The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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6. Implications of the Oneness


Zingdad: Hi J-D, I know we said that we were going to talk about the moral implications of the oneness, but there are a few questions that I'd like to ask first.

For starters: you have explained how we might come to see that "all is one" from the two perspectives of science and religion. But are there not a few other perspectives from which we could look at this?

Joy-Divine: Hello Zingdad. Yes. There certainly are a number of different and equally valid perspectives from which this might be addressed. I think, for the people living on your planet right now, there are very nearly 7 billion different valid perspectives.

Z: What? But that is as many people as there are! Oh. Right. I get it. Each person has their own unique perspective and each person's perspective is valid.

J-D: That's right. But you see, we don't need to debate this from all 7 billion different perspectives because we are not trying to argue with people. We are not trying to convince anyone of anything. The only reason I used the two perspectives I did is that they are relatively prevalent and understood positions in the society in which you now live. I simply used them as a framework from which to make my case.

Z: Okay. I understand. But I'm afraid that brings me to another question. If you aren't trying to convince anybody of anything, then what are you trying to do? I mean why are you having these conversations with me?

J-D: Ha! Let me first ask you what you are trying to do? Why are you having these conversations with me?

Z: Well... It all started a few years ago when I was trying to find some answers to the questions that bothered me. There was so much about this world and this reality that really made no sense to me. I had so much inner pain and conflict and stuff that I was in a bit of a mess. And then, somehow, in my confusion and pain, I managed to find a way to talk to 8. I started to get some answers. And then I started to talk to Adamu and other beings and the stuff I received was just unbelievably helpful. As I worked with it, it brought me a great deal of inner-peace and facilitated healing and growth. I learned to trust and love the process. And it just keeps getting better. It seems as if the more I grow, the more I am able to receive. So... I guess the answer to your question is that I am just trying to heal myself, trying to love myself, trying to discover who I really am and who God really is and trying to find and fulfil my soul's purpose... that kind of thing. That's my answer. What is yours?

J-D: Ditto.

Z: No, no, no, no, no. You can't do that to me! How is your answer the same as mine?

J-D: Two reasons. The first is very easy. I am you, and you are me, remember? I am your Inner-Self. When you are aspiring to your highest good, then you are aligning yourself with me. Then we are in simpatico. So your goals and motivations are mine. You and I are answering the questions we have together. That's the first answer and the easiest to explain. The second answer comes with a small shift of perspective. You see "I" am a gestalt being that absolutely knows, as a fact of my existence, that I am one with God. It is a fundamental truth of my being that I am one with everyone and everything, everywhere and together we are all one with God. So, obviously, for me this means that I know I am one with every single inhabitant of planet Earth, right?

Z: Whoa! Does that mean that you are everyone on Earth's "Inner-self"?

J-D: No. In a previous conversation I said to you that you are the only one incarnated in your "here and now" on planet Earth who has that relationship with me. What I am saying is that everyone on Earth is one with God. And, whether they know it or not, I know it. And I also know that I am one with God. So it is true for me that I am, by obvious extension, one with everyone on Earth. Okay?

Z: Oh! Okay. You are saying from your perspective you see us all as one!

J-D: Yes. Logically that is the case. But let me explain something. I am like you in some ways and unlike you in others. My perception of my reality is very different from yours. I won't be able to describe this to you in a way that you will fully comprehend, but I can give you an inkling.

One example is that I am not limited to a single perspective as you are. You perceive your world from one perspective. You experience yourself to be one single being who can only stand in one place at a time and can only feel or think one thing about your life at a time. Even if you have conflicting thoughts, you leap from the one perspective to the other. One at a time. That is how you are created to be. You are a single-perspective being. I, on the other hand, am actually a multiplicity. I should correctly refer to myself in the plural as "we" but that would make for a confusing conversation. You see, I have an infinite number of points of view. That is like saying I am an infinite number of people all at once.

Z: Whoa. Infinite? Doesn't that mean that you are God?

J-D: No. I am ONE with God. But I am very, very far from being all of God! Compared to all of God I am... minuscule. A very, very small babe of a being.

Z: And yet you have infinite perspectives?

