The Brain Detox Diet by Greg Crawford - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


One of the biggest keys to having the motivation and focus to plow through any goal (especially weight loss) is doing everything with a higher purpose. Youve probably heard remarkable stories of people, who under crazy extreme circumstances, had the will to live and survived a near death experience.

Did you hear the story of the hiker who fell into a canyon and got his arm trapped between two boulders? His story was made into a movie called 127 hours. For days he was trapped in isolation while he started growing weak and slowly dying. His desire to live was so great, that this man amputated his own arm with a pocketknife to free himself and find help. Now thats motivation and a strong why”!

How about Viktor Frankl, the author of Mans Search for Meaning”? Viktor was a prisoner in the concentration camps during WWII. He described how everyday, no matter how extreme the conditions were, he kept his mind and body moving forward because his life had such meaning. His why was that strong. While many lost hope, Viktor knew in his heart that love, courage and significance was such a deep part of him. Even under such harsh circumstances, he continued to live for that higher purpose.

Do you think if your life depended on it at this very moment, you would do what it takes to motivate yourself? Motivation doesn’t exist because you don’t need motivation. You need a strong enough why and to tap into your primitive instincts to fight for what you want without the option of quitting. Its as though your life depends on it! Its in your DNA to have the will of a lion and the fight of a Spartan warrior! Whats it going to take for you to go inside and reach your deepest human trait to push you further? A near death experience?

You need to start with a support system and a strong enough why. Superficial whys” will never last. Everything has a deeper purpose.

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