The Awareness Project by Dylan Vorster - HTML preview

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How the mind works

There are two parts of your brain or rather your ‘mind’. These are made up of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the part of the mind that sees through and with the eyes. While the subconscious mind is the "blind" mind, it cannot see anything therefore it cannot believe anything.

The conscious mind is used to take in, input through the 5 human senses, these being smell, touch, taste, seeing and hearing, and then interprets that information.

It then sends these interpretations to the subconscious mind for processing. The subconscious mind then manages these inputs and once these inputs have been arranged and managed, it will then provide the body with the actions and beliefs of what the subconscious mind has been fed (if these inputs are negative, you will experience negativity. If they are positive you will experience positivity). This is why it is vital to be conscious of what you are feeding your subconscious mind. The trick is, to fill your subconscious mind with all the things you want and dream about (simply by seeing the things you want through visualisation and pictures) because it is your subconscious mind that creates your life for you. Also just for your information your intuition and psychic powers arise from your subconscious mind or the pineal gland which is also well known as one of the chakras. Your aim must be to fully develop the power of your subconscious mind as life will become a breeze.

This is where the law of attraction comes into play and therefore proves that the law of attraction is not a hoax! If you want to focus on getting something, all you have to do is start the process of thinking about what you want then that thought will proceed into your subconscious mind which will act on your thought and therefore that thought will be in tune to the vibration with the universe and the result is you get what you thought about.

(Have you ever noticed if you don’t want something to happen and you think about how it would play out in your head and you give such emotion toward that happening, it happens? I choose to give a negative example because more people will relate to a negative example instead of a positive on because of the mindset we have all been brainwashed into having. If you want examples, your TV (subliminal messages and subliminal brainwashing also known as "masonic mind controll" please go research it.) your cell phone, social media, you’re news papers, news channels and basically everything now days. If you can learn to be conscious of these things and pick them up you can learn how to not let it affect you. So no one is saying get rid of your phone or TV just become aware).

The subconscious mind is always working. It never stops functioning. This is the reason as to why you have dreams at night. (And they can seem so real it’s scary. So therefore the more you can create those images in your subconscious mind of the things you want in life, the faster those things will appear).

The main thing to remember is that you or rather your subconscious mind must be in total vibration to the universe in order for you to get what you want. (to do this you must express and feel the emotion that the specific thing you want will give you, for example if you want a specific car you must feel the emotion that driving that car will give you and therefore your vibrations will attract the vibrations you want to experience). You must be able to use your conscious mind to give you what you want. You must be able to use all of your senses to experience what it is that you want (you must visualise what it is that you want and use all your senses to imagine what it would be like, so you would feel the steering wheel, you will smell the leather of the seats, you will hear the sound the engine makes and so on. The more real this becomes for you the faster you attract what it is that you want and in this case it is the car.

Another way to look at how the mind works between the conscious and the subconscious mind is to think of it from this point of view:

When you develop a thought, it is analyzed by the conscious mind and it starts to send electro-chemicals within the brain. As the chemicals travel through the brain, neural pathways are opened and the data passes through the brain further. As the data travels, additional cells in the brain are imprinted with the data being processed (creating a memory). The conscious mind then attaches emotion to the thought based on its perceived interpretation of the data (so if it is something that made you feel happy, you will always relate to that memory as being happy). This increases the vibration of the thought and at that time a belief is established (what you see is what you believe, this is a mistake). This belief could be based on truth, reality or a lie. (Be careful about what you believe because it can affect your life dramatically. For example today’s society have been brainwashed, through masonic mind control, into thinking you NEED an education to do well in your life, when that is not true at all. Meanwhile they do not teach you about these things that we are discussing which CAN and WILL affect your life aswell as teach you how to have a truly happy and successful life. It also teaches you that YOU are in control of your own life so do not let anyone else live your life for you). This belief is then sent and stored in the subconscious mind. This data can then be accessed and utilized in the future by the conscious mind to either support or deny any further thoughts that are set in the subconscious mind. (so if something ever pops up that is new to you and you may think to yourself, Nope that’s incorrect. This is because you have been lead to believe it is incorrect)

When the conscious mind receives the same input again, it is the job of the subconscious mind to locate and provide that data that was stored the last time and send it back to the conscious mind with an emotion of some type included. This will then send out a vibration and if this vibration matches to the vibration of the universe this will then in turn create and manifest what it is that was thought.

Therefore it is vital to only focus on positivity because constant negativity will bring and attract negative vibrations into your life. (this is where the saying the rich get richer and the poor get poorer comes from, because the rich are constantly thinking they have enough money for everything they want and in turn they create the ability to have enough money for what they want because they BELEIVE they do. The poor are constantly telling themselves they don’t have money for certain things so in turn they create the circumstances of never having money for the things they want because their subconscious mind creates those circumstances. Unfortunately that is how they have been programmed to work.)