The Real Law Of Attraction Code by Archi Mackfly - HTML preview

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In this guide we have provided you with all of the information that you need to truly believe that the Law of Attraction works and that it will work for you. We have given you a step by step formula to follow so that you can utilize the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires.

To help you further with this here are the best practices that we encourage you to follow to truly develop your Law of Attraction Code. With this code in place you will be able to use the Law of Attraction effectively whenever you need it.

1. Use the 4 Elements of the Law of Attraction

There are 4 elements to the Law of attraction and you must use these to develop your Law of Attraction Code. The 4 elements are:

1) Know precisely what you want to manifest

2) Focus your thoughts on this and ask the Universe to make it happen for you

3) Visualize that you actually have what you want to manifest

4) Keep believing that you will manifest what you want

You need to believe that the Law of attraction works and that you will manifest what you desire. Make your belief strong and unwavering.

2. Understand how the Law of Attraction works

You need to fully understand how the Law of Attraction works to be able to use its power. The principle of “like attracts like” applies here. Everything in the Universe vibrates and you send vibrations to the Universe. If these are negative such as “I never have enough money” then the Universe will ensure that you never have enough.

Conversely if you change your vibrations to positive ones such as “I will always have all of the money that I want” then the Universe will align to manifest this for you. So you need to tune your mind into the Universe and send out positive vibrations to manifest your desires.

Change from objective thinking to subjective thinking. With subjective thinking you believe something is real before it exists. So you think that you are already wealthy rather than requiring objective evidence that this is the case.

3. Avoid the Default Process

Most people let life dictate what their destiny will be. To develop the Law of Attraction Code you must take control of your life and decide on your destiny. Do not conform to the “default process” that most people follow.

Belief is essential here. Someone that follows the default process will quickly give up on a desire if they do not have the finances to make it happen for example. When you follow the Law of attraction Code you will not give up because you have string belief and you are a subjective thinker.

4. Say Yes to Opportunities

Opportunities are all around you whether you realize it or not. If you are offered an opportunity then say “yes” to it rather than continually saying “no”. When you say “yes” you are committing yourself to look into the opportunity further. By saying “no” you cut off the opportunity altogether.

Small opportunities can lead to much larger ones. If you have the opportunity to meet some new people then do this. You never know where this will lead. Do your homework and see if an opportunity feels right to you.

Do not live your life relying on luck. Make things happen for yourself and be master of your own destiny.

5. Apply the Law of Attraction

Use the 5 step process to apply the Law of Attraction in your life:

1) Be clear on what you want and set goals

2) Add a time to your goals that is realistic

3) Create and use positive affirmations

4) Take relevant actions

5) Identify and eliminate limiting beliefs

Identifying and removing limiting beliefs will take practice but it is essential if you want to develop the Law of Attraction Code. The other 4 steps are relatively easy to implement.

6. Use the Law of attraction for Money and Wealth

You can use the Law of attraction to manifest the wealth that you want. It is essential that you are clear on how much money you want to manifest each time. Write this down and create a statement to the Universe. Refer to this statement all of the time.

Think and act as if you are wealthy without actually spending any of your money. Be grateful for the money that you have right now. Do not send out signals of lack to the Universe. Create a plan on how you will serve others to realize your wealth. Use visualization to see that you already have the wealth.

7. Handle Challenges Properly

It is inevitable that you are going to be confronted with a number of challenges before you can manifest what you desire. You must handle these challenges correctly. It is likely that you will experience failure many times so just keep trying until you succeed. Just learn from failures and move on.

Use repetition to your advantage. Keep trying over and over again. If 10 companies turned you down for a high paying job then contact another 10. Be inspired by the fact that Walt Disney went to over 300 banks to raise the funds for his Disney Land idea.

Don’t let your comfort zone stop you from doing new things. By pushing through your comfort zone you will grow as a person and sent the right signals to the Universe. Don’t let “life” get in the way of manifesting your desires either.

8. Turn Thoughts into Action

Your inner self creates your thoughts and your outer self provides the action. You need to strike the right balance here so that you will develop the Law of Attraction Code. Don’t just think about things that you want and then do nothing about it. This is what most people do and then complain that they have nothing.

Thoughts are important as they will tell the Universe that it needs to align itself so that you can manifest your desires. But it will not manifest them for you. You need to take action for that to happen. So when you have a thought about what you want to manifest use visualization straight away to see yourself having this in your life already. Then take more action.

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