The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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Z: Yes, please. Is this also a fictitious being that we have created? Or is it a real being and truly the source of all evil?

8: That which would be the best fit for the name, Lucifer, very much does exist. And he might well be called the "inventor of evil" but probably not the "source of all evil".

Z: A surprising answer!

8: There is more to come. A good deal more. What follows now is a very important story. If you understand the story of Lucifer, then you understand much. But to tell the story correctly, I need to step back a bit and tell you of the creation of your reality and proceed from there to tell the tale of Lucifer.

Z: Okay. Let's hear it!

8: It goes like this:

In the beginning was the ONE and the ONE was all and all was balance and harmony. Then, from within the great stillness, the perfect peace of the ONE, arose awareness of Self. “Here I am,” said the ONE. And with that awareness, arose curiosity: “Here I am... but what am I?” And so it was that the ONE desired to discover Itself and that desire was curiosity and curiosity's expression was pure creativity. And out of creativity arose different parts to the ONE, which were all explored.

And All That Is, in every reality that ever has, and ever will be, created, is all just the ONE answering this same, basic ancient question: “What am I?

And since the ONE is truly infinite, this is a question that will never be answered to its completeness. The answering is a process that will continue to unfold for all of eternity. And it is the process of the answering, not the answer, that is the purpose of every mote of consciousness in All That Is.

And so it is that every single mote of consciousness everywhere always begins its journey with a similar dawning of its consciousness. As it first gains self-awareness, so it begins to discover itself: "Here I am. But what am I?" It is really and truly so that this is the way every single beingness has begun. It is so because it is the way the ONE began. From what is, self-awareness dawns and self-discovery and curiosity, is the means by which self-awareness is expressed. And so it is that the first act of consciousness is always this curiosity about Self. "Here I am. But what am I?"

Indeed, at every level of your being, from the very highest right down to the very smallest particle of Self engaged here in the deepest density, it is true that the only function and purpose you really and truly have... is to discover yourself. To find out who and what you really are. This is the purpose you began with, and this will continue to be your purpose for all eternity. Discover yourself. Know yourself. Express yourself. Be what you are, to the fullest possible extent.

And, when you understand that this is what drives the ONE, this very desire for discovery of the Self, then you understand that every time you discover yourself a little more, you are contributing to the ONE. Then you are an aspect of the ONE that is being "successful". Then you are contributing to the ONE's greater self-knowledge. And the more grandly you discover yourself, the more grandly you are contributing. And so, it should be obvious, that if you can procure a situation in which you could catalyse other Selves, other aspects of the ONE, to quickly and very powerfully attain a greater degree of self-knowledge, then you would be doing a very great service to the ONE indeed.

Z: And what happens at the journey's end, 8? What happens when I have finally and completely discovered myself?

8: We are digressing, but it is an interesting question. So I shall answer. You can never cease discovering yourself. You see, you can always, if you try, create more. And, in so doing, you can realise that there is more that you did not know about yourself. But, that said, there can be an end to the journey. Any time you really and truly wish the journey to end, you simply return yourself wholly and completely to the ONE. You cease your separation, your creation, your expression and your discovery and then you gift all that you are to the oneness. When you do this, then your consciousness merges completely with the ONE until there is no separation within you. Until there is only ONE. In so doing, you make the ultimate discovery about yourself: you discover that you are so utterly and completely one with the ONE that you realize that you are all there ever was and all there ever will be. That all the journeying and adventuring and discovering and creating was all just you discovering yourself. That it's only ever been you. You, and all your many other aspects of Self, playing out every single role and creating every single creation in All That Is.

That is what lies at the end of the journey, should you so choose it. And even if, and when, you do choose it, in choosing it you will discover that there is still an on-going, never-ending process of self-creation and self-discovery. And still it is you doing this. Now it's just you, as the ONE.

And that is the story. In fact I would say it is the only story. It is your story, my story and the story of every other particle of consciousness that ever was. You get permutations and variations in the story as beings strive to discover themselves in different ways, but that too is all just a part of the story of self-discovery.

Z: I feel such a quiet, comfortable resonance with this. I understand and know what you have told me to be true. Thank you for telling me this.

8: It is my pleasure. But now, to get back to Lucifer's story, we need to backtrack to a point before this universe and the whole separation reality existed. So we return our narrative to the ONE.