J-D: Understand that I am outside of the construct called the Space/Time Continuum. So I am able to see, at one glance, all the interactions my beingness might have in every single moment. Each moment is a perspective. Every interaction is now for me. And since Space/Time is infinite, I have infinite perspectives.

Z: Okay that is a bit mind-boggling for me.

J-D: Yes. And I am only referring to this one sliver of a reality in which you now exist, which you call "the universe". To me this is one sub-set of one reality where I am interacting with Life. There are, for me, an infinite number of other realities where I know myself to be.

Z: An infinite number of other universes?

J-D: You could see it like that. But that is already far too restrictive a conceptualisation. In later conversations I will try to convey to you the magnitude and vastness of the unending realities that I am aware of. And there is much more that I have yet to discover and place within my awareness. Much, much more. Now I don't say this to make you think I am something wondrous and special. I mean I am wondrous and special, of course (he smiles). But so is every other being that exists. Everyone on Earth has within themselves a God-self that has this God-like awareness. So, what I tell you is both amazing and a bit of a "so-what?" all at the same time. The reason I tell you this is to find a way to begin to explain to you that my perceptions of myself and my reality are somewhat different from yours in some pretty fundamental ways. And so, when I say that, for me it is true that all is one, I do not mean this in some abstract, philosophical way. I do not mean this as a derived theoretical understanding. No. I mean that it is my absolutely perceived reality from a very broad set of experiences.

Z: What does "absolute perceived reality" mean?

J-D: All right. How about I ask you this: are you alive? And if you are alive, can you prove this to me?

Z: Of course I am alive. Can I prove it? Well, I can try. I am a living, breathing biological being. And I am conscious. I think and I feel and...

J-D: Good, good, good. I don't really need proof and we don't really need to have this debate. I merely wanted to show you something. You know that you are alive. It isn't just an idea you have or some theoretical construct. It is your "absolute perceived reality". It is unarguable to you. Now, if I ask you to prove that you are alive, you can go digging around in your mind for thoughts that would explain this or attempt to prove it. You can do so as an intellectual exercise. But it is completely irrelevant and redundant to you because you know it to be true, with everything you are, without even thinking about it. It is the most self-evident thing possible. Well, in just such a way it is true for me that all is one. And I am saying this with all the authority of the rather extensive experience of my whole being.

Z: Ah. I begin to get it. Thanks. But that hasn't answered the bigger question about your purpose in having these conversations with me.

J-D: No. But I didn't explain this for nothing either. I was laying the groundwork for my argument. What I need you to understand is that I really, truly, completely perceive every being on Earth as being one with me and All That Is. And since I very much love and care for myself, by extension I love and care for every "other" that exists. And so, when I hear a cry of pain it is my desire to see if I may assist in turning that pain into joy. That, in fact, is my purpose here. I have come into this system of reality because there was a cry of pain. And the reason I heard that cry is because I was meant to answer it. So, I am here. And I am engaged in answering that call.

Now, let me go back to your question. Understanding that I can hold the perspective that every person on this planet is just "another me", let me read back to you what you said your purpose with all this was. You said: "I'm trying to heal myself, trying to love myself, trying to discover who I really am, who God really is and trying to find and fulfil my soul's purpose." Can you see how it is that I am doing exactly the same? If, for me, the Self can be pretty much any person on the planet, then this is what I am trying to do. In fact this is what I am doing, have always been doing, will always be doing and have ever done.

Z: Huh?

J-D: I am outside of time. It is only from your perspective that this is really a work in progress. My perspective on that is quite different. This work is both perfect and complete and still a work in progress... and everything else that it could possibly be. That is how it is from outside of time.

Z: Oh. Okay. But please don't tell me that these conversations of ours are meant to make such a big impact on humanity! I mean I just can't see them reaching far enough to...

J-D: Please. Silence your fears and your doubts. These conversations will undoubtedly have great value. Vastly more than you can now imagine. But this is not the work! You will, as we proceed with these conversations, come to understand what the work we are doing really is. These conversations simply act as a sort of an invitation to others to come and co-create with us. As the conversations unfold, you will slowly get a better and better idea of what their value is. So, while it is true that these conversations will have profound value for many and will go far further than you now have the ability to imagine, I have to say that this is certainly not "it" for me. The "work" I do is accomplished in ways you have not yet understood. I don't actually have to "do" anything. I simply am here. I accomplish everything I need to accomplish by simply being that which I am. I bring my energy to bear and make it available and that shifts things in the desired way.

