The Real Law Of Attraction Code by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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Most people are interested in the Law of Attraction because they believe that they can use it to manifest money and wealth in their lives. You can use the Law of Attraction for this but you need to know how to use it correctly to get what you want.

The first thing that we want you to understand here is that the Law of Attraction is not just about money. You can use the Law of Attraction in all areas of your life. In fact we highly recommend that you use the Law of Attraction to develop yourself and become a better person. But this chapter is about manifesting money and wealth so let’s focus on that.

Decide on what you really want

Clarity is power with the Law of Attraction. Do you dream about being wealthy and having financial freedom but never specify exactly what they want? A lot of people do. This is a fundamental error when manifesting your desires through the Law of Attraction. So you need to define an exact amount of money that you want.

If it is just a sum of money then this is easy. You just need to ask for a specific amount such as $250,000, $500,000 or $1 Million (or whatever your desired amount is). If you desire some other form of wealth, such as a house or an expensive car, then you need to describe in detail what the house would look like and the exact make and model of the car.

How will you Serve to get this money?

One of the biggest myths about the Law of Attraction is that you can use it to get something for nothing. This is untrue. You must give in order to receive. That is how the Universe works. A lot of the world’s richest people got there by serving others. And that is what you need to do. The Law of Attraction will just help you to get there where others will fail.

So if you are looking for $500,000, set a realistic deadline for this. It could be 6 months or a year from now. Next week is not being realistic. Remember the Law of Attraction is not some magic power. Be sure to set your date, as this will focus your subconscious mind and you need its power to make this happen.

OK so now you have to work out what you are going to do to earn this money. Many people have made a lot of money on the Internet showing people how they can make a lot of money. So you could serve people on the Internet in exchange for money. Provide them with value and they will reward you.

It doesn’t have to be on the Internet. You could open a new restaurant or create any kind of business around a passion that you have. If you are interested in organic food, then you could grow it and sell it to people. There will be many takers for this. Use your head here and do some research.

Once you have decided what you are going to do then be specific about it when you are connecting to the Universe. The best way to do this is…

Write everything down on Paper

This is a very important step so don’t miss it out. Some people are cynical when it comes to writing goals or desires, but it works well and focuses the subconscious mind. You need to include what we have discussed so far which is a specific sum of money, a deadline, and what you are going to do to earn the money.

So you could write something like this:

I am very grateful to the Universe because by 30 June 2020 I will have $500,000 in my possession, and this will be an easy sum of money for me to earn. I will earn this money by providing a lot of value to people on the Internet. I will teach them how to be successful online. The more people that I am able to help, the more money I will earn. I see myself with the money in my hands, I can see all of the money with my eyes, I can smell the money with my nose. I have total belief that I possess $500,000 and I am extremely grateful. Thank you Universe. Thank you Universe.

Once you have written your statement to the Universe down (writing is better than typing it on a computer, but if you prefer to do that then you can), you want to keep this with you everywhere you go.

Constantly Refer to your Universe Statement

Reading your Universe statement every day is something that you must do. You should read it more than once, and it is a good idea to read it when you awake and just before you retire at night. It doesn’t matter if you read it out loud or in silence. What does matter is the emotion that you put into reading it.

When you are reading your statement visualize all of the details. See yourself providing the service that you stated, and then see a copy of your bank statement with all the money in your account. This will take some practice and you will need to persevere with it to really become good at visualization.

Think and Act as you are already Wealthy

If you want to send out the right energy levels and vibrations to the Universe then you need to believe that you are already wealthy. This does not mean emptying the entire contents of your bank account with a spending spree! You just need to act like a wealthy person would act.

You need to use positive statements and think positively about money. Stop saying and thinking things like “I don’t have money” and “I’m broke”. Replace these with “I love money and it loves me”, “I am a natural magnet for money and attract it easily” and “I am so grateful that I am rich”.

Rich people use certain strategies to earn money and maintain it and you need to act like they do. They always concentrate on making money rather than spending it, and they set up multiple streams of income. They are generous and think in abundant terms. They are avid learners, and always have an exit strategy.

Improve your Relationship with Money and Wealth

Never think that wealth and money don’t matter and are unimportant. You want to plant in your subconscious mind that money does matter, so that you can develop a better relationship with it.

If you have any negative thoughts about money then you need to work on these right now. If you continue to think about having a lack of money, then the Universe will continue to provide you with a lack.

Appreciate all the money that you have right now. Speak to it and tell it how grateful you are for having it. If you have limiting beliefs that rich people are in some way bad then you need to change these. Stop believing that money is the root of all evil, and that being poor is not such a bad thing. Don’t use phrases like “there is always somebody worse off than me”.

