The Origin of Life and the Transmutation of the Human Race by The Light In The Dark Place - HTML preview

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About the Author

The Light in the dark place is a ghostwriter for the thisisitbe4thefire ministry hosted by beloved Jonathan Kleck.


On a personal note, if you talk to anyone I know, you will understand that I have no shame or fear in doing ministry outreach face to face using my true identity. After being censored from the internet and hated so much for sharing this level of truth – the Lord God has guided me to be a ghostwriter and remain anonymous in the online world. Due to the fact that the revelations have been bestowed through Minister Jonathan Kleck, it is also most appropriate that I remain anonymous to avoid confusion and to give all thankfulness to whom it is due. I do not seek nor do I want any credit for my efforts in ministry outreach and I am eternally grateful for the ministry given by the Lord Jesus Christ to brother Jonathan Kleck. It is simply my ultimate joy to be of service to help awaken our lost brothers and sisters in Christ.