Z: How? How can you change stuff by just "being there"? Surely you have to actually do something?

J-D: It's hard to explain the power of being to Earth humans. You only think in terms of the power of doing. You think you are more powerful and effective when you do something. The opposite is true. Doing only steps down your true power. But you won't understand that. Let me rather tell you about this in the form of a parable.

Z: Excellent! A story.

J-D: Yes, here we go:

The Story of the Darklanders

 Once upon a time there was a race of people called the Darklanders. They lived in a vast, dark cavern deep underground. Not one of the whole race of Darklanders had ever been outside the cavern, but their myths and legends told of an ancient time – a time before time – when their gods had come down from the great Brightlands above and created the Darklanders here in the dark cavern and then left and returned to the Brightlands. It was said that the gods would one day return and bring the light down to the Darklanders. The Darklanders tried to imagine what the Brightlands above must be like, but could not, as no one had ever seen so much as a single light. Then, some of the Darklanders began to feel constrained by their dark world. They longed to experience the mythical world above. The legends told of amazing vistas and wide open spaces and wondrous experiences and these sounded very desirable to some of the Darklanders. In their hearts these few Darklanders felt they knew it existed and cried out for it. Other Darklanders of course said that this was all "superstitious nonsense". They said that people should be practical and just get on with life, as it was, without hankering after nonsense. And so we see how types emerged: the Dreamers who longed for the life beyond, and the Realists who were interested only in the mundane. The Realists, instead of wasting time with myths, legends and dreams, explored the cavern and tried to understand all that they could perceive so that they could make the best of the life they had. They came up with practical solutions to their problems instead of wasting their time with what was out of their reach. But still the Dreamers continued to dream and pray. And then, on a day, when the time was right, their prayers began to be answered in an unexpected way. The gods sent a very tiny, very dim light to the Darklanders.

Z: A tiny, dim light? How did that help?

J-D: It didn't. But it also didn't hurt. You see, the tiny, dim light of this parable was different from the light you know of. It was given to each of the Darklanders... placed inside each of them. But it was so tiny and so dim that only the most observant noticed anything different at all. In fact it was so tiny and so dim that, even if they noticed it, the Darklanders were able to think they were just imagining it. They could choose to tell themselves there was "something" or they could put it down to their imagination playing tricks on them and say it was "nothing". If a Darklander accepted the light, then it increased. You see, the very desire to look and see, the desire itself, caused the light to slowly increase. And so, over time, those who desired it, meditated upon it and worked with it, got brighter and brighter.

Z: Surely you mean they saw more brightly?

J-D: No, I mean they themselves became brighter. They themselves shone with the light. I'll say it again: this light was different from the light you know. It was placed inside each of the Darklanders. By accepting it, paying attention to it, respecting it, nurturing it and loving it, so it grew within them. It became their own light which shone from within them and by which each of them might see. And as they became brighter and brighter, so they could see further and further.

Z: And how did that help?

J-D: It didn't. The light did not help at all. It didn't move them out of the cavern. It didn't bring them tools or maps or instructions or new information or tell them that their legends were true or anything like that. The light did nothing whatsoever except be. It simply was what it was. It did what all light does... it shone. It shone in its own special way: a beautiful soft, shimmering, golden light. But it came to them in such a gentle way, only increasing when it was actively desired, so that for quite some time no one spoke about it at all. You see, at first, those who noticed the light and worked to increase it were the greatest Dreamers. They were the ones who were most open and available to this gift. But, being such great Dreamers, they were very used to being told that they were crazy, lazy and bad. They were used to others not listening to them. They were used to having no power in the Darklands. So they didn't try too hard to share their discovery of the light with others. Most of them thought they were the only one to have this strange but wonderful new experience. But they did not mind too much because, though they felt no-one else would understand, for the first time, as a result of the light, they did not feel so alone.

Z: So the light didn't help. It just was... the light. So how did that answer the Darklanders' prayers?