Think of the good that you can do with money. You can give generously to those in need, provide for your family, eat the healthiest foods and be wherever you want to be. Focus on the good things that you can achieve. See your family members with smiles on their faces after you have helped them out financially.

Believe that money is good, and that the Universe wants you to be wealthy. Your ability to connect with the Universe is very important, and the more that you do this, the better chance you will have of manifesting the money and wealth that you truly desire.

Create a Plan

All successful people have a plan. It doesn’t have to include every last detail like some business plans do. You can create this later, once you have manifested the initial amount that you are looking for.

As a minimum you need a simple plan for the next 12 months, and then the next five years. For the first year you need to break this down into months, weeks and days. A daily action plan will inspire you to take action and fight off procrastination.

So for the Internet example you could have a target to create your website in a week, develop your first product in 2 weeks, start promoting your product in 3 weeks and having your first customers by the end of the month. For month 2 you will set a target to grow your customer base and start working on your second product.

All of these things can be broken down into daily tasks. Write everything down in a journal or daily diary and carry it around with you. Always strive to finish all of the daily tasks that you have set.

A plan will never be perfect and you will have to make some changes along the way to make sure that you stay on track. But not having a plan means that you will just drift along aimlessly and this will not help you to manifest the wealth that you want.

Work on Developing Strong Beliefs

If you do not believe that you can manifest the money that you want then the Universe will not provide it to you. You need to have total faith in yourself, and what you are planning to do. Yes there will be some obstacles to overcome, but when you have total belief they will be easy to get over.

If you read the success stories of the self made rich, you will find that they had unshakable belief in what they were doing. They knew they would succeed, and this faith drove them to make it happen. Bill Gates is a great example with Microsoft.

He had a vision that everyone would have a computer in their home, and that his software would power these computers. If he didn’t have unshakable belief about this, then he would never have created Microsoft Windows and the computing world would be very different today.

So how do you get yourself to the point where you truly believe? Well you have to keep telling yourself that you will succeed. Your thoughts determine what you are and what you have. So repeat this over and over in your mind. Say it out load. “I will succeed”. Your subconscious mind will gradually accept these affirmations, and it will drive you forward.

Don’t just do this one time and then expect miracles. Make it a daily ritual. Positive thinking and the Law of Attraction go hand in hand. Use wealth affirmations each day, and over time you will create totally rock solid belief.

Be Grateful for Money and Wealth

Whatever money you have right now, be very grateful that you have it. Gratitude is a very powerful emotion so use it often. Think about the past when you had money and be grateful for this. If you have never had a lot of money then just imagine how it would make a difference in your life and be grateful for that.

The Law of Attraction will act on the high energy levels and the positive vibrations that you are sending out through this gratitude. So send these signals often and always show complete gratitude when you have money.

It is not Important how you achieve your Wealth

When you are creating plans for your future it is inevitable that you will have a lot of thoughts about how you are going to make all of this happen. It is important that you understand that no self made rich person knew the exact steps that they were going to take to attract the money and the wealth they desired.

If you have a general plan and communicate well with the Universe you will receive the guidance that you need. Have total belief that this will happen. You do not need to worry about exactly how you are going to accomplish this. Just believe that you will.

Visualize already having the Money and Wealth

One skill that you need to develop is visualization. You want to add this to your list of daily rituals. The idea is that you want to see yourself already having the money that you desire. See it, touch it, smell it. These senses will make the visions really strong.

Imagine that you are bathing in one hundred dollar bills! It is not as crazy as it sounds. Just visualize yourself surrounded by money. Hold on to these images for as long as you can. Visualization is very powerful, and will send out high energy levels and the right vibrations to the Universe.

Spend the Money but not really!

Imagine that you can buy anything that you want. Enforce this in your subconscious mind by going to online stores and adding everything that you want to your cart. Don’t go through to the check out though.

You need to spend money on the things that you want mentally. Make this very real. Go and have a test drive of that new car that you really want. Don’t go to the showroom in your jeans and t-shirt. Wear your best clothes. Ask about delivery times and discounts for cash.

Experience the joy of having money and wealth. The stronger that you can make this experience, the stronger the signals you will send to the Universe. Then the Law of Attraction will work for you.

Give to Receive

If you give then you will receive. This is a life law that will help you to manifest wealth. Help out friends and family members and other people that need it. When you give other people money, however small, think that you have an abundance of money and that you can easily give it to people in need. The Universe will make sure that you keep receiving money if you do this.

In the next chapter we will discuss how to handle challenges and failures…