The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Do you surround yourself with people that carry negative energy? The energy that youre getting from some people could be toxic to you. Not all people with negative energy are bad people, however, their energy can still be toxic to you. So, you can either remove them from your life or set boundaries. Always do your best to protect the positive flow of energy in your life by avoiding the negativity of those around you. You should not allow someone elses negativity to get in the way of how youre feeling or how you want to live. Don’t get caught up in other peoples stuff. Gossip is only wasted energy.

Practice the art of not giving your negative thoughts power. Every time you say or write a negative thought about yourself, you give it power. Lets be very mindful of this and change the communication you have with yourself. What you say and write enters the universe will inevitably make up your reality.

Ex: Im depressed, I can’t do this, I wish I was in better shape, Im lonely.

The law of attraction will work to keep you there. Remember, how you react to situations is what you will attract. Instead stop yourself from proclaiming that and change those words like: I want to feel better tomorrow.

I know I can do this over time. Im looking forward to being in better shape and I want someone good to enter my life since they will see the best version of me now. We all have negative thoughts at times. However, its the way we communicate them that we need to be mindful of. If you can control the communication of your thoughts, you will be able to make better choices and change your actions.


Fear can be defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Watching the news everyday or at night, you will find an underlining message of fear entering your sub-conscious. The news will project some really interesting stories and good news at times, but unfortunately most