J-D: Well you see not everyone prayed for the light or for a return to the Brightlands. Only some did. So if the Darklanders were just moved out of the cavern up into the Brightlands, then that would have given many of them what they didn't want. So the light did nothing but gently shine and then only for those who chose it and who, by their actions and decisions, created the light for themselves from within themselves. And here is the thing... you see, for the most avid Lookers, the light eventually got bright enough that they began to see some interesting things. Like the beautiful crystals hanging from the cavern ceiling. And this is where things came to a head. You see a few of the Lookers noticed each other staring up at the crystals on the ceiling, and then, for the first time, they knew they were not alone! They began to talk to each other about this. They got Lookers groups together to share their experiences and to help each other with tips and strategies to increase the light. Some non-Lookers came to listen to what they were saying. Some became interested enough to practise what they heard and became Lookers too. Word spread and for a while it was quite the most exciting thing that had happened in the cavern. Which would have been fine except that those who chose the light were most likely to be Dreamers and those who didn't were most likely to be Realists. And you see, the Realists were the ones who were running things. They had the power. They had the resources. They made the rules. And since they hadn't chosen to see and since they hadn't created the light inside themselves they simply denied that it existed. Which wasn't strange because – see it from their perspective – if they looked around they saw no light! So it was all a lie as far as the Realists were concerned. And not only was it a lie but a dangerous one too! These Lookers were, they said, becoming a social nuisance. They were refusing to obey the edicts and instructions of their superiors! They were not being proper productive members of society! All this "Looking" nonsense was disrupting the very fabric of society!

Now, those in power couldn't very well outlaw the light or Looking because they were claiming it was all just a fabrication anyway. So they used their influence and power to ridicule anyone who was talking about it. They publicised authoritative claims that it was only mad people who tried to see the light. That it was all a lie. They let it be known that no good, healthy, sane Darklander should try to see the light.

"If you want to know what is out there," said those in power, "we have experts who can tell you." They were the authorities, after all.

"Experimenting with attempting to See is socially disruptive and needless nonsense. It is un-Darklander!" they declared.

But of course they failed to stamp Looking out. In fact Looking slowly grew in popularity. And then it happened that a group of the most avid Lookers discovered something new. They discovered that, by joining their lights together as one, they could co-create a much, much brighter light. They discovered that they could see quite far and quite clearly. And so they got together each day and searched the roof of the cavern. It was but a matter of time before they could see the distinct fissure in the roof which was exactly as was described in the ancient myths as the gateway to the Brightlands above!

This was all the impetus they needed! The Lookers began to work together with a fervour none of them had ever known before. They gathered together materials and began to build scaffolding so that they might ascend to the fissure and see if that was the way out. Their work was occasionally hampered by the authorities, but not badly so. You see, the authorities did not have the light and could therefore not see what the Lookers were doing. They therefore did not understand their plans and, as they could not even admit to the fact of the seeing of the fissure or of its existence, they could not do much to stop the construction. So the Lookers carried on and built their scaffolding.

Our story comes to an end here as the Lookers' scaffolding was reaching up to the fissure. They were hopeful and excited. The rest of the Darklanders below mostly knew nothing of what they were up to. Some heard about it and were intrigued. Some insisted that it was all foolish nonsense. What happened next? Well... unfortunately this is where the parable ends.

Z: Oh no! Why?

J-D: Well you asked a question. You asked how by simply being, rather than doing, I could accomplish the work for which I have come here. Isn't that what you asked?

Z: Yes, that is what I asked.

J-D: Well, let's see how the parable fared: can you see how, in the parable, the light managed to come into the Darklands and how it could, without doing anything – by just being – bring options, choices and change? Though it was very much there, it was still up to the Darklanders to choose to see it or not. And if they did choose to see it, they could choose for themselves what they were going to do with that seeing. So the light itself did nothing and yet the whole social structure and dynamic of the population changed. Without doing anything the light offered those who wanted it, a means of finding their way out. But, you see, it didn't actually do anything for them. No. Something much better happened: it allowed them to create their own way to help themselves to see their own path out if they so chose. Only those who wished for the light really got it. Those who denied the light did not. No one was forced to do anything they didn't want to do. Everyone got to create the reality they desired. And yet, everything was changed by the existence, by the simple being, of the light. So, I think the parable did quite a good job of expressing to you not only how being can change everything but also brought in a number of parallels as to how things have played out in your reality.

