The Real Law Of Attraction Code by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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As you embark on your new life journey with the Law of Attraction there are going to be a number of challenges that you need to overcome. You need to tackle these in the right way so that you continue to emit high energy levels and send the right signals to the Universe.

Handling Failure

You are going to fail at times on your journey. Maybe you get involved with a business opportunity and it doesn’t work for you. Or perhaps you go for an interview for a high paying job and you don’t make it. In your social life you may approach a potential partner and they reject you.

It doesn’t matter what the situation is this is all failure. So what are you going to do in this situation? Give up and believe that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work like most people would do? We strongly recommend that you don’t do that!

What we do recommend that you do is get back on your horse and try again. If you failed at something so what? Learn whatever you can from the failure and move on. Consider each failure as an attempt you made to improve your life and now you will make another attempt.

By being persistent like this and never giving up you actually never fail!

You are getting involved in a number of new things that you haven’t tried before. If things don’t work out as you expected then treat this as a learning experience and not a failure. A learning experience is a positive thing and failure is negative.

If you want to learn a new language it is highly unlikely that you will be fluent in the first day. Maybe you have been learning for weeks and you find a person who speaks the language fluently and you want to test yourself.

Things don’t go as well as you planned and at times the other person does not understand what you are saying. A lot of people would be very embarrassed in this situation and want to walk away and give up. But you are not like this.

You ask the person how to pronounce the words that you are trying to say to them. They give you guidance and also tell you that it is better to use some other words instead. This is a valuable learning experience on your journey to learn the language. You still keep sending positive vibrations to the Universe after this.

Every time that you experience something not working out as it should you will be better prepared next time. You need to develop your resilience so that you grow stronger from all of your experiences – good or bad.

Use Repetition

If you are a man and you ask ten women out on a date and each one rejects you ask another ten. One is going to say “yes”. Just because your friend always gets a date with the first couple of women that he asks doesn’t matter. Repeat the process until you succeed.

If you want a higher paying job and you send in ten applications and are not successful then send another ten applications. It doesn’t matter if it takes over 100 applications to get a job that you want the end result will be worth the repetition and additional effort.

Walt Disney was rejected by over 300 banks when he was looking for financing for his Disney Land idea. He was told that the idea was “stupid” and that “it would never work” by some of the banks. But he carried on meeting with banks and the rest is history.

Don’t Succumb to your Comfort Zone

Something that is a problem for a lot of people when they are trying to manifest their desires using the Law of Attraction is that they feel that they are in way over their head. This is because they have moved outside of their comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is basically the things that you are comfortable at doing – some of these will be automatic responses. For example, when you learned to drive a car you were not comfortable and checked every action that you took. With more driving experience everything went on to automatic and now you drive without thinking about it.

So if you have to do something that you have never done before then it is natural to feel a little apprehensive about this. You are pushing your comfort zone boundaries and this is a good thing so don’t give up even if you feel totally overwhelmed.

Once you have accomplished this new skill or whatever it is you will grow as a person. This sends very high levels of energy and strong vibrations to the Universe so you need to keep going. If something is bothering you then get help online or ask someone that has the experience. You can achieve anything!

One technique you can use is to “fake it until you make it”. Give the impression that you are an expert in your field even when you are not and continue to learn about the subject every day and accept any new task around it. It can be tough going at first but in no time at all you will gain a lot of useful knowledge and experience.

You are never going to get anywhere in life if you don’t try new things. If you are afraid to do something then tackle your fear head on and just do it anyway. You will feel incredible after you have achieved this thing that you were so scared of. Don’t let your comfort zone rule you as the majority of the population do.

Don’t let Life get in the way

We all lead busy lives these days but do not let life get in the way of you manifesting your desires using the Law of Attraction. If you have a plan to start a business online to generate the funds that you need then focus on this. If there are other things that you need to do at home for example, then work out how to get everything done.

A lot of people fall into the “now is not a good time” trap. Unless you have a real emergency in your life then right now is always a good time. People that truly believe in the Law of Attraction and want to manifest their desires do not wait around for anything or anyone. They always make a start right away.

Making a start is so important. If you keep procrastinating and putting things off then you will send the wrong signals to your subconscious mind and the Universe. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how you are going to achieve your plan just get started on it. You will find that things will fall into place the more energy you put into it.

In the next chapter we will discuss how you need to strike a balance between your inner and outer self…