The Ascension Papers Book I by Zingdad - HTML preview

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 About The Ascension Papers

A note from the author

"Imagine if you could re-create the world any way you wanted and invite your soul-family to co-create it with you. This is what I am doing. And The Ascension Papers is my invitation... but only you will know if this invitation is for you or not..."


Dear Reader

When I first sat down to write this work I had no idea whatsoever that the end result would be a book. The sum total of my writings up to that point had been a number of short channellings posted on various Internet forums. I had no inclination towards ever being an author at all. Then, in May of 2008, after having a life-changing spiritual experience (as detailed in Chapter 7), I decided I that needed to make sense of my self, my life, my pain and my confusion in a more ordered fashion. So I sat down to record some conversations with my spirit-family. That was really meant to be for my own purposes and, perhaps, also to be shared on those same Internet forums. But, what followed, vastly surpassed those ambitions!

I brought an open heart and mind, an insatiable curiosity and teachability to the table. What I was given in return was the most amazing journey into consciousness imaginable. Chapter followed chapter, each one building upon what had gone before, gradually constructing an unbelievably detailed, coherent picture of the way life works and why things are the way they are. But, more than bringing simple understanding, the truths uncovered brought me profound peace, joy and release from the fear and pain that had gnawed at my soul for my entire life. Fear was alchemically transmuted into Love. A victim-mindset was transformed into creator-consciousness. As a result of the writing of this work, I came to understand myself and the world I live in, in a whole new way. A way which liberates me to be the very best that I can be. A way that allows me to awaken to the magnificence that lies within. Writing this book has sparked the most profound growth and transformation in my being. At the time of writing it was, quite simply, the best, most important, thing that I had ever done. And it has been the foundation upon which I have continued to create myself and from which I have continued to give my gifts.

And, yet, for all that, I also managed to get something quite fundamentally wrong in the telling of this life-changing tale. And the awareness of this error has been a burden on my heart for almost two years now. On the one hand I still loved this work and felt inordinately proud of it – and the impact it was reportedly having on countless readers the world over. But on the other hand I had a heaviness in my heart over a particular flaw in the core of the book. And then, finally, in June of 2014, after a sequence of remarkable events, I was gifted the wisdom and insight to see how to correct the error. With this new understanding, the book would not simply be corrected... it would actually function at a whole higher frequency of consciousness. And this transformation will be made clear to you as you read this, the 3rd edition of The Ascension Papers, as I have not sought to hide or obfuscate my earlier error. I have woven it back into the re-telling in an honest and transparent fashion.

And now I feel the profoundest joy in reissuing this book. My heart and soul sing with a sense that now, at last, I have really got it right.

And in this process of re-writing I also came to understand that I really needed to make this material available for free. Exactly how I reached that realisation is also explained in this work. But the bottom line is that this e-book version is absolutely free of charge and you are not just permitted, but actually encouraged, to share it. If you find it useful and enjoyable, go ahead and send it on to everyone you know! Share it in any way you like (see the licence notes for specifics and details). And if you wish to say “thank you” or to support my work, then you may buy the paperback version or visit my website to peruse my other offerings (see the Closing Thoughts at the end of the book for more details).

What a wondrous journey it has been for me to write this book. And what a delight to be able to share it with all my readers, website members, friends and brothers- and sisters-in-spirit all over the world... to be able to share it with you.

What you can expect to gain from reading The Ascension Papers depends entirely upon you. This is not a work that demands of you that you should believe what is espoused and it certainly does not promise to rescue you from your life. But it is my firm conviction that the content of this book can help you, if you are willing to take the journey, to discover your own discover that you are perfect as you are... that you are, and always have been, the creator of your own reality... that you are a being of pure, radiant love.

This book is the record of my journey to self-discovery, but the overwhelming response that I have received to date from readers indicates that it has, and can be, an invaluable guide for you on your journey to self-discovery too. And so it is with the greatest love and joy that I share it with you.

