The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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7. Singularity Events


Zingdad: So, J-D, here is the big question: what are Singularity Events?

Joy-Divine: I am really looking forward to telling you about this. But while each Singularity Event itself is actually a very simple thing, its description will not mean much to you if you don't understand the context. And the context is vast. So much so that it will be well nigh impossible for you to understand it from your perspective. Can you imagine trying to explain the whole planetary water cycle to a little goldfish that has lived out its entire existence in a glass bowl on someone's kitchen counter? And it is just so for you: the context of the story of your first Singularity Event is a story that is billions of years in the making and as vast in extent as to encompass the whole of your universe and beyond. And so, just as it is with the little fish, the problem is one of perspective. You are immersed in your single point of view which encompasses but a few decades spent in a small locus on one of the billions of planets in one of the billions of galaxies in this universe. To say that your human perspective is limited is an extreme understatement.

Not that this is in any way a bad thing. It is precisely this very narrowly focused perspective that allows God to experience itself as many, many separate beings. So all is exactly as it is meant to be. But for all that, for you to understand the story of the Singularity Event, you will require a vastly broadened perspective. A perspective such as the one I am about to share with you.

It goes like this:

We begin by broadening our perspective enough to notice that your civilisation is not the first one to inhabit planet Earth. If you could stand where I am and see what I do, you'd notice that there have, in fact, been many successive civilisations that pre-dated this current one. You retain myths of Atlantis and Lemuria but these are only two out of a long sequence of quite diverse civilisations that have flowered upon the face of the Earth in ages past, stretching back billions of years.

What you might find hard to comprehend is that there were even civilisations that lived upon the Earth as it was first forming; beings quite different in form from your own that lived their lives on that hot proto-planet. And it might be quite confusing to you to discover that the earliest civilisations were, in most respects, the most advanced – each successive civilisation has been of a lower and lower consciousness. Each has been further from the awareness that all is one and that all are creators of their reality.

So, in incremental steps, consciousness has been falling on planet Earth since its ancient creation many billions of years ago.

Now let's “zoom out” and broaden our perspective even further. As you are well aware, this whole reality, and all inside it, comes from oneness. And this is so in the most real and practical sense. At the time of what is now understood to be “the Big Bang”, all was oneness. All the matter and consciousness of this whole universe entered this reality from oneness and began to expand into density and separation.

If you see things like that then you will understand that the fall from grace began at the Big Bang and has been on-going since then. Deeper and deeper into density and separation life has fallen. Many, many little steps down it has taken.

And this was not by mistake! This is in response to the ONE seeking the answer to the question, “What if I were not one.... what if I were many?”

But the underlying point is that consciousness, in this universe, began at a high point, a point of oneness, a point of creatorhood, and from there it plummeted down, down, down, into utter separation and total victimhood. It has accomplished this fall in a sequence of steps and the final step is this one: your planetary civilisation here on Earth has achieved the ultimate in separation and victim-consciousness. The level of belief in the separation of the divine Creator from Its creation that has been possible for this present human civilisation upon planet Earth is profound indeed. You, beloved human beings of planet Earth, have accomplished this most impossibly, painfully difficult of all tasks. You are the ultimate answer bearers of this great question, “What if I were many?”

Z: So this is the very lowest ebb of consciousness? This world I am living in now? I guess I can believe that, given all the things are are going on in the world.

J-D: No, indeed, there is more to tell of this story.

I am saying, taken as a whole, Earth's human civilisation has achieved the greatest depth of consciousness. But this moment now, this moment where you find yourself in the great journey through time and space, this is not the lowest ebb. That very nadir is behind you in your collective past.

I can comprehend that, to your eyes, it might seem as if this could possibly be the lowest ebb, but if you could step back and look with the eyes of eternity you'd see that this is not so. And I shall offer you evidence.

Take these thoughts: “All is One” and “You are the creator of your reality”. These ideas are readily available to your planetary consciousness at this juncture of space and time and many have accepted these things as true.

Now cast yourself back just a blink. Holding such ideas in the 1950's would have resulted in you being thought strange indeed. You would not have been welcome in polite company if you were to say things like that. You would have been ostracised. You would not have been able to find gainful employment in any reputable company. You would have had to live on the very fringes of life if you wished to express such ideas. And you would have felt yourself to be utterly alone in your beliefs.

And if we go back a little further in history these ideas would have resulted in more aggressive sanction. You don't have to go very far back at all to find yourself actually being killed for expressing these ideas.

