The Power to Visualize by Kaley Rhodes - HTML preview

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Use Your Imagination!

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." ALBERT EINSTEIN


Your imagination is where every extraordinary achievement begins. Exercising your imagination to its fullest is your key to creating a magnificent life.

Unfortunately, as we get older, most of us stop using this amazing creative power, tossing it aside; thinking it is only for children. This thought could not be more wrong! If you want to create the most wonderful life for yourself, you need to call on your inner child and get your head back in the clouds! Only now you know a secret you didn't know as a child; once you have seen the vision in your imagination, you have all the tools you need to bring that "daydream" into reality.

Your ability to imagine is perhaps your most powerful conscious gift!

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

All of the world's great men and women have used the power of imagination to create their successful lives. They have become great because they dared to imagine big, extraordinary achievements. They constantly pictured in their minds what they wanted, and the power within, given these pictures to work on, eventually brought them into being.

One of the secrets of success; one of the methods of organizing victory, one of the accomplishments of the mastermind: he thinks big thoughts. The creative energies of the mind have no more difficulty handling large situations than small ones.

Visualization is the technique of using your imagination in a systematic, structured way to create what you want. Of course, we all use our imagination constantly, usually in an unconscious, haphazard, or negative fashion. Worry, for example, is an extremely powerful image, and worried thoughts are always negative and destructive. Every time you fret about not getting the raise you want, possibly getting laid-off, having a car accident, or not making your sales quota, you are programming your mind destructively. Since we have been taught so many negative concepts about ourselves, we automatically expect and imagine that we will have difficulties, limitations and misfortunes, thus bringing it into being.

Properly direction, imagination is the key to the doorway to success, love, health, abundance, satisfying relationships, self-confidence and greater self-expression. All we need to do is become consciously aware of what we are creating, and change the programming if we don't like it.

Mart Hiatt, Mind Magic


Creating an ideal life depends upon the use of the most potent force in the world: your imagination.

This imagery works because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between something that is strongly imagined and something that is actually taking place in the physical world.

A picture in your mind has an impact on every cell in your body; thinking is not only an action of the mind, but an action of the entire body. When you visualize, or imagine something, you are literally creating a neural network or pattern within your brain that corresponds to what it is you want to achieve.

You're creating the seed. No seed, no tree. You want a tree? Imagination and visualization is how you create the right seed.