The Awareness Project by Dylan Vorster - HTML preview

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The basic steps on how to apply the law of attraction are as follows:



You must find yourself a nice relaxing place to sit for a while or even lay down. It must be as quiet as can be and as peaceful as possible.

Clear your mind as much as you can and try your best not to let any thoughts enter your mind and if they do just let them pass and relax your mind once again.

Meditation is also very very good for the mind as this can increase your brain power and therefore this will aid you in everything you put your mind to..


Visualise what you want. When you start to visualise what it is that you want be SURE about what it is that you want and don’t doubt any of your thoughts. These are the vibrations you are giving off to the universe so make sure they are as perfects as you can make them. Make sure it is something you would really like to achieve and something you have allot of enthusiasm for. When you start to visualise what you want, you must use all 5 of your senses to picture how it would be to have that object or situation. You must feel the emotion that having that object or situation would give you (excitement, joy, happiness etc) Your subconscious mind stores this feeling like we spoke about earlier and then in turn it will provide you with the thing you want so you can feel that emotion once again and this time for real.


You must ASK the universe for what it is that you want. You must think about what you want and send those mental pictures and thoughts out to the universe (you do this automatically just by thinking about it). THE UNIVERSE WILL ANSWER.

You must just be as patient as can be and keep on visualising and asking the universe as much as you possibly can. Remember the more in-depth your mental images and thoughts are the faster the universe gives you what you want (this is because you are being more specific about what it is you want). Also remember to be thankful and show your appreciation. Just say thank you. Simple.


Write what it is that you want down. It is extremely powerful on the mind to see what you want written down in YOUR own hand writing. You must write about what you want in detail almost as if to tell the universe about it as much as you can. Write in the present tense as if you already have this want or desire.

The more you look at what you have written down the more it is stored into your subconscious mind and therefore the faster what you want appears.

Look at what you have written down every day as many times as you can. The more you do this the better. You can even stick it above your bed on the ceiling so when you wake up it is the first thing you see. You can even stick it on your cupboard door so when you get your clothes for the day there it is and you can see it.

What you see is what you believe and what you see gets fed into your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind creates for you what your truest desires are.

Make a dream board. This will help you see what you aim to achieve. Remember, if you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands!


You must feel what it would be like to have what you want already. Feel the emotion you would feel when having what it is that you want. You must use all five of your senses (touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight) to feel and imagine what it is like to have what you want. For a good example I will use a car.

You must hear how the engine will roar when you drive it, you must smell the leather seats, you must see through the windshield where you are driving and you must feel the steering wheel underneath your hands. The better and more vivid these feelings are the faster you attract what it is that you want. This is an important step because these emotions and thoughts send out vibrations of a certain frequency out to the universe and then these vibrations attract vibrations of similar frequencies. Like attracts like.

Therefore the stronger these vibrations are, the stronger the vibrations are that are attracted to you and the stronger those vibrations are the faster you get what you want.

The reason we repeat these things so much is because it will stick in your head better.


You must be thankful and show gratitude towards everything you have which was given to you by the universe in the first place. Yes maybe a person gave you the physical things but the universe created the circumstance for you to get what you want.

The more gratitude you show towards the universe, better and better things start happening to you. The universe does everything for you so all you have to do is be thankful and show gratitude. The universe is just waiting to spoil you, you just have to know that, appreciate it and expect it. Think about all the wonderful things that have happened to you up until this very moment and thank the universe for those things. Be specific about what you are thankful for so the message is more clear.

Showing gratitude will speed up the process of you receiving what it is that you desire.


You must trust the universe and believe that you will receive what it is that you are asking for. The universe WILL give you what you truly want and you just have to believe that. The more you believe the more you receive. Having trust in the universe is a good and important step because it shows the universe you have faith in it and the universe respects that. That is the only thing the universe desires.

 You must remember to never lose faith because of the time it might take for your desires to manifest, If you start thinking to yourself ahhhh this is never going to happen, just by thinking that you will create that circumstance. You will never get what you want because you believe you won’t so you don’t. Simple.

Also remember that the things you ask for might not come to you in the way you thought they would so be open minded and look out for what you receive.

A good example that happened to me was I was sitting on my couch the one day thinking to myself I really want to go fishing... so I thought okay let me use the law of attraction for it and I said that I want to go fishing that upcoming weekend and it never happened. However about three weeks after that weekend my parents told me about a surprise fishing trip that we were going on and it was at a beautiful lodge where we stayed for two nights and three days just relaxing and fishing.....exactly what I wanted and even more. So have faith, be persistent and don’t give up on your desires and dreams as you never know when they might just pop up.