The point I am making here is that the very deepest darkness is behind you. It is not possible to say exactly when the true nadir was, since that will depend upon one's perspective, on what measure you will use to decide what constitutes the very darkest moment. But if one observes what was occurring in the spirit of humanity during such events as the world wars, the crusades, the inquisitions, the witch trials, then one begins to see some very dark times indeed. And even these were probably not the very deepest depths.

Did you know that there was a time when it was considered normal for an invading army to loot everything from the homes of those they invaded, to drag into the streets every young boy and slaughter him and to rape every girl and woman? In such times, when an invading army was done with a city there would be nothing but smouldering rubble left. Everyone would be dead or enslaved. Everything that could be carried off, was, and everything else was destroyed.

If you were to meet someone from such times you would be hard pressed to find even a glimmer of what you would call “humanity” in their eyes. All were so brutalized by their harsh circumstances that there was no place for gentleness or compassion.

But humanity's story is not a simple one to tell. There is too much complexity and intricacy to make specific statements about exactly when the true, deepest darkness was. Certainly, in the time of your very earliest historical records, several thousand years ago and before, things were very dark indeed. And even then, if one knows how to look, there were the first glimmers of hope. Even then there were wanderers who incarnated on Earth bearing bright messages of love, healing, compassion and forgiveness. If one was but willing to seek it out one could, even then, begin to find some spark of light, even in the depths of the darkness. And those sparks of light began very, very slowly to multiply and grow brighter. And so, at a snail's pace, the heart of humanity has been transforming. Cruel, destructive behaviours that were once normal and acceptable, became unacceptable and abnormal. Strange, impossible thoughts about treating the other as you would like to be treated were suggested and slowly, slowly became more and more accepted.

And so the story has proceeded.

And where is humanity now? I suppose I would ask you to imagine diving into a bottomless ocean. Diving down, down, down until there is only utter blackness all around. Until the pressure of the water is about to crush your body. And then, when you can go no deeper, you slowly change the direction of your dive into a parabolic arc. You slowly begin to turn around. And so it is that you catch your very first sight of the light, way, way in the distance above you. THAT is about where you are now. A very few of you have caught that first glimpse. Many more of you are just about to. And that light is the light of awareness that all is one and that each is the creator of their reality.

Z: That's quite a story. Thank you for sharing that with me. As you were passing all that through my mind, I felt all kinds of things swirling in my head... a congestion and a release... it was odd and uncomfortable, to say the least.

J-D: When a story is as mind-bogglingly complex as this one is, then it isn't easy to nimbly dance the line between telling the story truthfully and getting bogged down in the details. For, of course, there are many exceptions to the main thrust of my story line. There are plot twists and intricacies. As one example, your civilisation was, for better or for worse, massively interfered with by other non-terrestrial civilisations in ancient times. And though it has become ever more subtle, this interference never actually ceased.

Z: Now you raise something that fascinates me. Can I ask you about that? Are these space aliens you are talking about? And what exactly did they do here on Earth?

J-D: No. This is a large topic on its own and there is someone else better qualified to speak to this. In due course, a good many chapters hence, you will begin to speak to Adamu again as a part of this work.

(Zingdad note: this will be in Book 3 of The Ascension Papers)

This will be the time to delve into such issues. The only reason I raise this is to make overt that there are many ways in which my story was over-simplified. But, at least you have a context now for what I wish to relate.

Z: The Singularity Events?

J-D: Correct.

The story thus far has been told in the broad perspective. It has been about the evolution of consciousness in this universe generally and on planet Earth specifically. Now I want to shift our focus to the personal. I am talking now to you, my dear reader. I am now talking about your personal experience of life.

There are some things that I know about you. I know that you have hurt yourself terribly. You bear scars and wounds in your psyche. You cope as best as you can with these and you have been working diligently and earnestly on your healing for some time now. In this lifetime you have re-told yourself your own soul story. You have reached for your own magical gift in this lifetime too. You have also felt terrible pain and hardship and have worked to heal your pain and deal with the hardship. Through all this you have gained wisdom and compassion. And now, most recently, you are actually beginning to do some real good as regards the healing. There is far to go yet. But you are at least on the right path.

This will be true of very nearly everyone who is reading this. Some of those reading this will be a little deeper in the darkness and some will be more in the light. And, indeed, some will already have truly seen their own light.

And this – this moment of seeing the light – this is perhaps the most important of all the reasons we have come to separation in the first place.