In the mind of the ONE there was an on-going exploration into Its own nature and beingness. And it came to be that many themes and variations of what the ONE is had been explored by the many parts of the ONE and the many parts of the ONE had grown adept at interacting with each other in their joyful quest for expansion and discovery. And so things proceeded until a new question dawned upon the ONE: “What if I were not one? What if I were many?” And this thought created a ripple of disturbance amongst the other parts of the ONE. It was a troubling thought. Troubling to contemplate. It felt dangerous. It opened the door to, “What if I am not the only one?” and, “Am I alone?” and, “Are there others such as I?” and, “If there are others, how shall I find them?” All of these, and many more troubling questions, lay on the other side of the door that had now been opened and most of the parts of the ONE were troubled and shied away from this question.

But the thoughts of the ONE are not as the thoughts of a man. The thoughts of the ONE are alive. Each thought is, itself, an angelic being of unimaginable creative power. And this thought was a Bright One who was vast, and terrible in its beauty. Such a being as could comprehend in its mind the impossibility of separation and manyness within the oneness. This thought of the ONE was Lucifer and Lucifer was the thought. And the thought took form and began its mighty journey of discovery: “Here I am now. But what am I?

And as Lucifer began to explore, discover and create itself, so this Bright One drew itself from the rest of the ONE; it drew a cloak made from the stuff of its own consciousness around itself that it might be made alone.




All one unto itself and apart from all others. Separate. Apart. Removed. And so, cloaked within its own mind, Lucifer was the first of the ONE's creations ever to conceive of not-oneness. Lucifer's thoughts were his own. And for the first time in All That Is, one being uttered the word, “I”, and it was not the ONE speaking. One being conceptualised, “me” and “self” as a truth that was independent of the other creations of the ONE. And ego was born.

And as Lucifer sank deeper into his forgetting of the ONE, so he found only that which he created in his own mind to be real and true.

And all the angels of the ONE stood in awe for they could see that truly it had been accomplished: a part of the ONE had made Itself separate. Though it was illusory and untrue, for the Bright One was still there in their company and held forever in the heart of the ONE, still it was also true that Lucifer had lost himself deep within his own cloak of forgetting. The Bright One had turned his sight inwards and sealed his perspective such that he could not see the glory and magnificence of the ONE in whose heart forever he was cradled.

And so it was that the first part of the question was being answered. The ONE had asked, “What if I were not one?” and Lucifer knew not-oneness and so he, himself, was the answer. But such an answer is not a simple thing. The answer exists in its unfoldment, in its process. And so, for a veritable eternity, Lucifer would busy himself with the exploration of every possible variation to this answer until it is complete. Until it is answered. And then his creation will be done and he will return his creation to the ONE and himself to wholeness and oneness.

And as Lucifer worked on his creations, so too was there still a desire to know, “What if I were many?” and that desire was the motivation for some of those angels of the ONE who were most adept at creation and discovery, who were most sure of their inherent beingness, to drew nearer to Lucifer that they too might pass a part of their consciousnesses through the cloak that he had cast about himself. And, as they did, they found themselves entering the mind-scape of Lucifer. And they entered also into the deep forgetting that is separation from the ONE.

Some of this angelic host retained a great deal of their self-possession. Even though they passed through the cloak of forgetting, they managed to remember that they were, indeed, all part of the ONE. And so they entered very shallowly into the vast and expanding realm that the Bright One was creating within Its own mind. A mind-scape that would exponentially expand to always encompass all that any mind can imagine or comprehend of in separation. These angels that remembered themselves, that retained the awareness of the divine connection between all things, began to play and explore and create. And together they created glorious and rich interplays of their light. Like children creating sand castles, they played. And they sang songs of love to one another and gave their gifts freely and such was the beauty and splendour of their creations together that it rang through the mind of Lucifer and touched his heart. And he was reminded and he knew: “Yes, I am, I am, I am. And I am one with the ONE, I am,” and so Lucifer awoke from his slumber and returned to the host with love in his heart.

Z: He what? No he didn't. That's not how the story goes!

8: Isn't it?

Z: No. It can't be. I mean, I was following the story and all kinds of things were making sense to me. Such as that the Veil that J-D introduced me to is Lucifer's cloak. I felt an amazing dawning of realisation with that. So I liked the story. Except the ending. As nice as it is, it can't be true. Because here we are now. Here is the universe and the world and human civilisation and all of this pain and separation stuff. So that's not it.

