The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Im sure youve heard the saying, watch your thoughts, they become your words and watch your words, they become your actions.

We talk to ourselves everyday. Why is that? Because youre the only one who really wants to listen to yourself all day. Lol. Okay kind of joking.

But seriously, were talking to ourselves everyday, almost all day. Some things we say are positive, some of what we tell ourselves are just statements. If you recorded for a full month all of your self talk, you might be surprised how much of it negative self-talk trying to keep you still and silent.

Sometimes the voices in our heads are making sure we don’t succeed. Its amazing how the one person were supposed to trust, ourselves, is the one person keeping us from moving forward with our goals.

Autosuggestion is a way to repeat positive reinforcement to yourself to reprogram your sub-conscious. Say to yourself out loud, I am loved. I am great. I have so much to offer to the world. I live in a world of peace, happiness and perfection. Was comfortable to say to yourself out loud? A little uncomfortable, right?

Now I want you to repeat this out loud to yourself: This sucks! Things will never work out right! Is that a little easier to say? Why does that come easily?

That just goes to show you that the noises of the pastcan become more comfortable to us. We become more accustomed to the negativity than the positive things in our head. This is why its so important that we constantly auto suggest, and fill our sub-conscious brain with more positive thoughts. Through saying more positive things to ourselves, we counteract the noises.

Its never a perfect road to creating a better life and better you. You see, before you can build yourself into the best version of you or before you can help others around you, you first have to address how you f