The Awareness Project by Dylan Vorster - HTML preview

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There is no doubt that thoughts do direct your actions and thoughts are very powerful and can help you accomplish many things if you do it correctly.


If you think poverty you will always live in poverty and if you think of prosperity your life will always be prosperous. The secret is in the way you programme your mind.

There are people who are kind hearted and never do a thing wrong but due to their mindset, life always seems to be nasty to them or hurt them in some or other way. There are people who are good and hardworking and only want to make a success of their lives but their mindset holds them back from doing so.

You create your own reality and every single thing that has ever happened to you in your life, you have attracted to yourself through your thinking patterns and mindset. I know it is difficult to believe but this is new found evidence and there are powers out there that do not want you to know about this and how to do this, because it is your absence of not knowing how to do this, that allows them to control everything! Please be open minded and just try it, it’s just how you think that’s all it is.

People tend to look at things from a conscious level as this is the state where things are easier to believe. What they see in front of them they believe is real. The conscious mind makes up only 8% of your mind whereas the subconscious makes up the remaining 92%. Therefore if you can learn (and you will) how to use the subconscious mind, things will happen allot faster for you in your life.


Start with the small things first so you can see for yourself that it actually works! And then progress on to bigger things. This is important because the more belief you have in this the more it works for you. If you only listen to your conscious mind, you will not get far because it limits you to what you only see in front of you. (in our day and age these things you see with your conscious mind have been deliberately put there by “higher powers” to mind wash and control you. If you are aware of this you are very far ahead of the average person.

If your subconscious mind has been programmed properly, you can experience untold amounts of prosperity. Basically anything you can imagine can be created for you, that is why many business people tell you the bigger you dream the bigger your reward.  The only limiting factor that stops us from evolving and being able to use our minds to their fullest potential, is the fact that people can only see or think what is in their conscious mind and this limits their abilities beyond comprehension. If the eyes can play tricks on you then so can the conscious mind.

If you listen to your conscious mind then you will NOT get very far as what you see is what you believe and scenarios have been purposely put in place for us to believe so the higher powers can keep control of the masses. Therefore most of what we have been led to believe is FALSE. Think for yourself and live for yourself, this is the first step to finding freedom. If your subconscious mind has been programmed properly you can experience untold amounts of prosperity and you can basically have anything you want or achieve anything you put your mind to.

"You can do anything you set your mind to" -Benjamin Franklin

Everything that happens to us on a daily basis not only affects us consciously but subconsciously too as the conscious mind feeds the subconscious mind. If you read a good book you will have happy thoughts and if you read a horror book 9/10 times you will have a nightmare...see how this works? If you focus on what today’s society presents us with in the news, media etc you absorb that and then it affects you in the ways that they would want it to affect you. This is why it is vital to think and act for yourself.

Remember the way you act now is the way you have been programmed to act, from your upbringing and what you have experienced in your past. This is a very important concept that you must understand and retain. Just by understanding this and remembering it will help you tremendously.

The life you have right now, no matter what you have or don’t have, the way you act or don’t act, the attitude you have towards everyday life has all been a direct result as to the way your mind was programmed from your early age up until now. But you can change this if it is what you want. It is all in your hands. You can do anything you dream about. Just believe you can!

It is extremely important that you monitor your thoughts and keep control of what passes through your mind. YOU are in control of your own mind so do not let anyone else interfere with what you think or believe. Unfortunately many of the belief systems that have been put in place that many people believe in, are false, misleading and are put there to keep you from knowing the truth as well as keeping you from further advancing as a human. This is to keep you powerless. However today, the fact that you are reading this could be a HUGE step forward for your future.

It is our greatest pleasure to be of such important aid to you.

It is time for humanity to step away from the ‘control freaks’ and start living pure, happy and self induced lives as every human being deserves, as we are truly special and capable of untold amounts of greratness!

A good example on how the mind works is if you think of a garden, if you plant a whole bunch of seeds you cannot leave them there to grow without taking care of them. If you leave the garden unattended, weeds (the people who are constantly greedy, negative and ultimately spends most of their time bringing you down) will grow in-between the seeds you planted and take away all their nutrients and suffocate the beautiful seeds you planted, however if you maintain the garden and look after it you can avoid these situations and have a beautiful garden with many gorgeous plants. Basically if you look after your mind and what you allow for it to be influenced by, it will reward you with lots of beauty and happiness.


This goes for your mind as well. If you continue to feed negative thoughts (which are created by the higher powers through feeding us negativity via television, news and many other things) into your mind these thoughts will be stored into your subconscious mind and then you will act according to what is stored in your mind and thus this is how they control humanity. However if you can break away (and you really can right now!) from the chain of negative thinking and fill your mind with uplifting and good thoughts these will also get stored in your mind and therefore your mind will create what it is that you continuously think about and what is stored in your mind. Happy thoughts = happy life. Very simple.

Remember the subconscious mind does not know right or wrong or good or bad, it only processes what it receives.

You have to be in control of what your subconscious mind processes, you yourself can stop bad thoughts reaching the subconscious mind and therefore you will have the right MINDSET to be who you want to be and live the life you want to live.

In some cases you might have to alter your original and core beliefs in order to replace them with more productive beliefs. Do not be afraid of this as what you believe in now may be exactly what the higher powers want you to believe. I know you might now think that what we are saying is unbelievable, and if you feel that way then I do encourage each and every one of you to go do more in depth research for yourself. Please do not turn your head away from this as that will only lead you in the wrong direction. We are here to help Humanity and show as many people as possible the light that is waiting for them.

As you learn and grow in life you start realising what it takes to become prosperous and wealthy and therefore allot of your previous programming must be altered to achieve these things and you can start right now! It’s just a thinking game you do not have to do anything else but think. Obviously you can’t just sit on your ass the whole day because the opportunities you attract will take longer to find you, so go out, do productive things with your lives and the opportunities will start presenting themselves quicker than you could imagine. That is how simple it is.

How to replace your old mindset is very simple. You need to continuously give yourself positive affirmations, you need to continuously tell yourself what it is that you want and who you want to be. You need to change your mind set with words and phrases that will build you and help develop a better attitude, personality and mindset.

There are many steps you can take to help you change your previous mindset but remember that mindset was built over however many years you have lived so yes it will take a bit of time to reset your mind but that is okay because of the fact that you are now consciously making these changes it will happen 100 times faster just by being conscious of this change.

Fill your mind with the things you want and not with the things you don’t want. Yes you will still have bad days and bad thoughts but the less you have, the better off you will be and remember you control what you think, it will get better with time and practice. Persevere, as you have no idea of what the mind is capable of and it is my personal belief that this is what the higher powers are trying to keep us from knowing...your own potential and our potential as humanity is beyond fathomable.

The more time you put into the resetting of you mind the more results you will see and that is a promise! You need to tell yourself that you want to change and you are the only one that is in control of that change, so take it step by step and keep at it!

Who knows when you will reach the point where you can manifest anything you want into your life rapidly! Is this exciting or what! :D the more you fill your conscious mind with the things you want the more those things get stored into your subconscious mind which will then be created for you.

If you think about a computer and how it can be reprogrammed to act differently and behave in a certain way you can see that the mind is the same as it is the mind that controls what you do. Don’t forget that there is no technology that is as powerful as your mind! So just imagine what it is capable of.

Positive thinking will bring you a successful life.