8: You aren't wrong. But what you haven't understood is that there are many iterations to this story. This first version is true enough... as far as any such stories can be. But this is very difficult to explain to you because you insist on your linear view of things. If you can simply understand that there are many, many iterations of this story and that all of them happened, not one-after-the-other, not even “all at once” but just that all are true and all happened, then I can tell you of another iteration.

Z: Okay. I think I can cope with that. Because, of course, the level at which these things occur is outside of time, is it not?

8: In ways that you will simply not be able to comprehend, this is so, yes.

Z: Okay, so these other iterations?

8: With each version of this story, a new variation was tried; a new permutation of the game of separation. With each variation, the angels became more and more adventurous as regards their choices and what they would be willing to do and try beyond the Veil. You see, the great consciousnesses experience their imaginings with creation. When such beings wonder, "What if?", then they actually create a reality where it is so. They can then see, within themselves and their own experiences, how that would be. And so it was that the angels created new realms and realities beyond number. And each overflowed with light and life and beauty. Each reality was the love that flowed naturally and easily from the hearts and minds of the angels. And so, as beautiful as this all was, the outcome was always the same: in short order all parts of the ONE that were beyond the Veil would find such high expressions of love together that they would be returned, together with Lucifer, to oneness.

And then it came to the mind of Lucifer that the problem was one of creating a mechanism that would counter the drive to oneness; a wedge that would allow the angels themselves to create more and more separateness between themselves so that their expressions could multiply. So that their expressions could create new expressions of their own. And, with great excitement, Lucifer drew his cloak once more with a new thought in his mind.

And as it is with the ONE, so too it is with the angels. Their thoughts are life and that life will be manifest. And this time, into the mind of Lucifer, beyond the cloak of separation was born this new thought: The Adversary. And this being's very nature and purpose was to be dissent. To be an agent of eternal separation. To provide the most powerful inducement to all other particles of consciousness to remain beyond the Veil. That was Lucifer's new thought and it was the gift he gave to the angelic host in their latest iteration of the game.

And this brings me to the last name on our list.


At its origin, the root of the word, "Satan," means something very like, "The Adversary".

And so, as the angels entered also into forgetting and began again the game of rediscovering and remembering Self, so they found amongst their number a dark one. The very shadow of the light of Lucifer. One could very well say that Lucifer was Satan's Inner-Self.

And, as this new one began to discover Itself, it discovered that It was not love and not kindness. The opposite of that. For Lucifer invented, for the purposes of the deepening of the creations beyond the Veil, the very soul of antagonism. Hatred. Wilful destructiveness. Aggression. Manipulation. Malevolence. Yes... evil. That which takes from you your right to choose. Squeeze a being into believing that it has no options and force it to your will and you will have stung quite badly that being's sense of what is fair and right. That being will go to quite some effort to repay the favour. And bingo... suddenly those beyond the Veil became embroiled in a whole new game. The angels found themselves reacting with shock and rage to this new interloper in their games of loving creation. Their rage caused a fragmentation: on the one side a being that is love and oneness... and on the other, a being that wishes to strike back and enact justice and revenge. And so trust was broken in the hearts of the hurt parts of the ONE. And in such a state, when they encountered one another, they reacted to each other with fear and their fear led them to create pain and harm for each other. And truly, they too became adversarial. They began to act more and more as The Adversary did. And so it came to be that deeper and deeper layers were created by ever greater acts of separation and fragmentation of the souls of the parts of the ONE.

And so it was.

The tale that flows from this becomes far too complex to do justice to in a linear fashion. You'd really need to see it with a multidimensional mind to understand it correctly; as you eventually will when you are done with incarnation. But at least you have the beginnings of the story and of how things came to be as they are.

But if we can skip forward in the story, then we can find beings becoming so hurt by their interactions with each other than they can no longer believe that they are creating themselves or their experiences. And so they tumble another step deeper into separation... into a state called duality. Such beings believe, of course, that they are weak little creations and that the creator is “someone else”. And this belief allows for a vastly more complex reality to come into being. There is scope for far greater manyness when all the parts involved do not believe that they are creating their experiences. Much richer creation can play out. And it does.

Your whole universe, as you experience it, exists well within this level of consciousness.

In due course, Adamu will tell you some amazing stories. Stories of creation where whole civilisations tumbled down from high consciousness to low. Stories of life and love and stories of war and chaos.

These are the stories of separation in its fullest expression.

And your world, life on planet Earth, is a very important part of this great story. You will enjoy very much, I am sure, to hear from Adamu how it all knits together.

