The Magnet in You! by Saturna Brown - HTML preview

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The Higher Power

00006.jpg“Every thought of yours is a real thing—a force.” Prentice Mulford


I believe in a higher power. I do not believe in using the power of attraction


or the magnet within you to acquire selfish wealth. I know that wealth is meant


to be shared for the common good of mankind. I knew about a higher power


lying in my crib as an infant. I remember thinking to myself, ‘darn, I have to go


through life again.’ I was born with my feet turned in. I was born wall-eyed. I


had to wear braces on my legs for several years. I had surgery on both eyes, three times, before the age of six. I did not know my life’s purpose, but I knew there


had to be one. I realize that other stories about the law of attraction indicate that


we really do not have a set purpose in life. Our life’s purpose is our own


choosing. Well, ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ It depends if you really want to know your life’s


purpose. I know mine is to do with writing. My life has been enriched with


‘unexplained’ encounters with the paranormal. At the age of two, I had a near


death experience. I had died of double bronchial pneumonia and remember


looking down at my own body. A vision of someone in white came to me and told


me I would have to go back. I whispered, “It hurts too much.” The white figure


explained that pain is part of the life you must live.


I had another near-death experience giving birth to my first child. I


remember crossing over to the other side. I sat with others sitting on white sand.


In the distance was a blue sky with a bright light. I remember getting up and


telling them I had something to do and would be back. I walked into the shadows


and entered my body through a tunnel. Naturally, one would think what I had to


do was to take care of my daughter. I knew that was only part of it. My calling


was to write. I believe God does answer our prayers if we have a reason for what we ask.


We should always be grateful for what we have, regardless of how small it may


seem. For example, I am ‘thankful’ when I see my children happy. I am grateful


for a glass of ice or a cup of hot tea. I love getting up before the sun rises, just so I


can enjoy seeing the sun’s rays above the treetops.


As far back as I can remember, there were three childhood fantasies I


wanted in life. I wanted to live in a two story house, work as an educator and


become a children’s author. All three of these desires have come true, but not


through continual manifestation.


I learned about ‘real gut feelings’ when my son ran away from home. I was


ripped apart and in this deepest state of complete hopelessness was when I really


understood the presence of God. It did not matter I had two near-death


experiences, because I had accepted God. I just did not know I was part of him.


We are all connected. We are all energy. We are part of God. I remember


about ten years ago, I was having surgery for a cancer growth on my face. It was


the second time I had this surgery and I was worried that the surgeon might have


to remove my left eye. I remember thinking, “What is my purpose in life?” I saw in my mind’s eye a bright light. I heard a voice say, “Your purpose is to continue


to write. You will understand later.”


When I heard the story about the ‘miracle man,’ and he had heard a voice


telling him to breathe, despite his severe injuries, I needed to include him in this book. The next chapter is about Morris Goodman, ‘the miracle man.’