The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


You have something very powerful inside you: the power of your brain. This power we possess in our brains can either work greatly for you or against you. Everything that the human race has created was discovered by our use of brainpower. Our brains control everything we do and we move in the direction to which we are programed. So if our brains are not programmed to eat healthy and make good choices, then no matter how hard we consciously try to use our will power, the power of the subconscious will take over. Our subconscious mind determines most of our conscious decision-making.

You may have tried different diets and programs to lose weight in the past. Maybe you have tried to stay motivated and focused only to fall back into old habits without making any true breakthroughs. Wondering why you can’t stay motivated and focused for the long haul, or lose weight and keep the weight off for the long haul? It all starts with the brain. In the following chapters, Im going to break that down for you and give you a game plan to re-program your brain to start making all the right choices along with a stress free approach to eating right.

Lets break down your brainpower into two parts: the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Your conscious mind makes up about 10% of your total brainpower, and your subconscious makes up 90% of your total brainpower. Thats a lot of power behind your thoughts and actions.

What your conscious mind controls is your front-of-mind awareness. It controls your short-term memory, and controls your willpower. Your subconscious, which is 90% of your brainpower, (and its better known as your primal brain) controls your emotions and feelings, your creativity, your habits, your focus and your long-term memory. Subconscious is defined as anything in the mind that cannot be consciousl<