The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


The 5 noises” are made up of the following:






Do you disguise most emotions as stress? All of the emotions listed above make up the noise” that will eventually lead to STRESS. The noise that is hibernating within our subconscious minds is delivered to us through messages. We can find these mediums that deliver the messages from a number of sources. You have to protect your mind and decide which thoughts are important to entertain and which are not. Its not your job to listen to and absorb all the noise. Your job is to make room and be clear to make smart decisions to better your life. Everyday were bombarded with messages of negativity, fear, dis-trust, anger and worry. These messages can be received subconsciously through people we surround ourselves with, specifically people who tend to carry negativity. We also get these messages from TV, specifically the news and reality TV. Even when it comes to politics and religion we are often getting messages of worry, distrust, anger and fear. Im not saying all TV is bad, all people are bad or all politics and religion are bad. What Im saying is that we need to start being more mindful of the effects that result from getting caught up in the parts of these things that create those noises. There is much we can avoid and our children can avoid to prevent the negative messages from entering. This will create more room for a more positive environment in our own head. This is the key to long-term success.

Let me give you an example of just how powerful messages to our subconscious are, good or bad. Finish this sentence:The best part of waking up...

Did you say, “Is Folgers in the cup”? Im assuming most of you reading this book remember the commercial for Folgers coffee. That tagline is a message we received quite often watching that commercial. Now Im not sure how many times you may have seen that, but imagine receiving messages daily that have projected noise related feelings. Its a safe bet that youre storing those feelings subcon