The Real Law Of Attraction Code by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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There are two things that you need to realize about the Law of Attraction:

  1. It is real and it works
  2. You need to use it in the right way.

There is no doubt that there is significant power in the Law of Attraction because it will channel the energy of the Universe in a way that will make things happen for you. But the Law of attraction will just align everything perfectly for you - if you do not take advantage of this alignment then you will not manifest what you want.

We covered this in the last chapter. Thinking about becoming wealthy or meeting the partner of your dreams is not enough. Without some related action nothing will happen for you. As we said in a previous chapter even a lottery winner has to buy a ticket and then check to see if they have won.

Ensuring that the Law of Attraction works for you

You must use the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. In order to do this be sure to follow these three steps:

1. Strong Belief

Believe that what you want to manifest is going to happen. Make this belief really strong and keep believing no matter what is going on in your world. Your belief has to be totally unshakable.

2. Use Visualization

Practice visualization every day. When you visualize see yourself already having the thing that you want to manifest. Experience the feelings of having this thing in your life. How does it feel? Make it as real as possible.

3. Act on your Inner Voice

When you have strong belief that you will manifest what you want you will receive messages from your inner voice. It is very important that you listen carefully to these messages and act on them immediately.

To strengthen your belief that your desires will manifest write them down on paper with the associated feelings. In other words when you think about having what you desire in your life how does this make you feel?

Keep this with you at all times and refer to it at least once a day. If someone or something tries to stop you believing that this is going to happen for you then counter this negativity with positive thoughts that it will happen. Unfortunately the world is full of negative people and things that will try and tell you that you are wasting your time.

If you have never used visualization before then practice this regularly until you get it right. It really isn’t a difficult thing to do and after a while you will find that you can visualize at will. Always make the feelings strong when you are visualizing as this will help you to send the right signals to the Universe.

And finally you must take action. This needs to be related to manifesting your desire. Every day think to yourself “what can I do today to get closer to manifesting the things that I really want?” Your subconscious will work for you and come up with some action ideas. When you receive these ideas write them down and act on them right away.

In the final chapter we will provide you with the best practices to develop your Law of Attraction Code…