Seeing the Light

 Z: Oh? That is interesting to me. I have often wondered why exactly we are here. I mean, let's be honest, coming into separation is no picnic. Living a life in duality is hard, painful and confusing. So I often wondered why we'd be willing to do this to ourselves. Surly it can't be that we are here by mistake... that we entered this reality in error? Surely it can't be that our Inner-Selves put themselves through all this without knowing that it would be hard?

J-D: No, indeed! There was no error. We are all here intentionally and we all knew that it would be challenging in the extreme.

Z: So I assumed. And so logically there must be a very good reason for us to go through this.

J-D: There are many reasons, each depending on the perspective you take when asking the question, “Why am I here?” Many, many great reasons that make this incredibly difficult journey worth it, over and over again. But the only reason I am going to address right now is, the discovery of Self.

In order to tell this story I am going to ask you to shift your perspective once again. But this time, instead of broadening your perspective to include vast ages of humanity, we are going to zoom right out of this whole reality all together.

Can you imagine, for even a moment, what it is like to be your inner-most God-Self?

Z: I... er... no. I guess I can't.

J-D: Of course not. That is what it means to be where you are. To be so deep in separation that you have forgotten utterly your own true nature. But I can tell you a little of it and you can try to imagine.

There is a being. It is limitless and eternal. For this being there is no difference between “creative imagination” and “reality”. What I mean is that this being gets what it creates in the most powerful and literal way. It takes all of this for granted because this is just “how it is” for this being.

This being is also aware, in a way that cannot be doubted or denied, that it is a part of something vastly greater than itself. It is as if this being knows to its core that it is one particular and special hue of light that is a part of the perfect white light that is all light. It knows there is no beginning or end to itself but, at the same time, it knows that there are other selves who are responsible for bearing all the many other hues of light.

And so this being can be said to be a bearer of the Light of God.

Now, it is said: as above, so below and as below, so above and this is true. As this being becomes aware of its “selfness” so it begins to get curious. “Who and what am I?” it asks itself. And it uses whatever it has access to to seek the answer.

One way to seek answers is to ask the other lights what they see when they look at you. And there are many wonderful realities that have been created as a means for that interplay. In those realities the Bright Ones dance and play together and they seek ways to show each other what they see in one another. These realities are light and joyful. In them the Bright Ones create as powerfully as they can from a place of pure love. Interactions are deep and powerful. It is a wonderful thing to observe and partake of.

But for all that, there is something unsatisfying about it. You see, when the Bright Ones play these games together they are never able to truly see themselves. Instead they are only able to see what they can see of what others see of them. It is a very indirect thing.

So how, then, can one truly see oneself?

Z: With a mirror?

J-D: That's a good call. You do indeed need a mirror. And on Earth you can use a mirror of silvered glass to see the exterior layer of your earthly form. But what kind of a mirror would it take to show the Bright Ones their own true light?

Z: If that's a riddle, then I don't know the answer.

J-D: No, not a riddle... but certainly a puzzle!

And here is the solution. Imagine that Bright One could take a part of itself and have that part of itself forget completely that it was that bright being in the first place and then, when it had completely forgotten who it was, it could be brought into the presence of that bright being again. When the one that has forgotten sees itself for the first time... what will it see? And what will it think of the Bright One that it sees? And as it begins to remember that it is the Bright One, how will it then experience itself? And then, every step of the way as it remembers more and more, as it merges ever more with its own true self, what will it then discover and know? How will it feel about itself? And what wisdom, knowing and insight will it bring home to itself about itself?

Z: And that is what we are doing!

J-D: Yes, beloved Self. That is what you and I are doing. That is what everyone on Earth is doing and that is what every single mote of consciousness in the whole universe is, eventually, doing. We are answering the question, “Who am I?

Z: So then... the Singularity Events?

J-D: These are the moments when you really and truly see your own light. These are the first few clear and unambiguous sightings of your own self. The Singularity Events are when you fulfil your task of being the mirror of your own soul.

With your first Singularity Event, a connection is made and, from that moment on, you can never again get lost in separation. This is not, however, your journey's end! This is the mid-point in your journey. It is exactly half-way between your outbound journey into separation and your return journey to oneness. But it is called a Singularity Event because, in that moment, there is a union. A moment of oneness. The lost is found. And the whole-making process is not just underway, but it cannot ever again be stopped or reversed.

When you see the light, you are changed evermore. When you see the light, you see your direction Home. And, like a beacon shining from a home port, you are drawn that way. Now you know your way and when you know, you cannot ever again not know.

