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Power of the Subconscious Mind

The Story of John Assaraf


00005.jpgKnowing the law of attraction, I wanted to really put it to use and to see what would
happen. In 1995 I started to create something called a Vision Board, where I take something
that I wanted to achieve, or something that I want to attract, like a car or a watch or the soul
mate of my dreams, and I put a picture of what I want up on this board. Every day I would sit in
my office and I would look up at this board and I would start to visualize. I would really get into
the state of having already acquired it.
I was getting ready to move. We put all the furniture, all the boxes, into storage, and I
made three different moves over a period of five years. And then I ended up in California and
bought this house, renovated it for a year, and then had all the stuff brought from my former

home five years earlier. One morning my son Keenan came into my office, and one of the boxes
that was sealed for five years was right at the doorstep. He asked, “What’s in the boxes,
Daddy?” and I said, “Those are my Vision Boards.” He then asked, “What’s a Vision Board?” I
said, “Well, it’s where I put all my goals up. I cut them out and I put all my goals up as
something I want to achieve
in my life.” Of course at five and a half years old he didn’t
understand and so I said, “Sweetheart, let me just show you, that’ll be the easiest way to do it.”
I cut the box open, and on one Vision Board was a picture of a house that I was
visualizing five years earlier. What was shocking was that we were living in that house. Not a
house like it—I actually bought my dream home, renovated it, and didn’t even know it. I looked
at that house and I started to cry, because I was just blown away. Keenan asked, “Why are you
crying?” “I finally understand how the law of attraction works. I finally understand the power
of visualization. I finally understand everything that I’ve read, everything that I’ve worked with
my whole life, the way I’ve built companies. It worked for my home as well, and I thought our
dream home and didn’t even know it.” John Assaraf


John Assaraf was born in 1961. He spent his early childhood years growing


up in Tel Aviv, Israel. Later, his parents moved to Montreal, Canada. John came


from a humble and loving background. His parents could not afford much.


When John was nine years old, he became acquainted with street gang


culture. Fortunately, John’s life took a turn. At the age of 19, he left home and


began his quest to find the mentors and wisdom he sought to live a different life than his parents. Within two years, he was mentored by two of the most


successful sub-franchisers of real estate offices in the world.


These two mentors taught John everything they knew about building


successful companies. John became their partner and had the opportunity to


turn around a failing ReMax region in Indiana.


Today ReMax in Indiana’s 1,450 sales associates sell over $4 billion a year in


real estate and earn more than $100 million a year in commissions.


John Assaraf is well-read in the areas of understanding the power of the


mind. In his mid 30’s John applied everything he learned about peak human


behavior and performance to create This Internet company was


the pioneer in Internet Virtual Tour providers. Within 14 months, Bamboo, com


went from 6 employees to over 1,600 with monthly revenues of over 8 million




John contributes his success to these four areas of concentration:




Forming a positive mental attitude, thinking positively, nurturing your
automatic positive thought and diminishing your automatic negative thought




Concentrated thought increases the amplitude of our positive thought and
vibration making it more likely that we will bring what we desire into our lives.




Persistence is the fuel to success, to continue to your goal no matter what.




Do what you need to do, take little action and get little results, take massive
action and get massive results.


John Assaraf attributes success to the power of the subconscious mind and


he accesses and controls his subconscious thought through concentrated visualization.