The Origin of Life and the Transmutation of the Human Race by The Light In The Dark Place - HTML preview

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Connect with The Light in the dark place

The revelations contained within this documentation are all attributed to the gift of the Holy Spirit by the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom all glory is due. This information is to never be sold or traded for a reward, but is only to be freely given as you have freely received. If you have received these words as truth, we encourage you to continue the efforts in shining the light on this dark world by sharing this book, linked articles, and YouTube videos with your friends and family.


The goal of the ministry is:


"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."

- Act 26:18 

Jesus Christ




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You can find The Light in the dark place currently on these social media platforms:



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It is my pleasure to share in fellowship with you as we continue our endeavors in seeking truth through the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ.


For all who have been found of Christ through this ministry, welcome home family!


- See you at the party in heaven!