Z: That sounds amazing!

J-D: Really? I thought it sounded a bit dry and boring, actually. What I mean is that the above is a theoretical description of the event. And the description is nothing compared to the full, rich, wondrous experience of the event.

A description of something, no matter how truthful and accurate, can never compare to the actual experience of it. Here is an example: Would you like to eat a meal of crushed bitter beans, modified sweat, bird ova, crystallized grass sap and crushed grass seeds?

Z: Urk!

J-D: So you wouldn't want to eat that? Until you actually tasted a moist, warm, dark chocolate cake. Then suddenly you'd change your tune! Because, yes, cocoa is actually just crushed bitter beans, milk is produced by modified bovine sweat glands, eggs are bird ova, sugar is crystallised grass sap and flour is made of the seeds of a type of grass.

Z: I understand what you are saying – the description is nothing compared to the experience.

Okay. So what will the experience of the Singularity Event be like?

J-D: Just as each and every soul is totally unique, so will their experience be unique. When they are ready for it. When it comes for them. It will be tailor-made for them by their God-Self to be the perfect call Home.

Z: But everyone will experience these Singularity Events?

J-D: When they are ready.

Remember the Light that shone for the Darklanders in the last chapter? Well now, in this chapter, we are finding a different way to tell that story again. The Singularity Event is the Light. It is available to all and it has been increasing and increasing in intensity. It has become easier and easier to find it within. And the reason for this is that more and more have been choosing it. And so, as it becomes easier, more and more continue to choose it. It will not be forced on anyone, but those who are ready can seek it and find it. And when they do, their experience of it will be exactly perfect for them. The experience will change the course of their life and set them on their path Home.

And now I'd like to ask you to please share with our readers your very first glimpse of the Light. The moment when you changed course and began to find your way directly Home.

Z: Well, I've had many, very powerful and life-changing experiences in the last few years but, when you invite me to talk about my first seeing of the Light, then I know exactly which one of these you are talking about. Let me share with you an experience that I wrote about in 2010:

My Mountain Experience

 To paint the picture properly, I have to tell you about two yuppie city-slickers. This is who my soul-mate, Lisa, and I were. I had my own business which consisted of a number of radio stations each providing programming for a different national retail chain. Lisa was a boardroom warrior for a large multinational biotechnology company. We were living the yuppie life and doing very well at it. I don't want to caricature our lives, so I must say that we were also both very involved in our own spiritual pursuits and were somewhat uncomfortable with the more materialistic and inauthentic parts of the lives we were living. However, this is all just the background context. The important bit came when we were on holiday in April of 2008. As much as we were city dwellers, we always loved nature and spent every holiday we could in an area of my country called The Garden Route. It was mainly the indigenous forests on the slopes of the Outeniqua Mountains (pronounced Oh-ten-ick-wah) that drew us there. But for us there had always been a special, indefinable something about the whole area, as if, in our souls, we knew that this has always been our true home here on planet Earth.

On this particular holiday we had an experience that changed us both forever. It occurred while we were on a hike to see an untouched forest of ancient trees. At some point, the trail took us up out of a valley and on a long, tiring, uphill slog. We toiled up the hill, out of the forests and onto a small plateau, overlooking a spectacularly beautiful valley, in the bottom of which a small river wound its way to the sea in the distance. On any given day, this would be the kind of view at which I would stop and marvel. It certainly was beautiful. But on that particular day, standing there looking across the valley at the forested mountains in the distance, something changed. The world around me was suddenly impossibly beautiful. Now, I could try to describe it – I could wax lyrical about the way the sun poured its light down on the earth like golden syrup. I could tell you that each leaf of every single tree looked like a perfect emerald jewel and that the wind through the grass set up a vibration that sang and hummed in my soul. I could tell you that I believed I could see, with absolute and perfect clarity, every single leaf and blade of grass right the way to the distant horizon. I could tell you about the quality of the air – that it had become gelid with the density of pure life essence that surrounded and interpenetrated me and all that was around me. I could tell you how I felt that I was truly one with that magnificent landscape and that the earth was my skin and the grass and trees my hair. I could throw pages and pages of such words at you in a vain attempt to share with you the pure, transcendent bliss of that moment, but I would not even be scratching the surface of what that moment was like. Perhaps I could simply say that I believe that I actually saw God in the very Life of the land on that day. My heart was opened and a portal was made there, through which I saw the world anew. And so it felt to me that, for the very first time in my life, I was actually, really seeing. I saw with my heart and my soul instead of just looking with my eyes. And it was beautiful. It was more beautiful than I could imagine anything ever being. This amazing, mystical experience was beyond my ability to even begin to make sense of.