Some of the topics covered in this book include:

Why are we actually here? Why did we incarnate as humans and what is the meaning of this crazy life here on planet Earth?

What can we know of our Creator? Are we all truly one with God? And if we are, what does that really mean for us?

What is the nature of the "Higher-Self" and what is our relationship with our "Higher-Selves"?

What is a "Spirit-Guide"?

What is truth really? And what, if anything, is unarguably, irreducibly true?

What is love really? And what about other emotions, such as joy? What are they and why do we feel them?

If the Creator, God, is good and loving, then why does evil exist? And why is there fear and pain?

And why is the world in the state it is in and how did it come to be like this?

Are there shadowy figures running the world from behind the scenes – and what does that mean to me in my life?

What about 2012 and the apocalypse and the Mayan calendar and all that? Why did nothing seem to change in 2012, despite all the hype surrounding that time?

What about religion... prophets, saviours, angels, demons, devils, heaven and hell? What of this is true and what does it mean for you and I?

And does science have anything of value to say to us as beings that are on a spiritual path?

Can we find our way to feeling truly at one with ourselves: whole, healed, peaceful and joyful?

And is it true that we are, each of us, creating our reality? And if it is, why are we making such a mess of things? And, more importantly, how can we begin to get it right now?

...and this is just a smattering of the many interesting topics that will be addressed in, I'm sure you will agree, quite a refreshing new way. But all of the many and varied topics will ultimately serve one grand purpose. And that is to set before you an invitation to step into the power of your divine, limitless self! To move into right relationship with all that you truly are, and therefore into right relationship with all of life.

I, as the incarnated aspect of a much greater being, have the wonderful privilege of bringing this invitation to you here, in this life, on planet Earth. If you accept the invitation, then you will be able to join me and a host of other beings as we begin to co-create the most wondrous future reality imaginable... a whole new life in a whole new world in a grand, golden age!

But I won't go into the details of that now. It will all unfold as you read this work.

I do not insist that you must agree with me, believe what I say or subjugate your truth to mine. That is the opposite of what I want. I simply invite you to read what I have written with your own discernment and truth firmly in place. If you find resonance with what is presented, then your heart is telling you that the ideas presented here are "right for you".

You will notice that this work is presented in the form of a series of conversations between myself and a variety of spirit beings. You might wonder how I come to be able to create these dialogues with beings that are not, in the normal sense of the word, present on this Earth. In essence, the answer is that I have spent many years and a great deal of dedicated effort in teaching myself how to do this. I will, in due course, as a part of a follow-up work, explain exactly how I do what I do and offer some thoughts as to how you too may develop such a facility should you so desire. I don't like to call what I do "channelling". I do not give over my faculties to another being to speak though me. I prefer to call it "intuitive conversation". I simply ask the questions and then allow the truth in my heart to provide me with an answer. And then I type what I receive. But it is not really important how I derive these words. I do not want to claim any authority for these words as a result of the fact that they ostensibly come from some great beings from the higher-dimensional far-beyond. I would very much hope that you will decide for yourself to what degree these words are true for you based upon your own resonance with the words themselves.

Finally, you might notice that the earlier chapters of this book are less fluid and possibly more naïve than the later chapters. In updating this work I considered revising the first chapters to bring them up to the standard of the later chapters. I decided against this course, however, as this is how the book unfolded for me and for those who were reading it, chapter-by-chapter on my website, when I was writing it. This is the progression of my own soul as a result of being exposed to the ideas presented herein. Certainly the latter chapters are my best, but equally they were only possible as a result of the groundwork laid in the early chapters. So I let it stand as is.

And now, without further ado, I present to you my offering of love to the world, a gift which I freely give to you, with a joyful and open heart. Here is: The Ascension Papers, by Zingdad.

With so much love,
 Arn “Zingdad” Allingham
 Knysna, South Africa
 15 July 2014

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