But behind all of the great stories, there are individuals. Sentient, living, conscious beings. Such as you are – the human beings of planet Earth. Across the whole universe and beyond, these are the stories of your lives, your struggles and your triumphs, all in the face of the impossible odds provided by The Adversary and his willing minions; those who gave their will over to Satan. Those who chose to bear his standard and fight his fight. Those who served only greater separation and division.

But throughout that fight, right from the loftiest levels of consciousness, right down to the deepest and densest depths, as a result of our interactions with Satan and his minions, those who were beyond the Veil felt things like fear and hatred. We separated ourselves more and more from each other. We broke our sense of oneness. We fell down deeper into the lower densities. We built up layer upon layer of darkness upon our own souls. We lost faith in ourselves and trust in one another. We learned to expect the worst of each other. We learned to treat each other like objects to use and abuse for our own ends. And this was how our own creator-nature responded to our experiences. That is to say, as soon as we began to see evil around us, so we began to create more evil from within ourselves. To one degree or another we became the agents of separation. We ourselves became the adversary. Every time we chose fear, hate, anger, and separation over love, kindness, joy and unity, we served the interests of The Adversary.

And all of us have done this. All of us. Some of us have done this powerfully enough to fall down into the depths of separation. If you are incarnated on planet Earth, then you are one such. And some of us have used these incarnations to even more powerfully create separation. Some of us have used our God-Light, even inside incarnated lives, to sow greater fear, pain and anguish. As all do, to some extent, in each lifetime. And this is how the deepest game in separation continues. Because, when in separation, this is what parts of the ONE do.

This is what God does when God meets The Adversary.

And this is the source of your inner pain and hidden shame. It is that which drives you to psychologists and anti-depressant drugs. It is that which causes your self-loathing, which is at the heart of your addictions and self-destructive habits. It is the cause of all the violence and psycho-emotional pathology, which is rampant upon planet Earth and on a vast number of other planets besides. A great many of your physical illnesses also spring forth from the deep seated feeling that you are, at your core "ill". Inside yourself, you feel yourself to be wrong and broken, but you do not know why, so you manifest these experiences of being ill, wrong and broken into your bodies.

All of us have played The Adversary. All are guilty of this.

Z: Oh my God, 8! I suddenly feel as if I'm fighting back tears. I know I have done this! What must I do with this knowledge? What do I do now?

8: You smile and say, "Mission accomplished"!

Z: Mission accomplished?!?

8: Yes. But now try to say it with less horror in your voice. And without the question marks. And with a smile.

Z: How? I don't understand?

8: Well, let's go back to first principles. The point of all this was to create a reality where you could lose yourself completely in separation and duality. That is the first objective of the experiment. The second part is when you turn around and begin to remember who you really are.

And so? Is the first part of the experiment not well and truly served by you becoming The Adversary yourself? By you acting out your separation and duality? By you treating yourself and all other Selves as abominably as you can?

Z: Why, yes, I suppose it is. I suppose in those moments, I was as deeply in separation as I could be.

8: Right. So you can now see it for what it was and say...

Z: Mission accomplished.

8: Yes.

But it is a painful mission and I can see why you wouldn't be feeling very enthusiastic about accomplishing it.

The second part is a lot more fun, though. The second part is when you begin to remember who you are. You begin to discover that you are a being of pure radiant light. That your truest nature is Love. That you are really ONE with All That Is. That you are a powerful, magnificent, creator being. That you exist to discover yourself and create yourself exactly as you most deeply desire yourself to be.

And isn't it nice to know that you are quite firmly on that part of the journey now?

Z: Yes. It is. But what do I do with the stuff that I did while I was on the first part of the journey?

8: It is your gift to yourself and to the ONE. It is how you expressed yourself in your deepest forgetting in response to The Adversary. It is how you expressed yourself as The Adversary. Now you know. Now you can make other choices. And now, when you encounter The Adversary in another being, you can understand this is them, as they are, while they are still on the outward journey. They are still in the first part of their journey. And that is all. Now you can release your judgement of them.

Z: Yes. I see.

