now and the balance later, or agree to a barter exchange or through an array of other possibilities.

This approach applies to the entire process; you must push through the resistance, imagine yourself surrounded by whatever you require and surrender fulfilment to the Universe. Let Universal Intelligence orchestrate a chance encounter with a financier, deliver you the insight for a creative financing option or even guide you to the perfect bank loan. The possibilities are endless, and the Universal intelligence will tailor make it to suit your specific circumstances.

If a friend or relative hears of your endeavour and offers to support you, gratefully accept their offer. If you resist or refuse the flow of support, you will stall the realization of your mission. You cannot do this alone! Open to receiving, so that you in turn can give! It is a dynamic flow of exchange, and you must not stymie the flow of support that will naturally flow to you.
If the Universe, through other people, is knocking on your door and offering support, accept it! For every minute you delay, the world is going without your valuable products or services. If you decide to start your own business and need start-up funding, offer to pay them back with interest and extra once you are firmly established. They will get as much satisfaction in seeing their resources lead to the realization of your dream as you do!


By aligning with your Higher Purpose, and acting to realize your Divine Mission, you become an emissary of the Universe. Your primary employer is no longer your boss or organization. Rather, it is Higher Power. You work for yourself, the Universe and the people you serve. As a result, your expectations on who is paying for your services must change. As an employee of the Universe, you must open yourself to receiving from all of the channels it has to compensate you for your efforts. It might be heavy discounts, unexpectedly generous offers of support or just plain old serendipity. When you are receptive to the flow of abundance beyond money alone, you will open yourself to a flow of prosperity that others can only describe as miraculous.

A major benefit of working for the Universe is an unlimited line of credit that you can draw upon to realize your Divine Mission. Think of it as a loan from the Reserve Bank of the Universe. You can draw upon your line of credit for any purpose that serves the realization of your Higher Purpose. To withdraw from your account, declare to the Universe what you need and how you intend to use it. Imagine yourself as already being in possession of the money and visualize how you will spend it in realization of your mission. It will come to you at the perfect moment, and not a moment before. Bear in mind, you can only draw against it for this purpose and it must be repaid. You must repay it through your service to others! If you ask for $10,000 to set up a home office, receive it, then blow the lot at the casino, do not expect the Universe to shower you with money upon your next request!


Unshakeable commitment is critical to realizing your Divine Mission. It will take nothing less than everything you have, and then some, to realize your mission. For this reason, you commitment must penetrate deep into every fibre of your being, and compel you through resistance and toward action. This mission is a lifelong project that must absorb you for as long as you are capable of serving. Warren Buffet is 77 years old and is worth $52,000,000,000, but he still gets out of bed each day to fulfil his mission of finding value for his shareholders!

If you do not feel this profound commitment to your mission, you do not have enough clarity about it. It must strike a resonant chord with every level of your being. If you do not have this feeling, Do not take action in spite of the resistance. Instead, give yourself more time to let it come to you. go back and contemplate your answers in the previous chapter. When you hit upon it, you will know without doubt that this is your mission, your reason for being, and you will stop at nothing to see it realized. As W. Clement Stone tells us, you will feel its demand upon you; it will fill you with a burning desire to get about realizing it!

It is important to understand that the stages of manifesting your Divine Mission are like the phases water goes through as its temperature changes. Let us say you start with water frozen at 40 degrees below zero, it is solid. To change its state, you must put in a lot of energy to bring it to zero. As soon as it increases above zero, you will notice dramatic results as it spontaneously liquefies. Again, you add more and more energy to the water, this time in its liquid state. This time you must continuously add energy until its temperature increases a full100 degrees Celsius, at which point it will boil vigorously.

The point is, in spite of all the effort you put in, there are only two critical stages that you see any real change. Nevertheless, the transformation happens very rapidly at the transition point. It is the same when you cross the manifestation threshold. Everything happens very quickly; do not come up only a few degrees short!


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