The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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GREG’S PIA’S (Put Into Action)

Spend a few minutes early in the morning or in the evening before bed to focus on breathing. Listen to a meditation audio or just pay attention to your breathing and clear the mind.

If you practice the Brain Detox properties, your sleep should improve. Set your alarm an hour earlier and get to bed an hour earlier. Change your sleep clock during the week.

Set a consistent gym schedule. If you’re not at the gym, go on long walks outside. If you’re at the office, put in a solid fifty minute work session and then take a break to walk around.

Make it a point to read thirty minutes a day. Pick books that will inspire, educate and enhance you.

Take breaks! Daily, weekend and longer ones. If you feel the slightest sign of burn out, take a break!

Dont think about all the reasons you cant and start thinking of all the ways you can!