I stood. I stared. I was awed.

I felt.

I knew.

I belonged.

Striving for comprehension, my mind eventually came up with an idea of what to do with this experience. It sent the thought out to the forest saying, "I see you! I love you! Will you accept us as custodians?"

And then I gained the presence of mind to wonder what had happened to Lisa. I had no idea how much time had passed since I had last spoken to her, as we were huffing and puffing up the steep slope. I turned to look for her. She was a few metres away, down on her knees with her back turned to me. I noticed she was shaking. As I approached her, I realised she was crying, tears shining in her eyes. I got closer and I heard her saying over and over again, "... yes... yes... yes..."

In that moment, it felt to me as if Lisa was answering my question on behalf of the forest. Or perhaps the forest had asked her that same question, and she was answering. It felt as if Lisa and the whole of the forest and I were all one being and we were all speaking the same question and answer to ourselves, "Will you accept us as custodians? Yes... yes... yes."

Or perhaps that is just the best way my mind could make sense of an experience that is beyond the mind and beyond describing.

After some time – I have no idea how long – we noticed that it was getting late and we had some distance to walk to get back to the car. Reluctantly, but with our hearts full, we walked back to the car in a kind of euphoric, blissful semi-trance. We both knew that something life-changing had happened, but had no way of making sense of it.

I am deeply grateful that Lisa experienced this with me. Partly because experiencing it alone would have made it altogether less meaningful, but more so because if I had experienced this alone I would have known that I was now on a journey without her. An experience such as this changes you. You are no longer the same person you were before such an event. Everything changes. Certainly your life path and all the things you have previously valued are substantially re-arranged.

It was very clear to me that my Soul had a plan for me and that the forests of the Outeniqua Mountains were a vital part of that plan. I am deeply grateful to the ONE that Lisa felt exactly the same way.

And here I am now: as I write this we are in the middle of 2010 and I am looking out of a huge picture window at an endless vista of misty, forested gorges. Yes, we made it, we moved. It took us more than 2 years from when our hearts were broken open on that mountain hike but we are living here now! Right now we are renting a beautiful log home in the Outeniqua forests while we wait for the purchase of our own piece of land to go though. When it does, we'll begin building our home. We have the plans drawn up and we are fast learning everything we need to about creating a self-sustaining, off-the-grid homestead. The sun will provide us with electricity and water heating, the rain and our farm dams will provide us with water. We'll grow our own fruit and vegetables and trade locally for most of the food we need. We'll get almost everything we could want and need right there off our own land. And for the rest, I'll offer my creative outputs to the world and earn what is required. We are SO almost there and we will just keep following our hearts all the way there.

Getting here has taken some doing. I had a business that I couldn't just close up shop and walk away from. I wouldn't have felt right about that at all. So I gave the company to two of my staff members who had showed a great deal of passion and commitment to it. Lisa had just been offered a big step up into the corporate echelons and a salary to match. She turned it down and gave notice instead! We both spent six months doing a thorough hand-over to those who would take over from us. In that time we put our yuppie house in the leafy suburbs of Cape Town on the market. We sold our sporty city cars. We liquidated our investments and closed all those fear-based financial instruments that no longer made sense to us – all those insurance schemes and the like, which operate from the premise that bad things can happen to me without my first creating them. We gifted a whole mountain of possessions to various thrift shops (why did we believe we needed all that stuff?!?) and we lightened the load of our lives, our hearts and our souls. We came to the Outeniqua area looking for the perfect place of our dreams, armed with a sure knowing in our hearts of what it would be when we found it. And then we found it.

And here we are now.

But the physical move in geography is actually just a surface symptom of the actual change. The real move happened in our souls. Once we had seen with our hearts, we could never go back to just looking with our eyes ever again. We were transformed.

To give you an idea: before the Mountain Experience I had engaged in writing intuitive conversations on various Internet forums, but back then there was a different quality to that material. The lens-of-my-own-being filtered things in terms of good versus evil. I myself was very much of a duality mindset and so, naturally, the material I received reflected that. I believed that I was on the side of good, working to change the world to make it better. I believed that there were evil forces outside of me that I needed to resist and fight. The Mountain Experience released that from me. I was shown, in the most direct and personal way, that I am one with everything around me. I