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What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction or also known as the law of vibration is all based on energy as every single thing in the universe is made up of energy.

Everything you see, feel, hear or any other senses are all based around energy. The fact that you can see, hear or feel means that you are able to tune into the energy frequency that is around you in order for you to experience it.

You, as a human, give off vibrations (energy) just by your thoughts and what you think. This is why a correct mindset (a correct way of thinking) is so vital in the application and use of the Law of Attraction.

Whatever you think creates a vibration. That vibration is then sent out into the universe (you can think of it as vibration wave travelling constantly). That specific vibration that you sent off attracts other vibrations of the same kind. This is where the term “like attracts like” comes from. Therefore you must be careful about what you think as a negative thought will attract a negative action or happening due to the similar vibration and energy frequencies they share.

This is why it is very important to keep positive and only think positively because if you do, you will attract positivity into your life which will then create a happier, healthier life for yourself and everyone around you.


This is where the Law of Attraction comes into play. It is the fact that through your thinking patterns and your emotional states, you can attract ANYTHING into your life. These being more money, more abundance, your dream job and even love, along with anything else you desire. Through constant positive thinking not only do you attract more positivity into your life but it allows you to further develop as a human being in the fact that when you apply this Law, it means you are conscious of what you are thinking and awake, instead of fast asleep like many people. Humanity needs this as we need to move on in evolution as this specific place cannot house us for much longer unless we do something drastic to change this place.

The law of attraction therefore is the ability to change your thinking patterns and emotional states that affect the vibrations you give off, so you can then alter your life and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted. The whole idea of this is so that people can finally realise what life is about and instead of letting life live you, you live life. Humanity can learn how to avoid negativity and learn how to come together as one to advance in life and live in abundance. HEAVEN.

The law of attraction was previously known as the law of opulence or mental magic or mental power, the power of thoughts or creative visualisation. ( by the way do some further research on these previously mentioned names for the Law of attraction if you want to learn as much as you can) it’s all the same power, magic or law.

The law of attraction is basically the fact that if you are constantly thinking upon a certain subject, you ultimately attract it into your life. It’s all based on your thoughts, mental images and feelings and these can affect the subconscious mind and the universal mind, making them actually work for you to manifest what it is that you want. The way in which the universe will bring you what you want and try to bring what you desire into being or create into existence, is through opportunity.

By providing you with opportunities that you can take in order for you to have the ability to get what you want.

Simple example is if you want a car and apply the law of attraction, the universe will provide an opportunity such as a better paying job, in order for you to pay for the car you want.

The universe will open up the opportunities to achieve what you have tried to bring into existence through your thoughts.

We personally believe the more you  think about what you want and the more emotion you apply towards having that specific thing the faster it appears in your life. We say this because your vibrations attract similar vibrations, therefore the more you give out the vibrations the faster it is attracted and the more of those similar vibrations are attracted therefore giving you even more prosperity. Makes sense correct?

The law of attraction is obedient to your thoughts so remember positivity attracts positivity and negativity the same.