Z: I agree that it is a pretty cool parable. Thanks. I think I get the power of being now. But now we have spent a whole lot of time on tangential issues. I feel quite bad. We were supposed to be talking about the implications of the oneness. And instead I have taken you on a wild goose-chase answering all these question that just cropped up in my mind and we haven't even started to talk about the topic at hand!

J-D: Have a little faith. Do you not know that, "Everything is always perfect"?

Z: Umm. No. I mean I have heard it said. It's one of those "fully spiritual" things that enlightened souls sometimes say. But it isn't really always perfect, is it?

J-D: Only because your perspective is too close. Here is something to remember:

"If you cannot see the perfection then you are standing too close to the picture."

Z: Again, that sounds way deep and stuff but, practically, how is that so?

J-D: Would you like an example?

Z: That would be nice.

J-D: Good. I shall give you one: it is... this very conversation! We are still busy with it and so you look at the incomplete product and see the mistakes you have made by asking the wrong questions. You see the mistakes I have made by long-windedly answering them. And this is all a big mistake because this is not what you had in mind for the way this topic should flow. But here is the twist: I am telling you now it is only imperfect because it is still incomplete.

Z: Okay? So what must I do with that information?

J-D: Thinking would be a start! Think. What have I said?

Z: That it is only imperfect because it is incomplete?

J-D: Yes. So what strikes you as incomplete?

Z: Uh...

J-D: Another word for incomplete is "unfinished"...

Z: The story! The story! You didn't finish the parable. I mean... you finished it in so much as it perfectly answered my question. But I have to admit I was disappointed because you just left the actual story hanging.

J-D: Right! So? What do you want me to do?

Z: Well, umm. Could you please tell me how the parable ends?

J-D: Why, yes, I'd be delighted to do that!

Z: Thanks. Because I can see how that parable actually relates to us here on Earth. And I can see the cute "ascend the scaffolding" thing you have done to allude to the ascension process. So I am pretty keen to hear how it ends. I think that might give me some sort of insight into what is going to happen in the future to us here on Earth.

J-D: Yes, the parable does allude to life on Earth. But not as you might think. There is quite a twist in the tail. But you'll see when we get there. Let me continue with the parable.


The Story of the Darklanders, Part 2

 I could end the whole story by simply saying, "Everyone got exactly what they created for themselves." That would be true of this story and true of every other true story in all of reality. But it would be unsatisfying. Because even though,

"You always get exactly what you create",

still people want to know details of the stories. So let's see how that rule of always getting what you create applied to the Darklanders.

Remember, most of the Darklanders chose not to see the light. Most of them stayed behind in the Darklands, right?

Z: Right.

J-D: Okay. So clearly their belief was that they could not see the light and that they had to remain in the Darklands and that things would continue more or less as they had before. That is what they believed and that is therefore what they experienced. Their new story starts pretty much exactly where the old story left off. The Darklanders are still in the Darklands and they still have no light. But there is now a difference. They now know about their friends and family members who were there with them in the Darklands who simply disappeared. They also know that the ones who disappeared were Lookers. They know that the Lookers were talking about going up into the Brightlands. And then they were gone. So they are confused and many of them are now asking questions.

"What happened to the Lookers?" they ask.

"The gods came back for them!" claimed some.

"They were punished for their evil ways and taken away!" others postulated. And so it continued. No one knew for sure what had happened, but what they did know was that their neat, tiny, closed, little world would never be the same again. Something inexplicable had happened. And in their confusion many of them remembered the gods of old and began to pray. And that is where we shall leave them for now. Next we'll pick up the story with the other group – the ones who went up the scaffolding.

Z: The Lookers. They obviously found the Brightlands!

J-D: They certainly did. They began their new story at a new level of existence. They emerged from the land below to discover that the reason for the Brightlands being so bright was not because there was some bright light source there, no, these were the Brightlands because everyone there was themselves a bright source of light.

Z: Oh wow! Everyone shone!

J-D: Yes. And what it meant was that everyone clearly saw the reality around them as they themselves were. Do you understand? In the Darklands people thought they perceived the world as it was. In the Brightlands they realised they saw it as they were.