8: And you can release your anger at those who make the world as it is. Those who are in power and seemingly making very poor choices for the rest of humanity. Those who plot and plan and create evil. Like fomenting war between nations with trickery and deception. Like manufacturing diseases that blight humanity. Like suppressing technology that is clean, in favour of technology that pollutes the planet. Like creating systems of money that enslave the masses. Like creating systems of economy that keep the majority in crushing poverty. Like allowing death, disease and famine to rage when all of this could be eradicated instantly. And on and on. You can release your anger towards them because you have done the same. To some small degree in this lifetime and to a far greater degree in lifetimes past... you were a part of all this. And now you can see that those who are behaving in this way are simply the same as you, but on a different part of their journey. They are doing the tough stuff. They have yet to begin to forgive themselves and to love themselves. And when they do, then they too will begin to return Home.

And the ones who will have it the very hardest of all? The ones with the greatest burden and the most pain to resolve? These ones are the minions of Satan. The particles of consciousness who have consciously chosen the role, here beyond the Veil, of keeping the duality system alive. The ones who have accepted the mantle of being the bearers of separation. The ones who have, lifetime-after-lifetime, fed the system by playing roles that have kept all others from finding love and oneness. These are the most separate of all. The most alone. The most individuated. And trust me when I say to you that theirs is a deeply painful place to be. And their journey home is going to bring them even more pain. Because, you see, for them it is not a simple matter of releasing the falsenesses about themselves. They have been true to their purpose and nature in their actions. So ahead of them lies a particularly difficult journey. But they will be helped. It is not expected to be easy, but they will be helped.

Z: Wow. I almost feel... compassion.

8: Yes. Compassion is appropriate.

Z: And these ones, these minions of Satan. Are they the Super Powerful Individuals you spoke of previously?

8: There are different particles, which have played different roles in different ways. Some have, for example, been violently aggressive and in this way torn whole planetary civilisations apart. Others have used subtler means. And yes, perhaps the subtlest game is the one being played by some of Satan's minions upon Planet Earth. They are supplied with certain gifts and abilities in exchange for their service. So yes, I would say that the SPIs are the mortal expressions of these souls that are the minions of Satan.

Z: Some things are beginning to fall into place for me now. But let's just get this straight then; Is Lucifer the cause of all evil, or is he not?

8: As usual, this too is a perspective issue. It depends on how you look at it. Perhaps I could express it like this. Do you remember in the movie called Forest Gump, the main character had a saying that went something like, "My momma always told me that life is like a box of chocolates."

Z: (laughs) Yes, I remember.

8: Well, if life is like a box of chocolates, then I would say that Lucifer invented "The Adversary flavour" chocolate. And seeing as The Adversary is really all about appearing to take from others their right to choose, one could also call it "evil flavour" chocolate.

It's there in the box along with all kinds of other flavours. In your various lifetimes you get to try all of the flavours to see if you like them. But, in each case, it is up to you to decide how long you are going to keep each of these chocolates in your mouth. How long you chew and savour the flavour. And whether you spit it out or whether you take it into your being by swallowing it. All of that is up to you. And if you do take it into your being, do you go back again and again for more "evil flavour" chocolates, or do you instead find a way to let it pass through your body so that you can release it from your being and decide not to choose that flavour again?

You see? It is there. You can choose to experience it, if you want to. And once you have sampled it, you can decide what you want to do with that experience. Nobody forces you to do anything. You are the creator of your own reality. The fact that evil exists as a possible experience does not mean that you have to choose to experience it. And even if you do, still you are not its victim, because now you know something about yourself. You know, whether you like it or not, whether it serves your path or not. You have profoundly increased your self-knowledge for having had this experience.

Z: All right. I can accept from your story that Lucifer invented evil, but is not actually evil. But then it seems to me that his invention, The Adversary, is evil. Or am I wrong?

8: In order for you to understand this, I am going to need to explain to you about Consciousness Construct Holders now, even though you haven't yet done quite enough work to get the whole message. But we will have to do our best.

Z: What does that mean, 8? That I have not done enough work to get this message?

8: Quite simply that you must be readied to understand things. Because of the manner in which you are receiving this material, it is not possible for me to place ideas in your mind if the building blocks of that idea are not already there. And so it is that each chapter not only addresses the issues it seeks to address, but it also plants many seeds and lays much groundwork for the following chapters. And, as has often happened, if you are not ready to receive a chapter, then you find yourself unable to get down to writing. This is by design. You are needing to be still for a while so that you can undergo a little internal metamorphosis to bring yourself to readiness to receive the next chapter.

Z: And now you want to tell me about these Consciousness Construct Holders, but you feel there is not sufficient groundwork?

8: There is insufficient to tell the whole