The Power to Visualize by Kaley Rhodes - HTML preview

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How & When To Visualize

"The only successful manifestation is one which brings about a change or growth in consciousness."

Some psychologists are now claiming that one hour of visualization is worth seven hours of physical effort. Visualization is one of the strongest tools in your success toolbox – make sure you use it.

Visualizing is not only a technique that you practice and dedicate to each day – ultimately it is a state of consciousness. In this state of consciousness you deeply realize and understand that you are the continuous creator of your Universe.

There is no real lack or scarcity; there is nothing you have to try and achieve or attract; you contain the potential for everything right inside you.

We are unlimited beings. We have no ceiling. The capabilities and the talents and the gifts and the power that is within every single individual on the planet, is unlimited.

Manifestation through visualization is the process of realizing and making visible on the physical plane our divine potential.


The word "visualize" literally means "to see in the mind." Visualizations are nothing more than images, sounds and feelings you create in your mind.

"To become conscious of this power is to become a "live wire". The Universe is the live wire. It carries power sufficient to meet every situation in the life of every individual. When the individual mind teaches the Universal Mind, it receives all of it's power." CHARLES HAANEL

As you use visualization, you will find that you become more and more attuned to and aware of your higher purpose. Notice the elements that tend to recur in your dreams, goals and fantasies, the particular qualities that are there in things you find yourself doing and creating. These are important clues to the underlying meaning and purpose of your life.

In using visualization, you will find that your ability to manifest will work to the degree that you are in alignment with your higher purpose. If you try to manifest something and it doesn't seem to work, it may not be appropriate to the underlying pattern and meaning of your life. Be patient and keep tuning into your inner guidance. In retrospect, you will see that everything is unfolding perfectly.

This is a time of great transformation on our planet. We all have a part to play, just by being willing to be our true, magnificent selves.


Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization

It is best to do your visualizations at roughly the same time every day, because your body is sensitive to its own rhythms. The ideal time for this practice is when you are a little tired and not too focused, such as right when you wake up or before you drift off to sleep.

That half awake / half asleep state when you don't have your conscious filters fully in place is the moment when your subconscious is most accessible and most open to the positive images you will show it.

It is also ideal if you can practice your routine in the same place everyday; a quiet, solitary place where you can be undisturbed and able to deeply relax.

When your body and mind are deeply relaxed, your brain wave pattern actually changes and becomes slower. This deeper, slower level is commonly called the alpha level.
The alpha level has been found to be a very healthful state of consciousness, because of its relaxing effect on mind and body. And, interestingly enough, it has been found to be far more effective than the more active beta level in creating real changes in the so-called objective world, through the use of visualization.

Shakti Gawain, Creative Visualization

Don't stress about doing it right, or at the right times or place. The more you do it the better results you'll see, but the point here is to do "something". The keys to its effectiveness are clarity and consistency.

Make your statement clear, vibrant, and vivid. Take as much time as you need to refine them until you are confident that they represent exactly what it is you want to achieve.

Relax. Breathe in deeply – breathe out completely, and focus on your vision. Think of the details and create it any way you would like it to be. Have fun with this and remember to think big! As you repeat the process daily, maybe even twice a day, you will establish a routine for playing those materials back to yourself in such a way that their content sinks into your subconscious.

As you repeat this process over time, the subconscious experience of these new pictures you're playing for yourself will become habits of thought, carving an entirely new set of neural pathways in your brain. Far beyond being simply wishful thoughts, nice ideas or hopeful goals, these new pictures will become engrained in your subconscious as inevitable.

John Assaraf, The Answer


Engage yourself in the process everyday. If you maintain clarity and consistency, you will get results; and over time, the results will astonish you.

"We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams." BOB PROCTOR